Occurs in some cases of carcinomas (stomach, breast), renal carcinoma (Grawitz) and others. Infiltrating cells often contain mucin (PAS positive cytoplasmatic vacuoles, signet ring cells). Tumorous cells can be inconspicuous, therefore imunohistochemistry (anticytokeratins) is often useful.
Skin metastases of uterine adenocarcinoma: Metastasis, Clinical picture (817)
Metaststases of the breast adenocarcinoma (knee): Metastasis, Clinical picture (818)
Skin metastases of breast adenocarcinoma: Ca mammae, Clinical picture (980)
Skin metastases of adenocarcinoma: Infiltration of the skin by adenocarcinoma, Clinical picture (1972)
Skin infiltration and metastases, adenocarcinoma of the breast: Metastasis, carcinoma of the breast, Clinical picture (5754) Metastasis, carcinoma of the breast, Clinical picture (5755) Metastasis, carcinoma of the breast, Clinical picture (5756) Metastasis, carcinoma of the breast, Clinical picture (5757) Metastasis, carcinoma of the breast, Clinical picture (5758) Metastasis, carcinoma of the breast, Clinical picture (5759)
Metastasis, usually showing some features of the primary tumor.
Adenocarcinoma, breast: Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 10x (181) Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 20x (182) Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 40x (183) Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, CK19 40x (180)
Another metastasing ductal carcinoma of the breast: Carcinomatosis, ductal carcinoma of the breast, HE 20x (4438)
Infiltration of the dermis, breast adenocarcinoma, male: Ductal adenocarcinoma, male breast, HE 60x (13987)
Another metastasing carcinoma of the breast: Skin metastasis, breast adenocarcinoma, HE 60x (12390)
Metastasis of ductal carcinoma of the breast: Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast, HE 20x (14526) Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast, CK7 20x (14524) Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast, CK20 20x (14523) Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast, EMA 20x (14525) Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast, progesteron receptors 20x (14527)
Scar and metastatic infiltration of the corium by adenocarcinoma: Skin adenocarcinoma metastasis, scar, HE 40x (12678)
Another case, metastasis of low differentiated ductal carcinoma of the breast: Metastasis of ductal carcinoma of the breast, HE 100x (6121)
Sclerosing metastatic infiltration of the corium, breast carcinoma: Sclerosing metastasis of the breast carcinoma, HE 20x (12475) Sclerosing metastasis of the breast carcinoma, HE 40x (12476)
Adenocarcinoma, stomach, PAS, anticytokeratins AE1/AE3: Adenocarcinoma, stomach, dermal infiltration, PAS 10x (184) Adenocarcinoma, stomach, dermal infiltration, PAS 20x (186) Adenocarcinoma, stomach, dermal infiltration, PAS 40x (189) Adenocarcinoma, stomach, dermal infiltration, AE13 20x (185) Adenocarcinoma, stomach, dermal infiltration, AE13 40x (187) Adenocarcinoma, stomach, dermal infiltration of subcutaenous fat, AE13 40x (188)
Large metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon: Adenocarcinoma of the colon, metastasis to the skin, HE 40x (4048)
Metastatic infiltration of the skin in adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid: Metastasis, adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid, HE 20x (4346)
Adenocarcinoma of the lung, skin metastases Adenocarcinoma, lung, metastasis, HE 10x (1162) Adenocarcinoma, lung, metastasis, HE 40x (1163)
Skin metastasis of renal carcinoma (Grawitz): Metastasis, Grawitz carcinoma, HE 10x (1938) Metastasis, Grawitz carcinoma, HE 40x (1939)
Skin metastasis of renal carcinoma (Grawitz): Grawitz carcinoma, metastasis, HE 40x (13018)
Skin metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma (Grawitz): Renal cell carcinoma, skin metastasis, HE 20x (13740) Renal cell carcinoma, skin metastasis, HE 60x (13741)
Skin metastasis of renal carcinoma (Grawitz): Grawitz carcinoma, metastasis, HE 60x (13999)
Metastasis of high grade (pale cell) renal carcinoma to the skin: Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, HE 60x (10074) Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, vimentin 40x (10454) Renal cell carcinoma of Grawitz, AE13 40x (10450) Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, Ki67 40x (10452) Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, CD31 40x (10448) Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, CD34 40x (10449) Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, HMB45 40x (10451) Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, S100 40x (10453)
Metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma, HE, AE1/AE3: Metastasis, spinalioma, HE 40x (4831) Squamous cell carcinoma, metastasis, AE13 40x (4830)
Adenocarcinoma metastasis: Mucinous adenocarcinoma, metastasis, HE 40x (5158) Mucinous adenocarcinoma, metastasis, PAS 40x (5163) Mucinous adenocarcinoma, metastasis, AE13 40x (5157)
Lymphangiitis carcinomatosa: Lymphangiitis carcinomatosa, HE 20x (5200) Metastasis, CEA 20x (5199)
Carcinosis of the skin (breast carcinoma): Carcinosis cutis, breast carcinoma, HE 60x (12869) Carcinosis cutis, breast carcinoma, PAS 60x (12870)
Metastasis of carcinoid to the skin (HE, chromogranin): Carcinoid, metastasis to the skin, HE 40x (13380) Carcinoid, metastasis to the skin, chromogranin 40x (13379)
Erysipelas carcinomatosa, metastatic infiltration of the corium with adenocarcinoma: Carcinomatous infiltration of the skin, HE 40x (12676)
Malignant phyllodes tumor, skin metastasis: Cystosarcoma phyllodes, metastasis to the skin, HE 60x (13899) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, metastasis to the skin, vimentin 20x (13898) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, metastasis to the skin, SMA 20x (13897) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, metastasis to the skin, S100 20x (13896) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, metastasis to the skin, AE13 20x (13893) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, metastasis to the skin, Melan A 20x (13895) Cystosarcoma phyllodes, metastasis to the skin, CD34 20x (13894)