
Trichomonas vaginalis

10  Dermatovenerology

10.3  Trichomonas vaginalis


Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellated protozoan, causing vaginitis.

Clinical signs:


Trichomonas vaginalis:
Trichomonasis, CLINIC (5921)

Trichomonasis, CLINIC (5922)

Trichomonasis, CLINIC (5923)

Trichomonasis, CLINIC (5924)

Further information on trichomonas vaginalis:


In cytological slides is trichomonas round or oval microogranism with clear halo.


Trichomonas vaginalis:
Trichomonasis, PAP 20x (622)

Trichomonasis, PAP 40x (623)

Trichomonasis, PAP 40x (624)

Another case:
Trichomonas vaginalis, PAP 40x (74026)

Urocystitis, male, casued by trichomonas (cytology, centrifugated, Giemsa stain):
Trichomonas, urocystitis (cytology), Giemsa 40x (6095)

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