Fetopathology and developmental pathology of the embryo and fetus
Marta Ježová, Josef Feit et al.
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+ Some other Internet resources concerning dermatopathology and pathology
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+ Support
+ Atlas of fetal pathology
+ Congenital malformations
+ Physiological developement of an embryo and fetus, growth and changes of the external shape
+ Congenital malformations and congenital anomalies
+ Basic terminology
+ Etiology of congenital anomalies (CA)
+ Environmental causes of congenital anomalies, congenital infections
+ Rubella
+ Cytomegalovirus
+ Syphilis
+ Toxoplasmosis
+ Diabetes mellitus (DM) and pregnancy
+ Diabetic embryopathy
+ Diabetic fetopathy
+ Genetic causes of congenital malformations
+ Chromosomal abnormalities
+ Down syndrome
+ Klinefelter syndrome
+ Turner syndrome
+ Patau syndrome
+ Edwards syndrome
+ Triploidy
+ Single gene disorders
+ Tuberous sclerosis
+ Miscellaneous malformation syndromes, sequences and associations, unclassified
+ Sirenomelia (Mermaid syndrome)
+ Hydrops fetalis
+ Immune hydrops (erythroblastosis fetalis, hemolytic disease of the newborn)
+ Nonimmune hydrops
+ Hygroma colli cysticum
+ Pierre-Robin sequence
+ Caudal regression syndrome (sacral agenesis)
+ VACTERL association
+ Pathology of twinning
+ Complications of monochorionic diamnionic placentation
+ Chronic twin transfusion syndrome
+ Acute twin-twin transfusion
+ Complications of monochorionic monoamnionic placentation
+ Congenital malformations in twins
+ Chorangiopagus parasiticus (acardius)
+ Pathology of higher multiple gestations: triplets
+ Monsters
+ Monstra duplicia
+ Gemini monochoriati inequales
+ Duplicitas symmetros
+ Asymmetric dual monsters
+ Monstra simplicia
+ Congenital malformations of individual organ systems
+ Congenital malformations of the central nervous system
+ Congenital malformations of the spinal cord
+ Spina bifida
+ Myeloschisis (rachischisis posterior)
+ Congenital malformations of the brain
+ Anencephaly
+ Iniencephaly
+ Encephalocele
+ Arnold-Chiari malformation
+ Disorders of formation of the structures derived from the mediobasal prosencephalon
+ Migration disorders
+ Destructive lesions of fetal brain (disruptions)
+ Porencephaly
+ Hydranencephaly
+ Hydrocephalus
+ Dandy-Walker malformation
+ Intracranial non-neoplastic cysts
+ Arachnoid cyst
+ Neuroepithelial cyst
+ Congenital malformations of the respiratory system
+ Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM)
+ Lobar sequestration
+ Congenital lobar emphysema
+ Pulmonary hyperplasia
+ Pulmonary hypoplasia
+ Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia
+ Diaphragm and congenital malformations
+ Congenital malformations of kidneys and efferent urinary tracts
+ Renal agenesis
+ Variations of shape and position of the kidneys
+ Renal cystic disease
+ Infantile polycystic kidneys (ARKPD)
+ Renal dysplasia
+ Adult polycystic kidneys (ADPKD)
+ Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in infant and fetus
+ Lower urinary tract obstruction
+ Posterior urethral valves
+ Congenital tubular renal dysgenesis
+ Urinary bladder
+ Hypospadia
+ Congenital malformations of genital system and somatosexual congenital disorders
+ Somatosexual disorders
+ Somatosexual disorders with normal karyotype
+ Pseudohermaphroditism masculinus
+ Androgen insensitivity syndrome, testicular feminization syndrome, female XY
+ Pseudohermaphroditism femininus
+ Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
+ Somatosexual disorders with pathologic karyotype
+ Congenital malformations of female genitalia
+ Congenital malformations of the internal genitalia
+ Congenital malformations associated with congenital malformations of urinary system
+ Congenital malformations of the vulva
+ Congenital malformations of the male genital organs
+ Cryptorchidism
+ Congenital malformations of penis and scrotum
+ Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS)
+ Congenital tumors
+ Sacrococcygeal teratoma
+ Congenital cardiac rhabdomyoma
+ Congenital heart defects
+ Defects of heart septum
+ Atrial septal defects
+ Ventricular septal defects
+ AV septal defects
+ Anomalies of the great arteries
+ Transposition of the great arteries
+ Truncus arteriosus
+ Double-outlet right ventricle
+ Malformations of the valves
+ Tricuspid atresia
+ Stenosis and atresia of the mitral valve, the hypoplastic left heart syndrome
+ Stenosis of the pulmonary artery
+ Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
+ Tetralogy of Fallot
+ Aortic stenosis
+ Malformations of the aortic arch system
+ Persistence of ductus arteriosus
+ Coarctation of the aorta
+ Interruption of the aortic arch
+ Right-sided aortic arch
+ Malformations of the venous system
+ Anomalies of situs and heart position
+ Di George syndrome
+ Congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract
+ Oral cavity and the palate
+ Cleft lip and palate
+ Congenital defects of the esophagus
+ Atresia
+ Congenital esophagus stenoses
+ Congenital malformations of the stomach
+ Congenital malformations of the intestines
+ Atresia
+ Malrotation of the intestine
+ Remnants of the omphalomesentric duct
+ Anorectal malformations
+ Duplicatures
+ Defects of the abdominal wall
+ Omphalocele
+ Gastroschisis
+ Limb-body wall complex
+ Pentalogy of Cantrell
+ Developemental anomalies of the skeleton
+ Defects of growth of tubular bone and/or spine
+ Thanatophoric dysplasia
+ Diastrophic dysplasia
+ Abnormalities of density of cortical diaphyseal structure or metaphyseal modeling
+ Osteogenesis imperfecta
+ Limb malformations
+ Terminal transverse limb defects
+ Radial ray defects
+ Finger anomalies
+ Club foot
+ Constriction (amniotic) band syndrome
+ Placental inflammation
+ Ascending infections
+ Placental inflammation, acute
+ Hematogenous infections
+ Fetomaternal listeriosis
+ Pathology of the fetal membranes
+ Amniotic band syndrome
+ Meconium staining
+ Candida infection of the placenta
+ Pathology of the placenta
+ Normal placenta
+ Extrauterine gravidity
+ Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
+ Hydatidiform mole
+ Complete mole
+ Partial mole
+ Invasive mola (mole proliferans, mole destruens)
+ Gestational choriocarcinoma
+ Placental site trophoblastic tumor
+ Placenta and major chromosomal abnormalities
+ Hydropic placenta
+ Pathology of the umbilical cord
+ Abnormal length
+ Short cord
+ Long cord
+ Insertion abnormalities
+ Abnormal coiling
+ Umbilical vessels pathology
+ Umbilical cord accidents which compromise the blood flow
+ Thrombosis of umbilical blood vessels
+ Umbilical cord inflammation
+ Acute funisitis
+ Subacute necrotizing funisitis
+ Miscellaneous rare cord lesions
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