

10  Dermatovenerology

10.1  Syphilis


Condylomata lata, penis:
Syphilis, CLINIC (686)

Syphilis I., penis:
Syphilis, CLINIC (688)

Syphilis II., skin lesions:
Syphilis, CLINIC (687)

Syphilis, CLINIC (690)

Syphilis II., corona veneris:
Syphilis, CLINIC (1056)

Syphilis, CLINIC (689)

Syphilis II., psoriatiform exanthema:
Syphilis, CLINIC (1057)

Gumma, tibia:
Syphilis, X-ray (1055)

Further examples of syphilis::


Roseola syphilitica:
Roseola syphilica, HE 60x (6180)

Secondary syphilis, large amount of typical spiral-shaped spirochetes Treponema pallidum
Secondary syphilis, Warthin Starry 100x (7)

Secondary syphilis, mucous membrane, Warthin Starry 100x (6)

Syphilis, HE 60x (10926)

Syphilis, HE 60x (10927)

Lues, secondary:
Syphilis secondary, HE 40x (12301)

Lues, secondary:
Syphilis secondary, HE 40x (2363)

Secondary syphilis:
Syphilis secondary, HE 20x (4772)

Lues in HIV positive patient:
Syphilis secondary, HE 20x (4773)

Secondary syphilis:
Syphilis secondary, HE 20x (4775)

Secondary syphilis:
Syphilis secondary, HE 20x (5193)

Secondary syphilis:
Syphilis secondary, HE 20x (5352)

Syphilis secondary, HE 20x (5353)

Syphilis secondary, CD79a 20x (5351)

Another case of secondary syphilis:
Lues II., HE 60x (6177)

Syphilitic gumma, dura mater:
Gumma durae matris, alcian blue 60x (13403)

Tabes dorsalis:
Tabes dorsalis, HE 60x (13404)

Congenital syphilis, liver and kidney:
Congenital syphilis, liver, HE 40x (13387)

Syphilis congenita, kidney, Warthin Starry 60x (13673)

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