Fibroadenoma, breast:
Fibroadenoma, breast, Macro, autopsy (71033)
Fibroadenoma of the breast:
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 20x (71285)
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 40x (71286)
Fibroadenoma of the breast:
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 10x (71221)
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 40x (71222)
Fibroadenoma of the breast:
Fibroadenoma, HE 20x (10166)
Another case:
Fibroadenoma, breast, HE 20x (73361)
Intracystic and intraductal papilloma:
Intracystic and intraductal papilloma, HE 40x (71289)
Infiltrating carcinoma ot the breast:
Infiltrating carcinoma ot the breast, Macro, autopsy (71026)
Carcinoma, breast, Macro, autopsy (71032)
Carcinoma, breast, Macro, autopsy (71028)
Carcinoma of the breast, pigmentation after radiotherapy:
Carcinoma of the breast, pigmentation after radiotherapy, Macro, autopsy (71027)
Ductal carcinoma in situ:
Ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71281)
Ductal carcinoma in situ:
Ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71282)
Ductal carcinoma in situ:
Ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71283)
Ductal carcinoma in situ, breast:
Ductal carcinoma in situ, breast, HE 40x (71250)
Invasive ductal carcinoma:
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71284)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, focus in situ:
Invasive ductal carcinoma, focus in situ, HE 40x (71290)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71293)
Invasive ductal carcinoma:
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71294)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71295)
Invasive ductal carcinoma (area in situ):
Invasive ductal carcinoma (area in situ), HE 40x (71296)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71292)
Residuum of infiltrating carcinoma of the breast after chemotherapy:
Residuum of infiltrating carcinoma of the breast after chemotherapy, HE 40x (71218)
Residuum of infiltrating carcinoma of the breast after chemotherapy, HE 40x (71219)
Glycogen rich breast carcinoma:
Glycogen rich breast carcinoma, HE 40x (71240)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, glycogen rich:
Invasive ductal carcinoma, glycogen rich, HE 40x (71291)
Clinical signs:
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74319)
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74320)
Ultrazvukové vyšetření:
Breast carcinoma, Ultrasound (74321)
Breast carcinoma, Ultrasound (74322)
Sentinelová uzlina a resekát (makroskopický snímek):
Breast carcinoma, axillary lymphnode, Macro (74327)
Breast carcinoma, resection, Macro (74326)
Tru-cut biopsie pod ultrazvukovou kontrolou (odebrány 4 vzorky).
Ve všech vzorcích je invazivní duktální karcinom trabekulární, přítomny jsou tubulární a kribriformní struktury z buněk s nižší nukleární atypií a nižší mitotickou aktivitou a s nadbytkem hypocelulárního stromatu.
Operační biopsie:
Clinical signs:
Mamografický nález:
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74323)
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74324)
Ultrazvukové vyšetření:
Breast carcinoma, Ultrasound (74325)
Tru-cut biopsie pod ultrazvukovou kontrolou (odebrány 4 vzorky):
Operační biopsie:
Invazivní duktální karcinom G3 (medulární typ), bez angioinvaze. Volný okraj je min. 10 mm. Vyšetřeno 17 lymfatických uzlin, ve dvou uzlinách jsou objemné metastázy s intrakapsulární infiltrací. Estrogenové i progesteronové receptory jsou při imunohistochemickém stanovení negativní. Overexprese HER2 proteinu nebyla při imunohistochemické reakci s polyklonální protilátkou proti HER2 proteinu prokázána.
pTNM: T2, N1, L0, V0
Apocrine carcinoma of the breast:
Apocrine carcinoma of the breast, HE 20x (70661)
Apocrine carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (70662)
Apocrine ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71280)
Carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma:
Carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma, HE 40x (70508)
Carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma, PAS 40x (70509)
Invasive mucinous carcinoma of the breast:
Invasive mucinous carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71303)
Invasive mucinous carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71304)
Infiltrating papillary carcinoma of the breast:
Infiltrating papillary carcinoma of the breast, Macro, autopsy (71035)
Intracystic papillocarcinoma of the breast:
Intracystic papillocarcinoma of the breast, HE 20x (71306)
Intracystic papillocarcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71307)
Invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast:
Invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71302)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive:
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71297)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71298)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive:
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71299)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71300)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71301)
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast:
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71241)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, dilatation of the ducts:
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71255)
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast, histiocytic variant:
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast, histiocytic, HE 40x (71242)
Lobular carcinoma of the breast, histiocytic variant, HE 40x (71223)
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltration of the skin:
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltration of the skin, Macro, autopsy (71029)
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltration of the skin, Macro, autopsy (71030)
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltration of the skin, Macro, autopsy (71031)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration:
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 10x (181)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 20x (182)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 40x (183)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration:
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, CK19 40x (180)
Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast into the lymphnode:
Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast into the lymphnode, HE 20x (71256)
Metastasis of ductal carcinoma of the breast into the lymphnode, HE 40x (71243)