Newborn classification based on gestational age
Newborn classification based on birth weight
Low birth weight (LBW) — less than 2500 g Very low birth weight (VLBW) — less than 1500 g Extremely low birth weight (ELBW) — less than 1000 g
Newborn classification based on birth weight and gestation is valuable in predicting the outcome. At any gestation the poorest outcome is seen in infants with marked intrauterine growth retardation.
Evaluation of newborns enables to predict complications which may occur during fetal to neonatal transition period. Premature infants are at main risk of organ system immaturity espacially respiratory. Hyperbilirubinemia and hypothermia is a frequent problem, there is an increased risk of infection and sepsis. SGA infants are at high risk of birth asphyxia, there is often transient hypoglycemia and hypothermia even in term hypotrophic infants and increased incidence of cogenital anomalies and intrauterine infections as the underlying condition of growth failure.