Karel Dvořák
Astrocytoma, Macro, autopsy (70773)
Astrocytoma, Macro, autopsy (70774)
Glioma of the temporal lobe, extending to the claustrum:
Glioma of the temporal lobe, extending to the claustrum, Macro, autopsy (70808)
Glioma with massive hemorrhage:
Glioma with massive hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70809)
Glioma, brain stem:
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71719)
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71720)
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71721)
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71722)
Diffuse fibrillar astrocytoma:
Diffuse fibrillar astrocytoma, HE 40x (72893)
Pilocytic astrocytoma:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, frozen HE 20x (72654)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, frozen HE 40x (72655)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, HE 40x (72656)
Pilocytic astrocytoma:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, HE 40x (72891)
Clinical signs:
Early symptoms: Partial epileptic seizure with sensitive manifestation, progressing into generalized grand mal. Diagnostic interpretation: symptomatic epilepsy.
CT, MR: large frontoparietal expansion with atypical calcifications in the right hemisphere. Slight edema. Small tumorous lesion in the right orbita.
Neurological examination: clumsiness of the left hand, weak upper left extremity, Dufour's sign positive on the left, left sided dysdiadochokinesis.
Hematological, biochemical a mikrobiological examinations, x-ray of the lungs and ultrasound examination of the abdomen revealed no pathology.
Surgery: frame less stereonavigation. Electrodes for neurophysiological monitoring were applied. Craniotomy was performed. Dura mater was streched by edema. Transdural stimulation showed motoric activity of the face, head and upper right extremity. Durotomy was performed at the area of ventral part of tumorous infiltrations. Cortical stimulation with response. Within the zone with no response corticotomy was performed (5×3 cm) and partial resection of the tumor was performed.
The surgery was followed by partial epileptic seizures, 2× generalized. Moreover Jackson's paroxysms on the left were observed as well. The seizures were succesfully treated by increased level of antiepileptic medication.
Follow-up CT of the brain: iatrogenic pneumocephalus; the appearance of the tumor is without changes.
Therapy by Temodal (temozolomid) combined with radiotherapy was initiated.
Tumor of frontoparietal location, right hand side, CT:
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73683)
MR T1 axiál:
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73688)
MR T2 axiál and coronal:
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73689)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73690)
Functional MRI:
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73685)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73686)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73687)
Tumor, surgery:
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, CLINIC (73691)
Follow-up CT:
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, after surgery, X-ray (73684)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, after surgery, X-ray (73682)
Resected tumor, macroscopy:
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, Macro (73741)
Diffuse/fibillar astrocytoma with transition into anaplastic astrocytoma. Moreover the component of anaplastic oligodendroglioma is present as well.
2nd reading: mixed glioma with predominance of oligodendroglial component (WHO grade 2) with minor admixture of anaplastic astrocytoma (WHO grade 3). Because of proliferation (proliferative index 6 – 10%) and anaplastic areas the case was signed up as anaplastic oligoastrocytoma grade 3.
Anaplastic astrocytoma, histology, HE:
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma, HE 20x (73782)
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma, HE 60x (73897)
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma, HE 60x (73898)
Clinical signs:
MR předoperační, axiálně:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, before surgery, MR axial T1, X-ray (74167)
MR předoperační, koronárně:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, before surgery, MR coronal, X-ray (74168)
MR předoperační, sagitálně:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, before surgery, MR sagittal, X-ray (74169)
MR pooperační, axiálně:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, after surgery, MR axial, X-ray (74164)
MR pooperační, koronárně:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, after surgery, MR coronal, X-ray (74165)
MR pooperační, sagitálně:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, after surgery, MR sagittal, X-ray (74166)
Video — III. ventrikulocisternostomie (popis zákroku
je uveden výše):
Pilocytic astrocytoma, surgery (video), Video (74170)
Fragmenty tumoru, neorientovatelné (nativní tkáň a tkáň fixována formolem):
Pilocytic astrocytoma, Macro (74147)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, Macro (74148)
Pilocytický astrocytom, HE, HE nazmrzlo a imunohistochemie:
