Hemorrhage to the mucosa of the urinary bladder:
Hemorrhage to the mucosa of the urinary bladder, Macro, autopsy (71162)
Hemorrhage to the urinary bladder in aplastic anemia:
Hemorrhage to the urinary bladder in aplastic anemia, Macro, autopsy (71161)
Urocystitis, acute:
Urocystitis, acute, Macro, autopsy (71038)
Trichomonas, urocystitis (cytology):
Trichomonas, urocystitis (cytology), Giemsa 40x (6095)
Urocystolithiasis (stone of bizzare stape) and nephrolithiasis:
Nephrolithiasis, urocystolithiasis, Macro (73597)
Urocystolithiasis, Macro (73598)
Large round stone of the urinary bladder:
Urocystolithiasis, X-ray (73498)
Leukoplakia of the urinary bladder:
Leukoplakia of the urinary bladder, HE 40x (71305)
Cystitis cystica:
Cystitis cystica, HE 40x (72323)
Nephrogenic metaplasia of the urinary bladder:
Nephrogenic metaplasia of the urinary bladder, HE 40x (71379)
Nephrogenic metaplasia of the urinary bladder, HE 40x (71380)
Inverted papilloma, urinary bladder:
Inverted papilloma, urinary bladder, HE 40x (72328)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the ureter:
Infiltrating carcinoma of the ureter, Macro (71238)
Transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder:
Transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, Macro, autopsy (71163)
Carcinoma of the ureter:
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 10x (71213)
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71214)
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71215)
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71216)
Papillocarcinoma of the ureter:
Papillocarcinoma of the ureter, HE 20x (71372)
Papillocarcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71373)
Papillocarcinoma, invasive, urinary bladder, gr. 3:
Papilocarcinoma of the urinary bladder, gr. 3, HE 60x (74239)
Papillocarcinoma, invasive, urinary bladder, microexcision:
Papillocarcinoma, invasive, urinary bladder, microexcision, HE 100x (72133)
Papillocarcinoma, invasive, urinary bladder, cytologie:
Papillocarcinoma, invasive, urinary bladder, cytologie, cytology 40x (72132)
Urothelial papillocarcinoma, high grade:
Urothelial papillocarcinoma, high grade, HE 100x (72922)
Urothelial papillocarcinoma, high grade, HE 100x (72923)
Infiltrating urothelial carcinoma:
Infiltrating urothelial carcinoma, HE 40x (72027)
Papillocarcinoma of urinary bladder, cytology:
Urothelial carcinoma, cytology, PAP 40x (74071)
Papillocarcinoma of urinary bladder, cytology:
Cytology, urothelial carcinoma, HE 40x (74079)
Cytology, urothelial carcinoma, PAP 40x (74080)
Clinical signs:
Muž 63 let umírá na infiltrující karcinom močového měchýře. Při pitvě byla prokázána hydronefróza pravé ledviny.
Video zachycuje ulceraci sliznice, tumorem infiltrovanou
stěnu močového měchýře a ledvinu s dilatovanou pánvičkou
a výraznou dilatací ureteru:
Infiltrating carcinoma, urinary bladder, Video (74135)