Subclavial stenosis, MRI angiography:
Subclavial stenosis, MRI angiography, X-ray (71834)
Subclavial stenosis, MRI angiography, detail, X-ray (71835)
MR diffusion shows early ischemia, which cannot be
shown using different methods:
Early cortical ischemia, MR, diffusion, X-ray (73429)
Cortical ischemia, MR, X-ray (73430)
Another example of MR diffusion in a patient with brain ischemia:
Early ischemia, brain, MR diffusion, X-ray (73574)
Rarely can metabolic anomalies cause brain ischemia,
here MELAS:
MELAS, MR flair, X-ray (73490)
MELAS, MR T2 axial, X-ray (73491)
Thrombosis of dural sinuses:
Thrombosis of dural sinuses, Macro, autopsy (70893)
Sinus cavernosus, thrombosis:
Sinus cavernosus, thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (70882)
Thrombosis of the basilar artery:
Thrombosis of the basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70755)
Thrombosis of the sinus, decompressive craniectomy:
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, CT nativ, X-ray (73450)
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, MR angio, venous, X-ray (73451)
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, MR angio, venous, reconstruction, X-ray (73452)
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, MR T1 nativ sagittal, X-ray (73453)
Dekompresive craniotomy, sinus thrombosis, ischemia, fungus cerebri, CT nativ, X-ray (73449)
Ischemia of the thalamus, MRI:
Ischemia of the thalamus, MRI, X-ray (70583)
Thrombosis of the deep veins, ischemia of the thalamus, MRI:
Thrombosis of the deep veins, ischemia of the thalamus, MRI, X-ray (70581)
Thrombosis of the deep blood vessels, ischemia of the thalamus, MRI phlebogram, MIP reconstruction, contrast X-ray (70594)
Embolism, left internal carotid:
Embolism, left internal carotid, Macro, autopsy (70801)
Embolism, carotid artery:
Embolism, carotid artery, Macro, autopsy (70881)
Infarction, brain:
Infarction, brain, Macro, autopsy (70830)
Infarction of the brain:
Infarction of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70831)
Infarction, brain:
Infarction, brain, Macro, autopsy (70832)
Infarction of the brain, parietooccipital region:
Infarction of the brain, parietooccipital region, Macro, autopsy (70833)
Venous thrombosis (caused infarction of the brain):
Venous thrombosis (caused infarction of the brain), Macro, autopsy (70834)
Infarction of the brain, 10 weeks old:
Infarction of the brain, 10 weeks old, Macro, autopsy (70835)
Brain infarction, hemorrhagic:
Brain infarction, hemorrhagic, Macro, autopsy (70836)
Large infarction of the brain:
Large infarction of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70840)
Multiple infarctions of the brain:
Multiple infarctions of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70849)
Multiple infarctions of the brain:
Multiple infarctions of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70850)
Large infarction, cerebellum:
Large infarction, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (70886)
Small infarction, cerebellum:
Small infarction, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (70887)
Hyperaemia and exudate over infarct:
Hyperaemia and exudate over infarct, Macro, autopsy (70896)
Multiple foci of subcortical ischemia, MRI, axial:
Multiple foci of subcortical ischemia, MRI, axial, X-ray (70584)
Multiple foci of subcortical ischemia, MRI, koronal:
Multiple foci of subcortical ischemia, MRI, coronal, X-ray (70585)
Acute infarction of the spinal cord:
Acute infarction of the spinal cord, Macro, autopsy (70910)
Ischemia of the medulla, MRI:
Ischemia of the medulla, MRI, X-ray (70938)
Ischemia of the oblongate medulla, MR:
Ischemia of the oblongate medulla, MR, T1W, X-ray (70947)
Ischemia of the oblongate medulla, MR, T2W, X-ray (70948)
Ischemia of the oblongate medulla, MR, T2W, X-ray (70949)
Epidural hematoma, fractures of the skull, CT:
Epidural hematomas, CT nativ, X-ray (73557)
Fracture of the calva, CT, X-ray (73558)
Subdural hematoma, compression of the brain:
Subdural hematoma, compression of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70783)
Brain hemorrhage viewed through the dura:
Brain hemorrhage viewed through the dura, Macro, autopsy (70817)
Subdural hematoma:
Subdural hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70915)
Subdural hematoma:
Subdural hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70871)
Subdural hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70872)
Isodensic subdural hematoma, CT:
Isodensic subdural hematoma, CT, X-ray (71831)
Subdural hematoma, old:
Subdural hematoma, old, Macro, autopsy (70916)
Subdural hygroma:
Subdural hygroma, Macro, autopsy (70917)
