Systemic bone marrow disease, with an occasional formation of osteolytic lesions.
Complex diagnostic criteria — Durie-Salmon staging system.
The marrow is infiltrated with monoclonal plasma cells at various stages of differentiation (mature plasma cells, immature plasma cells, plasmablasts), with an occassional formation of osteolytic lesions.
Imunophenotype: CD138+, monoclonality according to the light chains of imunoglobulins kappa and lambda.
Myeloma, bone marrow infiltration: Multiple myeloma, bone marrow, HE 100x (73120)
Myeloma, bone marrow infiltration: Myeloma, trephine biopsy, CD138 60x (74200) Myeloma, trephine biopsy, HE 60x (74201) Myeloma, trephine biopsy, HE 60x (74202) Myeloma, trephine biopsy, kappa 60x (74203) Myeloma, trephine biopsy, lambda 60x (74204)