A group of developmental abnormalities, which include mandibular hypoplasia (recessive chin), glossoptosis and cleft palate.
As a isolated defect or a part of some syndrome (trisomy 18, Di George syndrome etc.)
The initial event is mandibular hypoplasia, the tongue is therefore pushed back and down, preventing the closure of the palate shelves.
Marked micrognathia, upper limb malformations, 22-week fetus.
Marked micrognathia, upper limb malformations: Robin's sequence, Macro, autopsy (72525)
Detail of the head: Robin's sequence, autopsy, Macro, autopsy (72526) Robin's sequence, autopsy, Macro, autopsy (72527)
Ultrasound video of the fetus, prominent micrognathia: Pierre-Robin sequence, Ultrasound, video (72951)