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This collection of histological pictures is put on display without any warranty or guarantee of its correctness or usefulness.
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While the information in this atlas is believed to be true, neither the authors, nor the contributors or publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The authors, contributors and publisher make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.
Leica DMLB microscope with a set of fluotar lenses (HC Fluotar 5/0.15, 10/0.30, 20/0.50, 40/0.70, 100/1.30 and a Plan 2/0.07 lenses) equipped with the Leica S1 scanning camera is used to obtain pictures at the resolution of up to 5112×5112 pixels, 3×12 bit color.
Later Leica DMLA microscope with a set of PlanApo lenses (HC Fluotar 5/0.15, HC PlanApo 10/0.30, 20/0.50, 40/0.70, 100/1.30 and a Plan 2/0.07 lenses) equipped with the Nikon DMX-1200 digital camera was used to obtain pictures at the resolution at 1200×1000 pixels, 3× 8 bit color. Motorized stage (Merzhäuser) was automatically moved from one image to another. Software for image analysis and manipulation Lucia DI by LIM (Laboratory Imaging, Prague) was used to create composed, very large pictures.
The same microscope and software is now used to create focusable images.
Recently we are using microscope Nikon 90i equipped with a set of objectives 2 – 100×. Objectives CFI PlanApo 20×/0.75, CFI 40×/0.95, CFI VC 60×oil.im./1.40 and CFI VC 100×oil.im./1.40 are used to capture the images. The microscope is controlled by NIS ELEMENTS AR LIM (Laboratory Imaging, Prague). Camera Nikon DS-Fi1 has resolution 2560×1920 px, 3×8 bit. Motorized stage: Prior ProScan with a holder for 4 slides. The system was obtained through grant support MEDIGRID (CESNET) in 2008.
These pictures are digitally manipulated (color balancing, contrast enhancement and sharpening), 3×8 bit color and archived on CD ROM. Subsequently these images are compressed using JPEG (JFIF lossy format) to 900×900 pixel images and integrated into the hypertext atlas. Sizes of very large images (showing details) are up to 7400×7400 pixels.
Images with focusing feature (z-stack of images) were taken by Nikon Eclipse 1000 microscope with a set of Plan Fluor lenses (esp. 100/1.30) with motorized focusing, digital camera 1300×1000 px (Basler), controlled by Lucia DI image analysis (LIM) software.
The same microscope and camera were used to take some of the fluorescence images.
Clicking on the link to a picture activates the virtual microscope interface. It may open into a new window or a new tab, depending on the setup of user's browser.
Virtual microscope enables manipulation with the image. The interface is the same for all the images, but actual options depend on the image type. For example users can switch image planes, but only in those images, which were taken in more than one focusing plane.
Users can modify the interface to some extent (e.g. the language).
There are three levels of access to the virtual microscope: for users, teachers and authors.
This text describes the possibilites users have when accessing the images.
There are 3 scrollbars at the upper left part of each image:
Zvětšení: posuvníkem nebo kolečkem myši lze obraz zvětšovat a zmenšovat podle potřeby. Při zvětšování kolečkem je centrum zvětšovaného obrazu dané aktuální polohou kurzoru. Malé obrazy (typicky snímky z CT nebo MR) lze zvětšovat i nad 100% velikosti původního obrazu.
Obrazová kvalita: při pomalém spojení lze snížit kvalitu obrazu a tím i velikost dílků, posílaných serverem. Naopak pokud plánujeme sejmutí části obrazovky s virtuálním mikroskopem, lze kvalitu zvýšit. Pro běžné účely doporučujeme nechat nastavenou hodnotu.
Rovina: posuvník nebo kolečko myši při současném stisku klávesy CTRL umožňuje posun mezi rovinami. V případě histologických obrazů dojde k proostřování, v případě snímků z CT, MR aj. tak lze procházet mezi nasnímanými rovinami. Tato možnost není k dispozici u obrazů snímaných jen v jedné rovině.
Obrazem lze pohybovat tažením myší. Lze takto pohybovat jak obrazem samotným, tak obdélníkem, zachycujícím viditelnou část obrazu v náhledovém okně vpravo nahoře.