Pilocytic astrocytoma, HE 40x (74155)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, frozen HE 40x (74156)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, S100 40x (74157)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, vimentin 40x (74158)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, alpha-1-antitrypsin 40x (74154)
Glioblastom, CT, MRI:
Glioblastoma, CT contrast, X-ray (73560)
Glioblastoma, MR T1 contrast, X-ray (73561)
Glioblastoma, MR T2 contrast, X-ray (73562)
Glioblastoma multiforme:
Glioblastoma multiforme, frozen HE 40x (72627)
Glioblastoma multiforme, HE 40x (72628)
Glioblastoma multiforme, HE 40x (72629)
Glioblastoma, HE 40x (72896)
Glioblastoma multiforme:
Multiform glioblastoma, HE 20x (73364)
Glioblastoma multiforme, child:
Glioblastoma multiforme, child, HE 40x (71358)
Glioblastoma multiforme, child, HE 40x (71357)
Ependymoma, Macro, autopsy (70802)
Ependymoma, Macro, autopsy (70803)
Ependymoma, gr. 2:
Ependymoma, gr. 2, HE 40x (72623)
Papillary ependymoma, gr. 2:
Papillary ependymoma, HE 20x (73358)
Ependymoma, HE 20x (73360)
Oligodendroglioma, Macro, autopsy (70858)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, CT native, MRI:
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, CT native, X-ray (71777)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, MRI native transversal, X-ray (71778)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, MRI native coronar, X-ray (71779)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, MRI contrast coronar, X-ray (71780)
Oligodendroglioma, surgically removed tumor:
Oligodendroglioma, Macro (73596)
Oligoastrocytoma, MR T1 contrast, coronal, X-ray (73510)
Oligoastrocytoma, MR flair, X-ray (73511)
Oligodendroglioma, HE:
Oligodendroglioma, HE 20x (73405)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma:
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70969)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70970)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70971)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70972)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70973)
Medulloblastoma, frozen HE 40x (72754)
Medulloblastoma, HE 40x (72755)
Medulloblastoma of the cerebellum:
Medulloblastoma, cerebellum, HE 20x (73388)
Olphactoric neuroblastoma, MRI, axial section:
Olphactoric neuroblastoma, MRI, axial section, X-ray (70570)
Olphactoric neuroblastoma, MRI, coronar section, X-ray (70571)
Olphactoric neuroblastoma, MRI, sagittal section, X-ray (70572)
Esthesioneuroblastoma, HE 40x (70250)
Esthesioneuroblastoma, Ki67 40x (70251)
Ganglioneuroblastom intermixed:
Ganglioneuroblastom intermixed, frozen HE 20x (72625)
Ganglioneuroblastom intermixed, HE 40x (72626)
Ganglioneuroblastoma, HE 40x (72605)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, MRI:
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, MR T2W, X-ray (70921)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, MR T1W, X-ray (70922)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, MR T2W gadolinium, X-ray (70923)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, CT, X-ray (70924)
Melanoma metastases to the brain:
Melanoma metastases to the brain, Macro, autopsy (70846)
Metastasis of the Willms tumor to the brain:
Metastasis of the Willms tumor to the brain, Macro, autopsy (70847)
Choriocarcinoma, metastases to the brain:
Choriocarcinoma, metastases to the brain, Macro, autopsy (71315)
Chordoma (brain, rib):
Chordoma (brain, rib), Macro, autopsy (70862)
Metastasis of the pituitary causing diabetes insipidus:
Metastasis of the pituitary causing diabetes insipidus, Macro, autopsy (70909)
Small cell carcinoma of the lung, metastasis:
Small cell carcinoma of the lung, metastasis, frozen HE 20x (72885)
Metastasis of adenocarcinoma to the brain:
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 20x (74180)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 20x (74181)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 60x (74182)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 60x (74183)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, AE13 20x (74178)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, CK7 20x (74179)
Chordoma, clivus, CT, MRI:
Chordoma, clivus, CT, X-ray (71836)
Chordoma, clivus, MRI, sagittal plane, X-ray (71837)
Chordoma, clivus, MRI, transversal scan, X-ray (71838)
Chemodectoma, CT contrast, HRCT, MRI:
Chemodectoma, CT contrast, X-ray (71818)
Chemodectoma, HRCT, X-ray (71817)
Chemodectoma, MRI transversal, X-ray (71819)
Chemodectoma, MRI coronar, X-ray (71820)
Chordoma of the scaral area, aggresive, recurrent:
Chordoma, HE 40x (72105)
Chordoma, AE13 40x (72032)
Menigeoma of the posterior cerebral fossa, MRI, T1W gadolinium:
Menigeoma of the posterior cerebral fossa, MRI, T1W gadolinium, X-ray (70955)
Menigeoma of the posterior cerebral fossa, MRI, T1W gadolinium, coronal, X-ray (70956)
Meningeoma, Macro, autopsy (70845)
Meningeoma, Macro, autopsy (70904)
Meningeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI:
Meningeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T1 coronar, X-ray (71799)
Meningeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T2 coronar, X-ray (71798)
Meningeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T1 coronar, X-ray (71800)
Menigeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T1 transversal, X-ray (71801)
Meningeoma, MR T1 contrast axial, X-ray (73572)
Menigneoma, MR T1 contrast coronal, X-ray (73573)
Meningothelial meningeoma:
