Fetopathology and developmental pathology of the embryo and fetus
Marta Ježová, Josef Feit et al.
+ Introduction
+ Using this atlas
+ Conditions of using this atlas
+ Technical notes
+ Hardware
+ Software
+ Virtual microscope, new interface
+ Virtual microscope interface for users
+ Scroll bars
+ Pohyb obrazem
+ Náhledové okno
+ Tlačítka v horní části okna
+ Aktivace šipek
+ Popis obrazu
+ Přepínání jazyka
+ Nastavení, kontextové menu
+ How to use the atlas
+ Navigating through the text pages
+ Controlling the pictures
+ Logos and labels
+ What will you need to use the atlas
+ Bugs, problems
+ Netscape
+ Microsoft Internet Explorer
+ Some other Internet resources concerning dermatopathology and pathology
+ Support
+ Support
+ Atlas of fetal pathology
+ Congenital malformations
+ Physiological developement of an embryo and fetus, growth and changes of the external shape
+ Congenital malformations and congenital anomalies
+ Basic terminology
+ Etiology of congenital anomalies (CA)
+ Environmental causes of congenital anomalies, congenital infections
+ Rubella
+ Cytomegalovirus
+ Syphilis
+ Toxoplasmosis
+ Diabetes mellitus (DM) and pregnancy
+ Diabetic embryopathy
+ Diabetic fetopathy
+ Genetic causes of congenital malformations
+ Chromosomal abnormalities
+ Down syndrome
+ Klinefelter syndrome
+ Turner syndrome
+ Patau syndrome
+ Edwards syndrome
+ Triploidy
+ Single gene disorders
+ Tuberous sclerosis
+ Miscellaneous malformation syndromes, sequences and associations, unclassified
+ Sirenomelia (Mermaid syndrome)
+ Hydrops fetalis
+ Immune hydrops (erythroblastosis fetalis, hemolytic disease of the newborn)
+ Nonimmune hydrops
+ Hygroma colli cysticum
+ Pierre-Robin sequence
+ Caudal regression syndrome (sacral agenesis)
+ VACTERL association
+ Pathology of twinning
+ Complications of monochorionic diamnionic placentation
+ Chronic twin transfusion syndrome
+ Acute twin-twin transfusion
+ Complications of monochorionic monoamnionic placentation
+ Congenital malformations in twins
+ Chorangiopagus parasiticus (acardius)
+ Pathology of higher multiple gestations: triplets
+ Monsters
+ Monstra duplicia
+ Gemini monochoriati inequales
+ Duplicitas symmetros
+ Asymmetric dual monsters
+ Monstra simplicia
+ Congenital malformations of individual organ systems
+ Congenital malformations of the central nervous system
+ Congenital malformations of the spinal cord
+ Spina bifida
+ Myeloschisis (rachischisis posterior)
+ Congenital malformations of the brain
+ Anencephaly
+ Iniencephaly
+ Encephalocele
+ Arnold-Chiari malformation
+ Disorders of formation of the structures derived from the mediobasal prosencephalon
+ Migration disorders
+ Destructive lesions of fetal brain (disruptions)
+ Porencephaly
+ Hydranencephaly
+ Hydrocephalus
+ Dandy-Walker malformation
+ Intracranial non-neoplastic cysts
+ Arachnoid cyst
+ Neuroepithelial cyst
+ Congenital malformations of the respiratory system
+ Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM)
+ Lobar sequestration
+ Congenital lobar emphysema
+ Pulmonary hyperplasia
+ Pulmonary hypoplasia
+ Congenital pulmonary lymphangiectasia
+ Diaphragm and congenital malformations
+ Congenital malformations of kidneys and efferent urinary tracts
+ Renal agenesis
+ Variations of shape and position of the kidneys
+ Renal cystic disease
+ Infantile polycystic kidneys (ARKPD)
+ Renal dysplasia
+ Adult polycystic kidneys (ADPKD)
+ Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in infant and fetus
+ Lower urinary tract obstruction
+ Posterior urethral valves
+ Congenital tubular renal dysgenesis
+ Urinary bladder
+ Hypospadia
+ Congenital malformations of genital system and somatosexual congenital disorders
+ Somatosexual disorders
+ Somatosexual disorders with normal karyotype
+ Pseudohermaphroditism masculinus
+ Androgen insensitivity syndrome, testicular feminization syndrome, female XY
+ Pseudohermaphroditism femininus
+ Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
+ Somatosexual disorders with pathologic karyotype
+ Congenital malformations of female genitalia
+ Congenital malformations of the internal genitalia
+ Congenital malformations associated with congenital malformations of urinary system
+ Congenital malformations of the vulva
+ Congenital malformations of the male genital organs
+ Cryptorchidism
+ Congenital malformations of penis and scrotum
+ Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS)
+ Congenital tumors
+ Sacrococcygeal teratoma
+ Congenital cardiac rhabdomyoma
+ Congenital heart defects
+ Defects of heart septum
+ Atrial septal defects
+ Ventricular septal defects
+ AV septal defects
+ Anomalies of the great arteries
+ Transposition of the great arteries
+ Truncus arteriosus
+ Double-outlet right ventricle
+ Malformations of the valves
+ Tricuspid atresia
+ Stenosis and atresia of the mitral valve, the hypoplastic left heart syndrome
+ Stenosis of the pulmonary artery
+ Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
+ Tetralogy of Fallot
+ Aortic stenosis
+ Malformations of the aortic arch system
+ Persistence of ductus arteriosus
+ Coarctation of the aorta
+ Interruption of the aortic arch
+ Right-sided aortic arch
+ Malformations of the venous system
+ Anomalies of situs and heart position
+ Di George syndrome
+ Congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract
+ Oral cavity and the palate
+ Cleft lip and palate
+ Congenital defects of the esophagus
+ Atresia
+ Congenital esophagus stenoses
+ Congenital malformations of the stomach
+ Congenital malformations of the intestines
+ Atresia
+ Malrotation of the intestine
+ Remnants of the omphalomesentric duct
+ Anorectal malformations
+ Duplicatures
+ Defects of the abdominal wall
+ Omphalocele
+ Gastroschisis
+ Limb-body wall complex
+ Pentalogy of Cantrell
+ Developemental anomalies of the skeleton
+ Defects of growth of tubular bone and/or spine
+ Thanatophoric dysplasia
+ Diastrophic dysplasia
+ Abnormalities of density of cortical diaphyseal structure or metaphyseal modeling
+ Osteogenesis imperfecta
+ Limb malformations
+ Terminal transverse limb defects
+ Radial ray defects
+ Finger anomalies
+ Club foot
+ Constriction (amniotic) band syndrome
+ Placental inflammation
+ Ascending infections
+ Placental inflammation, acute
+ Hematogenous infections
+ Fetomaternal listeriosis
+ Pathology of the fetal membranes
+ Amniotic band syndrome
+ Meconium staining
+ Candida infection of the placenta
+ Pathology of the placenta
+ Normal placenta
+ Extrauterine gravidity
+ Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
+ Hydatidiform mole
+ Complete mole
+ Partial mole
+ Invasive mola (mole proliferans, mole destruens)
+ Gestational choriocarcinoma
+ Placental site trophoblastic tumor
+ Placenta and major chromosomal abnormalities
+ Hydropic placenta
+ Pathology of the umbilical cord
+ Abnormal length
+ Short cord
+ Long cord
+ Insertion abnormalities
+ Abnormal coiling
+ Umbilical vessels pathology
+ Umbilical cord accidents which compromise the blood flow
+ Thrombosis of umbilical blood vessels
+ Umbilical cord inflammation
+ Acute funisitis
+ Subacute necrotizing funisitis
+ Miscellaneous rare cord lesions
Controlling the pictures