Subdural hygroma, after evacuation of hematoma, CT:
Subdural hygroma, after evacuation of hematoma, CT, X-ray (71832)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage around basilar artery:
Subarachnoid hemorrhage around basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70779)
Brain hemorrhage after surgery for meningeoma:
Brain hemorrhage after surgery for meningeoma, Macro, autopsy (70811)
Subarachnoidal hemorrhage:
Subarachnoidal hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70868)
Subarachonid hemorrhage, newborn:
Subarachonid hemorrhage, newborn, Macro, autopsy (70869)
Subarachonid hemorrhage, newborn, Macro, autopsy (70870)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, CT:
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, CT, X-ray (71824)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery:
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (72998)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (72999)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery:
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (72997)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery:
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (73000)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (73001)
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage, CT:
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage, CT, X-ray (70937)
Brain hemorrhage, old:
Brain hemorrhage, old, Macro, autopsy (70816)
Brain hemorrhage:
Brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70818)
Intracerebral hemorrhage:
Intracerebral hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70837)
Brain hemorrhage:
Brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70890)
Massive intracerebral hemorrhage:
Massive intracerebral hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70842)
Massive hemorrhage to the pons:
Massive hemorrhage to the pons, Macro, autopsy (70843)
Brain stem hemorrhage:
Brain stem hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70865)
Brain stem hemorrhage due to mycotic aneurysm:
Brain stem hemorrhage due to mycotic aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70866)
Hemorrhage of the pons and 4th ventricle:
Hemorrhage of the pons and 4th ventricle, Macro, autopsy (70895)
Massive hemorrhage, cerebellum:
Massive hemorrhage, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (70889)
Old brain hemorrhage:
Old brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70856)
Old brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70857)
Hemorrhage, hemisphere of the cebellum:
Hemorrhage, hemisphere of the cebellum, Macro, autopsy (70885)
Brain, purpura:
Brain, purpura, Macro, autopsy (70875)
Brain, purpura, Macro, autopsy (70876)
Brain, purpura, Macro, autopsy (70873)
Brain, purpura, HE 20x (70874)
Intracerebral hemorrhage, hemocephalus, SAC, CT:
Intracerebral hemorrhage, hemocephalus, SAC, CT, X-ray (71821)
Intracerebellar and intracerebral hematoma, CT native:
Intracerebellar and intracerebral hematoma, CT native, X-ray (71792)
Intracerebral hematoma, CT:
Intracerebral hematoma, CT, X-ray (71822)
Intracerebral hematoma, thrombosis of the aneurysm with spirals, artefact, CT:
Intracerebral hematoma, thrombosis of the aneurysm with spirals, artefact, CT, X-ray (71823)
Intraventricular hemorrhage:
Intraventricular hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70838)
Malformation of blood vessels, brain:
Malformation of blood vessels, brain, Macro, autopsy (70777)
Cavernous hemangioma of the right temporal lobe, MR T2W:
Cavernous hemangioma of the right temporal lobe, MR T2W, X-ray (70954)
Malformation of blood vessels and venous hemangioma, cerebellum, MRI, coronal:
Malformation of blood vessels and venous hemangioma, cerebellum, MRI, coronal, X-ray (70579)
Malformation of blood vessels, cerebellum, MRI, coronal:
Malformation of blood vessels, cerebellum, MRI, coronal, X-ray (70578)
Hemangioma, pons:
Hemangioma, pons, Macro, autopsy (70859)
Malformation of blood vessels, brain:
Malformation of blood vessels, brain, Macro, autopsy (70879)
AV malformation, DSA:
AV malformace, DSA, AP view, X-ray (73512)
AV malformace, DSA, lateral view, X-ray (73513)
Venous angioma, MRI:
Venous angioma, MR contrast, axial, T1W, X-ray (73459)
Venous malformation of the mesencephalon:
Venous malformation, mesencephalon, MR T1 axial contrast, X-ray (73468)
Venous malformation, mesencephalon, MR T1 sagittal contrast, X-ray (73469)
Venous malformation, mesencephalon, DSA, X-ray (73470)
Berry aneurysm, circle of Willis:
Berry aneurysm, circle of Willis, Macro, autopsy (70891)
Large aneurysm, circle of Willis:
