
Posttheraupetic a Posttransplant Hematopoietic Changes

3  Bone Marrow Pathology

3.6  Posttheraupetic a Posttransplant Hematopoietic Changes

3.6.1  Posttheraupetic Hematopoietic Changes  Restitution of Hematopoiesis


Gradual proliferation of precursors of all three hematopoietic lineages until the image resembles hypercellular bone marrow with a left shift in all three lineages and temporary moderate dysplastic changes.  Persistent Alterations of Hematopoiesis.


Irreversible affections of stem and stromal cells leading to hypoplasia or even aplasia of hematopoiesis. Persistent dysplastic changes are also possible.

3.6.2  Posttransplant Alterations of Hematopoiesis


Bone marrow after transplantation:
Bone marrow after transplantation, PAS 100x (72894)

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