The hands are affected in almost 90 % of cases
Syndactyly takes form of fusion of the finger tips (fenestrated syndactyly)
Intrauterine amputations occurs in the longer digits of the hands (middle, index and ring finger), the same rule holds true for the foot, where amputation most often involves the thumb.
Club foot is seen in almost 25 %. The club foot deformity may be due to tight bands around the extremity with the involvement of the peroneal nerve. In 50 % of cases no bands are found, the deformity is thus thought to arise form lack of space in oligohydramnios which occurs transiently after amnion rupture.
Amniotic bands, amputation of the limbs: Amniotic bands, amputation, Macro, autopsy (73622) Amniotic bands, amputation, Macro, autopsy (73623)
Amniotic bands: Amniotic bands, amputation, Macro, autopsy (73624) Amniotic bands, amputation, Macro, autopsy (73625)