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73987)
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73988)
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73989)
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73990)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, MRI angiography, native
Several metrods are used to show the anuerysm, then
the embolization of the aneurysm by small metallic
spirals is shown; finally the situation after successful
embolizastion (no aneurysm can be seen):
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, MRI angiography, native, X-ray (70737)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, MRI angiography, MIP reconstruction, X-ray (70738)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, CT angiography, X-ray (70739)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, CT angiography, 4D reconstruction, HE 40x (70742)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, CT angiography, 4D reconstruction, HE 40x (70743)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, before embolisation, X-ray (70741)
Embolization of the aneurysm (microcatether), HE 40x (70744)
Embolization of the aneurysm (microcatether), HE 40x (70745)
Embolization of the aneurysm (aneurysm filled by spirals), HE 40x (70746)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, DSA, after embolization, X-ray (70740)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MRI, T2W:
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MRI, T2W, X-ray (70951)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MRI, T1W gadolinium, X-ray (70953)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MRI, T2W, X-ray (70950)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MR angiography, X-ray (70952)
Aneurysm, rtg Macro, autopsy (70769)
Aneurysm of the a. communicans anterior prior to embolisation, DSA:
Aneurysm of the a. communicans anterior prior to embolisation, DSA, X-ray (71825)
Aneurysm of the a. communicans anterior after the embolisation, DSA, X-ray (71826)
Aneurysm of circulus arteriosus Willisi:
Aneurysm of circulus arteriosus Willisi, Macro, autopsy (70751)
Aneurysm of circulus arteriosus Willisi, Macro, autopsy (70752)
Aneurysm of middle cerebral artery:
Aneurysm of middle cerebral artery, Macro, autopsy (70753)
Thrombosis of basilar artery:
Thrombosis of basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70756)
Aneurysm, basilar artery:
Aneurysm, basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70778)
Aneurysm, thrombosed:
Aneurysm, thrombosed, Macro, autopsy (70767)
Aneurysm, thrombosed:
Aneurysm, thrombosed, Macro, autopsy (70768)
Brain, arterial aneurysm:
Brain, arterial aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70770)
Berry aneurysm, brain:
Berry aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (70771)
Aneurysm, carotid artery:
Aneurysm, carotid artery, Macro, autopsy (70772)
Aneurysms, brain, circle of Willis:
Aneurysms, brain, circle of Willis, Macro, autopsy (70781)
Aneurysms, brain, circle of Willis, Macro, autopsy (70782)
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation:
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation, Macro, autopsy (70787)
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation, Macro, autopsy (70788)
Aneurysm, brain hematoma:
Aneurysm, brain hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70810)
Brain hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm:
Brain hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70812)
Aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery:
Aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery, Macro, autopsy (70848)
Eclampsia, brain hemorrhage:
Eclampsia, brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (71314)
Brain hemorrhage, massive anticoagulation therapy:
Brain hemorrhage, massive anticoagulation therapy, Macro, autopsy (70814)
Aneurysm of the a. cerebri media with widespread subarachnoidal
hemorrhage, intracerebellar hematoma spreading into the
lateral ventricles (CT, 3D reconstruction):
Subarachnoidal hemorrhage, ruptured aneurysm, CT, X-ray (73024)
Subarachnoidal hemorrhage, ruptured aneurysm, CT, X-ray (73023)
Arteria cerebri media, aneurysm, CT, X-ray (73011)
Arteria cerebri media, aneurysm, CT 3D, X-ray (73010)
Aneurysm of the a. cerebri media, widespread hemorrhage,
clipping of the aneurysm:
Aneurysm ACM, CT, brain, angiography, reconstruction, X-ray (73552)
Aneurysm ACM, CT, brain, angiography, X-ray (73553)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, hemocephalus, IC hematoma, CT nativ, X-ray (73555)
Aneurysm ACM, clipping, CT, brain, angiography, X-ray (73554)