

3  Support

3.1  Support

The clinical part of the atlas (including clinical pictures) was supported by the grant from the fund for development of Czech universities (Czech ministry of education, 2001, FRVS/0511/2001).

The oncological part (namely skin lymphomas) was created in cooperation with the Department of Dermatology, Zurich University (Switzerland), which contributed most of the lymphoma cases.

Further, this chapter was sponsored by the Research intention of the Czech Ministry of Health, No. 00065269705 (the original automatic microscope based on Leica DMLA microscope and accessories).

Further support comes from the project MEFANET, project Building the educational network of Czech medical faculties for creation and sharing of teaching materials on common platform. (1. 1. 2009 – 31. 1. 2009), Code: RP MŠMT C15/2009.

The project was further supported by MediGrid. From this project resources was acquired new automatic microscope Nikon 90i, camera, software, antivibration table and computers. MediGrid servers are used to process the images from tiles to virtual microscope. The MediGrid project was covered by the grant of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic MediGrid  —  methods and tools for using GRID network in biomedicine (T202090537).

The project Teaching pathology by hypertext teaching materials and image databases for magister, pregraduate and postgraduate study obtained support from Ministry of Education: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0045. We decided to make the contents of our practicals available through the Internet.

Various attempts to discourage the main author of these atlases, head of the Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Brno (no tests for the students, no digital slides in teaching, false and often bizzar accusations, false complaints of students) lead to my resignation. The situation is documented HERE (in Czech).

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