Pokud (typicky při zvětšování) je možné zobrazit jen část obrazu, otevře se v pravé horní části obrazu náhledové okno. Modře ohraničená část obrazu odpovídá zobrazené části a lze jí tahem myší pohybovat stejně jako hlavním obrazem.
Náhledové okno je možné i manuálně otevřít a zavřít tlačítkem s černým trojúhelníkem.
V horní části obrazu jsou tři tlačítka. Prostřední tlačítko přizpůsobí velikost obrazu velikosti okna. Levé a pravé tlačítko (se šipkou) slouží k přechodu mezi historií poloh virtuálního mikroskopu (podobně jako tlačítka Vpřed a Vzad u webového prohlížeče).
U obrazů, které jsou anotovány, lze aktivovat šipky malým tlačítkem s černým trojúhelníkem v pravé části okna. Šipky se objeví, pokud se umístí myš nad některý ze seznamu znaků a spadá do aktuálně zobrazené části obrazu. Dále se objeví jako body v náhledovém okně.
Cvaknutím lze znak uzamknout (objeví se ikonka zámku) a šipky příslušného znaku zůstanou aktivní i pokud se posune myš mimo seznam znaků. Opakované cvaknutí znak odemkne.
Okno se šipkami lze obdobným způsobem zavřít.
Browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 4 or higher are required. Recently Konqueror works as well. Best results gives Mozilla/Firefox, version 2 and higher and MSIE 6 or higher. You must have JavaScript support enabled (and pictures downloading as well, naturally). Moreover, opening new windows must not be forbidden (Mozilla allows this). Java or cookies are not required. The JavaScript activation and browser version are checked at start and appropriate error message is given.
Mozilla allows to block opening new windows. This feature must be disabled (= opening new windows must be alowed), otherwise the atlas will not work.
Mozilla allows to block the Change Images
feature. This feature
must be disabled (= image changing must be alowed),
otherwise the focusable images and automatic
iconic preview will not work.
We suggest using the new versions of both browsers (MSIE over 6, Mozilla/Firefox over 2.0) or Konqueror (version from 3.5.9). For other browsers the atlas is not tested.
The stability of the Netscape is lower in UNIX X-Window environment (PC Linux, SGI workstation) than under Windows 95, 98, NT, XP or Vista. MacIntosh was not tested.
We suggest a monitor resolution 1024×748 pixels at least, color depth 24 or 32 bits (True Colors), monitor size at least 17". Monitor in resolution 1600×1200 pixels or more, 21", is the best choice.
The monitor will adjust the size of the windows to the lower resolution, bur the quality is worse and orientation is complicated if multiple windows are open.
The connection speed over 1 Mbit/s is necessary for comfortable use of the atlas. The mean size of a picture is about 1 MB, about 2 MB is the high resolution picture (sometimes more, up to 12 MB), the z-stack of images can be even larger.
If using connection with lower capacity avoid opening high resolution windows. Do not forget closing the unused windows with pictures, they eat up a lot of memory.
When opening the high resolution window the whole picture must be downloaded to your computer, not just the part scrolled into view!
Problems which could not be avoided:
change imagesfeature, which is necessary for focusable pictures and for automatic iconic preview of all the pictures. In case you are using Mozilla and when moving the mouse over the name of a picture the Pi logo will not change, this feature is probably disabled. Similarly buttons will not react on mouse actions. (See Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Scripts&Windows)
Meta pages, listing various resources
Martindale's Health Science Guide
PathMax, the WWW metaindex of sites pertinent to pathology education
Advanced dermatopathology, quiz-like, many cases:
DOIT: image collections, clinical information, quizzes and many other
Dermatopathology by Weems
Dermpedia: large collection of images and case studies
DermQuest: Image library, access to some publications
Clinical and histological pictures
Atlas of Dermatology
Dermatologic Image Database
Dermatology Image Bank
Clinical information and pictures
Dermatology Online Atlas (DOIA)
Pediatric Dermatology Online Atlas (PeDOIA)
Atlas Tunisien De Dermatologie Online
Dermatlas: Dermatology Image Atlas