+ Umbilical cord accidents which compromise the blood flow
+ Thrombosis of umbilical blood vessels
+ Umbilical cord inflammation
+ Acute funisitis
+ Subacute necrotizing funisitis
+ Miscellaneous rare cord lesions
Hydatidiform mole
Clinical signs
Risk factors:
age: Hydatidiform mole occur in women durign the whole reproductive
period, the highest incidence (per pregnancy) is in women over 40
ethnicity: Asian ethnicity is a significant risk factor. The occurence
of hydatidiform mole is several fold greater in Indonesia,
Japan, Philippines than in Europe
prior molar pregnancy: Prior molar pregnancy increases the risk
of reccurence up to 1 : 100, two prior molar pregnancies mean the
risk of reccurence 1 : 30
general incidence: The estimated occurence of hydatidiform mole
in our population is 1 in 2500 — 3000 of recognised pregnancies
therapy: Suction evacuation of mole and revision of the uterine cavity by
curretage afterwards are performed. hCG titers must be followed
up after the evacuation of mole until the levels return to
normal. Serum hCG titers are assesed weekly until normal, then
monthly for 1 year in complete mole, for half year in partial
mole. A period of 6 to 12 months is reccomended betweeen the
hCG drop and another conception. There is a significant risk
of reccurent molar pregnancy (see above).
Persistent gestational trophoblastic disease: Increasing
or plateuing hCG titers after evacuation of mole
mean that a trophoblastic cells population persists in the
body. This is called persistent gestational trophoblastic
disease. Residual hydatidiform mole retained in the uterine
cavity, residual trophoblast, invasive mole or choriocarcinoma
explain the persistent hCG titres. The definite histologic
diagnosis is often never confirmed.
The guidelines for therapy are based on future risk assessment:
stage of GTD (stage 1is disease confined to uterus clinically,
stage 2 — 4 metastatic disease) and known risk factors
for poor outcome.
Complete mole
Partial mole
These subtypes have different clinical, pathologic and
genetic features and particularly prognosis.