Meningeoma, HE 40x (72009) [zoomify]
Meningeoma with psammoma bodies:
Meningeoma with psammoma bodies, HE 20x (73389)
Meningeoma, HE 20x (73390)
Atypical meningeoma:
Atypical meningeoma, HE 40x (74212)
Atypical meningeoma, GFAP 20x (74210)
Atypical meningeoma, Ki67 40x (74213)
Atypical meningeoma, vimentin 40x (74214)
Atypical meningeoma, EMA 40x (74211)
Atypical meningeoma, AE13 20x (74209)
Metastatic infiltration of the dura, carcinoma of the breast:
Metastatic infiltration of the dura, carcinoma of the breast, Macro, autopsy (70894)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum:
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, HE 40x (70472)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, HE 40x (70473)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, Gömöry 20x (70468)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, NSE 20x (70469)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, vimentin 20x (70471)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, AE13 20x (70466)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, EMA 20x (70467)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, RCC 20x (70470)
Neurofibromatosis, brain, neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, MR T1W gadolinium:
Neurofibromatosis, brain, neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, MR T1W gadolinium, transv., X-ray (70930)
Neurofibromatosis, brain, neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, MR T1W gadolinium, coron., X-ray (70931)
Neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, transversal section, MRI:
Neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, transversal section, MRI, X-ray (70932)
Neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, coronal section, MRI, X-ray (70933)
Large neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI:
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, frontal, contrast X-ray (70562)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, X-ray (70560)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, saggital, X-ray (70561)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI:
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, X-ray (70560)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, saggital, X-ray (70561)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, frontal, contrast X-ray (70562)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve:
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR flair, X-ray (73492)
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR T1 contrast axial, X-ray (73493)
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR T1 contrast coronal, X-ray (73494)
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR T2 coronal, X-ray (73495)
Malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve, MRI:
Malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve, MRI, native, coronar, X-ray (71795)
Malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve, MRI, contrast, transversal, X-ray (71796)
Malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve, MRI, contrast, coronar, X-ray (71797)
Neurofibromatosis, spine, pseumomeningocele after surgery, MRI:
Neurofibromatosis, spine, pseumomeningocele after surgery, MR, T2W sagitt, X-ray (70927)
Neurofibromatosis, spine, pseumomeningocele after surgery, MR, T2W transw, X-ray (70928)
Neurofibromatosis, spine, compression of the spinal cord, MR, T2W transw, X-ray (70929)
Malignant B lymphoma, diffuse, primary, affecting the corpus callosum, with edema; MRI:
Malignant B lymphoma, diffuse, primary, affecting the corpus callosum, with edema; MRI T2W transv., X-ray (70939)
Malignant B lymphoma, diffuse, primary, affecting the corpus callosum, with edema; MRI T1W transv. gadolinium, X-ray (70940)
Malignant B lymphoma, diffuse, primary, affecting the corpus callosum, with edema; MRI T1W coronal, gadolinium, X-ray (70941)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum:
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, HE 40x (70515)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, CD20 40x (70513)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, GFAP 40x (70514)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, NSE 40x (70516)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, synaptophyzin 40x (70517)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MR:
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MR, T1W, X-ray (70957)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MR, T1W, X-ray (70958)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MR, T1W, CENH, X-ray (70959)
Large adenoma of the hypophysis, MRI:
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MRI, coronar plane, X-ray (70569)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MRI, sagittal plane, X-ray (70568)
Microadenoma of the hypophysis:
Microadenoma of the hypophysis, MR coronal, T2 nativ, X-ray (73514)
Microadenoma of the hypophysis, MR sagittal, T2 nativ, X-ray (73515)
Microadenoma of the hypophysis, MR T1 contrast coronal, X-ray (73516)
Prolactinoma of the hypophysis:
Prolaktinoma, MR contrast sagittal, X-ray (73533)
Prolaktinoma, CT contrast, X-ray (73534)
Large tumor of the hypophysis, video:
Large tumor of the hypophysis (video), Video (74171)
Craniopharyngeoma, HE 20x (73383)
Craniopharyngeoma, HE 20x (73384)