
Large intestine

11  Patology of the gastrointestinal tract

11.4  Large intestine

11.4.1  Inflammation of the large intestine, colitis  Postirradiation enterokolitis


Radiation proctitis:
Radiation proctitis, Macro, autopsy (70226)


Enteritis post irradiation:
Enteritis post irradiation, HE 20x (70607)

11.4.2  Hirschprung disease

11.4.3  Diverticulosis, diverticulitis


Diverticulosis, HE 10x (72112)

Colon, diverticulosis:
Colon, diverticulosis, HE 5x (70193)

Colon, diverticulosis, HE 2x (70194)

Diverticulum, colon, cross section, coprostasis:
Diverticulum, colon, HE 20x (73268)

11.4.4  Appendicitis


Appendix, mucocele:
Appendix, mucocele, Macro, autopsy (70273)

11.4.5  Disorders of the blood supply

11.4.6  Melanosis coli

11.4.7  Chronic colitis

11.4.8  Intestinal obstruction, herniations, intususception

Case study:

Bowel obstruction due to Meckel's diverticulum adhesion
Dan Schilken


55 year old male, otherwise healthy, no current intake of medication.

Clinical signs:

  • The patient presents at 5 a.m. in the emergency room with complaints of diffuse abdominal pain, bloating and vomiting.
  • Vital parameters are stable, i. e. well compensated.
  • The patient is kept for observation, i. v. glucose and saline is administered together with pain therapy 5 mg Ketogan + 2.5 mg Stesolid.
  • At 00:40 next day the patient is evaluated to have worsening abdominal pain and palpatory tenderness: nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain fluctuating from VAS 1 to VAS 3. Complaints of reflux symptoms with vomiting.
    The VAS-scale is an instrument which makes it possible to translate the patients subjective pain perception into an objective estimate. VAS stands for Visual Analogue Scale, and will assist in monitoring the change in pain perception by the patient on a scale 1 – 10, 10=worse possible pain known. A rule of thumb mentions that the patient should maximally indicate VAS level 3 if adequate pain therapy is administered.
  • Palpatory tenderness in the right and left lower abdominal quadrants.
  • No passage of stool for 48h.
  • Decreased ileal sounds.
  • Afebrile
  • CT scan reveals distended intestines and a dense point in the right lower quadrant. Vena mesenterica superior cannot be followed to the ileocaecal region. Ileum appears to be rotated upon itself.

Laboratory values:

  • White blood cell count elevated to 17.4×109/l (ref: 3.5 – 8.8)
  • Thrombocyte count elevated to 398×109/l (ref: 145 – 349)
  • CRP 1,3 mg/l
  • Hb 142g/l
  • [Na] 140 mmol/l
  • [K] 3,6 mmol/l
  • Creatinine 72µmol/l


  • Explorative laparoscopy.
  • Abdomen filled with transudate, reveals twisting of bowel segment around a strangulating adhesion caused by a long extruded bowel pocket in the ileocecal region believed to be a Meckel's diverticulum.
  • Much oedema in region extending from ileocecal valve and 40 cm proximal to the ileal tortion.
  • The strangulating tissue is cut, releasing the bowel which is untwisted. The strangulated segment shows congestive hyperemia.
  • The suspected Meckel's diverticulum is extirpated and the bowel is sutured using absorbable PDS.
  • A partial ileal bypass procedure is not performed as the strangulated ileum shows spontaneus reflexive peristaltic movement when stimulated externaly on its surface. Also the hyperemia is resolving, superior mesenteric pulse is felt and the bowel segment physiologic color and appearance is returning slowly.


The Meckel's diverticulum causing strangulating adhesion seen as darker lump of tissue inferior to the hyperemic bowel segment, twisted around the Meckel adhesion:
Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, CLINIC (74469)

Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, CLINIC (74470)

Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, CLINIC (74471)


  • Tissue sample measuring 15×10×35 mm. Light microscopy reveals tissue with widespread necrotic lesions. A villous mucosa is preserved and blood is found in all the bowel wall.
  • Surrounding muscularis is also present with islands of extravasated red blood cells with little amount of inflammatory cells.
  • No ectopic tissue could be identified with certainty.
  • In the section from the diverticulum resection edge more well kept mucosa is seen.
  • No atypia or signs of malignancy.


Necrotic Meckel's diverticulum, ileus.

