
Diagnostic key to the most common epitelial skin tumors

6  Skin tumors

6.1  Diagnostic key to the most common epitelial skin tumors



Diagnostic key for the most common epitelial skin tumors, cysts and similar affections.

Controlling the key:

Pick the correct item from the list (click on the symbol GO). Go on until the last, target diagnosis appears. Here clicking on the GO button causes the atlas window to scroll to the target diagnosis.

The button BACK moves the key window back, the button RESTART restores the original position, the button CLOSE closes the window with the key. Actual position can be stored by clicking the STO button; this position can be restored by the button GO STO.

The button (letter) C shows the list of actual target diagnostic units (on condition the diagnosis is sufficiently specified, so that the number of possible targets is low).

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