Intramedullar tumor of the cervical medulla with secondary syringomyelia, MRI gadolinium:
Intramedullar tumor of the cervical medulla with secondary syringomyelia, MRI T1W gadolinium, X-ray (70935)
Intramedullar tumor of the cervical medulla with secondary syringomyelia, MRI T1W, X-ray (70936)
Compression of the spinal cord by the
fragment of herniated intervertebral disc:
Fragment of herniated disc, myelosequention, X-ray (73431)
Fragment of herniated disc, T1 contrast sagittal, X-ray (73432)
Fragment of herniated disc, T1 nativ, X-ray (73433)
Fragment of herniated disc, T1 contrast, transversal, X-ray (73434)
Fragment of herniated disc, T2 sagittal, X-ray (73435)
Compression of the spinal cord by the
synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint:
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, oblique myelosequention, X-ray (73438)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T1 contrast sagittal, X-ray (73439)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, sagittal myelosequention, X-ray (73440)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T1 nativ sagittal, X-ray (73441)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T1 contrast transversal, X-ray (73442)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T2 sagittal, X-ray (73443)
Metastases of the spinal cord:
Metastases of the spinal cord, Macro, autopsy (70913)
Metastases of the spinal cord, Macro, autopsy (70914)