11.4.9  Pneumatosis cystoides intestini

11.4.10  Secondary amyloidosis of the intestine

11.4.11  Polyps of the colon  Reactive polyps


Inflammatory polyp, colon:
Inflammatory polyp, colon, HE 40x (72541)  Hyperplastic polyps


Polyp, hyperplastic:
Polyp, hyperplastic, HE 100x (72234)

Hyperplastic polyp, colon:
Hyperplastic polyp, colon, HE 100x (72493)

Hyperplastic polyp, rectum:
Hyperplastic polyp, rectal mucosa, HE 60x (74250)  Juvenile polyp


Polyp, juvenile:
Polyp, juvenile, HE 20x (70009)  Adenomatous polyp

11.4.12  Carcinoma of the colon


Caecum, small carcinoma:
Caecum, small carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70173)

Colon, carcinoma:
Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70177)

Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70178)

Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70181)

Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70179)

Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70180)

Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70182)

Carcinoma of the rectum:
Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70227)

Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70228)

Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70229)

Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70230)

Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70231)

Adenocarcinoma of the rectum, osteolysis of the sacral and coccygeal bones, CT:
Adenocarcinoma of the rectum, osteolysis of the sacral and coccygeal bones, CT, X-ray (71828)

Adenocarcinoma, intestine:
Adenocarcinoma, intestine, CLINIC (72171)

Adenocarcinoma, intestine, CLINIC (72172)

Granulation tissue after regression of the carcinoma after chemotherapy:
Granulation tissue after regression of the carcinoma after chemotherapy, CLINIC (72191)

Granulation tissue after regression of the carcinoma after chemotherapy, CLINIC (72192)

Granulation tissue, suture material after resection of the sigmoid:
Granulation tissue, suture material after resection of the sigmoid, CLINIC (72193)

Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid, tumorous infiltration of the sigma, after hemicolectomy:
Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid, CLINIC (72572)

Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid, CLINIC (72573)

Invasive adenocarcinoma within the adenomatous polyp:
Invasive adenocarcinoma within the adenomatous polyp, CLINIC (72575)

Invasive adenocarcinoma within the adenomatous polyp, CLINIC (72576)

Adenocarcinoma of the colon:
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, CLINIC (72577)

Adenocarcinoma of the colon, CLINIC (72578)

Adenokarcinoma, cecum:
Adenokarcinoma, cecum, CLINIC (72589)

Adenokarcinoma, cecum, CLINIC (72590)

Adenokarcinoma, cecum, CLINIC (72591)

Tubular adenocarcinoma, colon:
Tubular adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72838)

Tubular adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72839)

Tubular adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72840)

Invasive adenocarcinoma, caecum:
Invasive adenocarcinoma, caecum, CLINIC (72843)

Serrated adenoma, high grade dysplasia:
Serrated adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72860)

Serrated adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72861)

Carcinoma coli ascendentis, metastatic spread to the lungs, CT:
Carcinoma, colon ascendens, CT abdomen, contrast, X-ray (73563)

Carcinoma coli, metastases of the lungs, CT nativ, X-ray (73564)

Adenocarcinoma of the colon sigmoideum:
Adenocarcinoma, colon sigmoideum, CT axial, X-ray (73586)

Adenocarcinoma, colon sigmoideum, CT coronal, X-ray (73587)

Adenocarcinoma of the colon, gross cutting video:
Intestinal adenocarcinoma, Video (74298)


Adenocarcinoma of the colon:
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, HE 100x (72305)

Infiltrating carcinoma, shallow infiltration, colon:
Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 20x (70016)

Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 40x (70017)

Infiltrating carcinoma, colon:
Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 10x (70018)

Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 20x (70019)

Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 40x (70020)

Diffuse carcinoma, colon:
Diffuse carcinoma, HE 40x (70021)

Diffuse carcinoma, PAS 40x (70022)

Infiltrating carcinoma of the colon, mucinous, disssociated:
Infiltrating carcinoma, mucinous, HE 20x (70023)

Infiltrating carcinoma, mucinous, HE 40x (70024)

Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon in the peritoneum:
Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon in the peritoneum, HE 20x (70266)

Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon in the peritoneum, HE 40x (70267)

Metastasis of adenocarcinoma of the rectum:
Metastasis of adenocarcinoma of the rectum, HE 40x (70101)

Adenocarcinoma, metastasis:
Adenocarcinoma, metastasis, HE 40x (70098)

Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon to the lung:
Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon to the lung, HE 40x (70257)

Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon in the lung, HE, CK20, CD7, TTF1 (CK20 positivity is typical for metastases from the colon, negativity TTF1 and CD7 rules out primary cyrcinoma of the lung, TTF1 a CD7 are positive in surrounding pulmonary tissue):
Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, HE 60x (74255)

Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, CK20 60x (74253)

Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, CK7 60x (74254)

Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, TTF1 60x (74256)

11.4.13  Other tumors of the colon

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