Akutní prostatitis se vyskytuje často v souvislosti s infekcí močových cest. Etiologicky se uplatňuje E. coli nebo jiné Gram negativní tyčky, stafylokokky, streptokokky. Dále se vyskytuje po katetrizaci.
Clinical signs:
Edém, zánětlivý infiltrát s účastí neutrofilů ve stromatu, akumulace neutrofilů ve žlázkách.
Chronic prostatitis, punction:
Chronic prostatitis, punction, HE 40x (71231)
Infarctions of the prostate:
Infarctions of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71145)
Infarctions of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71146)
Infarctions of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71147)
Thrombosis of the periprostatic venous plexus:
Thrombosis of the periprostatic venous plexus, Macro, autopsy (71149)
Hyperplasia of the prostate, dilatation of the vesica and hydronephrosis:
Hyperplasia of the prostate, dilatation of the vesica and hydronephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71141)
Hyperplasia of the prostate:
Hyperplasia of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71144)
Hyperplasia of the median lobe of the prostate, trabecular hypertrophy of the mucosa of the urinary bladder, dilatation of the urinary bladder, Macro, autopsy (71148)
Hyperplasia of the prostate, CT:
Hyperplasia of the prostate, CT, X-ray (70331)
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate:
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate, HE 40x (73945)
Prostate, hyperplasia, fine needle biopsy:
Prostate, hyperplasia, HE 100x (72469)
Basal cells hyperplasia, prostate, fine needle biopsy:
Basal cells hyperplasia, prostate, HE 40x (71870)
Sclerosing adenosis of the prostate:
Sclerosing adenosis of the prostate, HE 40x (72756)
Sclerosing adenosis, prostate, HMW cytokeratin, HMWCK 40x (72752)
Fibroadenoma of the prostate:
Fibroadenoma of the prostate, HE 40x (72772)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate:
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, Macro (71234)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, Macro (71235)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, section, Macro (71236)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, section, Macro (71237)
Carcinoma of the prostate:
Carcinoma of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71142)
High grade prostatic carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71143)
Metastases of the carcinoma of the prostate to the base of the skull:
Metastases of the carcinoma of the prostate to the base of the skull, Macro, autopsy (71156)
Metastases of the prostatic carcinoma to the spine:
Metastases of the prostatic carcinoma to the spine, Macro, autopsy (71157)
Metastases of the prostatic carcinoma to the spine, Macro, autopsy (71158)
Metastases of the prostatic carcinoma to the spinal column, Macro, autopsy (71179)
Carcinoma of the prostate:
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE 100x (72309)
Carcinoma of the prostate:
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE 100x (71861)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, focus of grade 1:
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, focus of grade 1, HE 40x (71386)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate with perineural spread, focus of grade 1, HE 40x (71387)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, focus of grade 1, HMWCK 40x (71388)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, focus of grade 1, HMWCK 40x (71389)
Well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the prostate:
Well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the prostate, HE 40x (71190)
Well differentiated carcinoma of the prostate, punction:
Well differentiated carcinoma of the prostate, punction, HE 40x (71230)
Well differentiated carcinoma of the prostate, punction, HE 100x (71229)
Well differentiated carcinoma of the prostate, punction, HE 100x (71228)
Carcinoma of the prostate:
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE 40x (70704)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate:
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, HMWCK 40x (71226)
High grade carcinoma of the prostate:
High grade carcinoma of the prostate, HE 40x (71212)
Carcinoma of the prostate, gr. 5:
Carcinoma of the prostate, gr. 5, HE 100x (72888)
Metastasis of low differentiated carcinoma of the prostate to the myocardium:
Metastasis of low differentiated carcinoma of the prostate to the myocardium, HE 40x (71871)
Carcinoma of the prostate, periganglional spread:
Prostatic carcinoma, periganglionar spread, HE 60x (73767)
Pseudohyperplastic carcinoma of the prostate:
Pseudohyperplastic carcinoma of the prostate, HE 60x (73893)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, gr. 3:
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, gr. 3, HE 60x (74243)
Prostatic carcinoma, fine needle biopsy; combined HE + HMWCK
staining in one specimen:
Prostatic carcinoma, HE-HMWCK 60x (73776)
Prostatic carcinoma, HE-HMWCK 60x (73777)
Prostatic carcinoma, HE-HMWCK 60x (73778)
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE + HMWCK, HE-HMWCK 60x (73892)
Another example of combined HE and immunohistochemical HMW cytokeratin reaction,
showing normal glands and small focus of adenocarcinoma:
Adenocarcinoma, prostate, HE+HMW cytokeratin, HE-HMWCK 60x (74231)