You can have any numer of picture windows open at the same time. Each window is provided with a row of buttons:

  1.   opens or closes the window with the list of signs
  2.   opens the magnifying window
  3.   closes the magnifying window
  4.   closes the window with pictures
  5.   focusing up
  6.   focusing down
  7.   enlarging the basic picture, which can be dragged

Opens or closes the window with the list of signs. The list of signs is opened in a separate window. The text is generated from the database of signs and sometimes additional notes are added. When moving the mouse over the text of a sign description the background of the text changes to bright green and the arrow (or other signs) appear in the picture. After moving the mouse off the arrows disappear. After clicking on the sign description the background turns dark green and the arrows are fixed until another click.


Picture for testing the arrows: Arrows verification, (522)

Opens the magnifying window. The small window with high resolution picture will open. The picture will scroll according to the user clicking in the picture with the basic picture, showing the detail. Note: Some pictures may not have the high resolution button available. That means such picture is available in low resolution only (fluorescence etc.)

Closes the magnifying window. Always use this button to close the high resolution window!

Focuses up in pictures available in several focusing planes.

Focuses down in pictures available in several focusing planes.

Closes the basic window (and associated windows with signs or high resolution as well). Always use this button to close the window!

Enlarges the basic picture by a factor of (approx) 2.5 (no image degradation will occur, but rather new details will appear). The image can be dragged by a mouse (click and hold the left button). The same button will decrease the size of the picture back. This button is available in those pictures, where there is large difference in size of the image in the basic and high resolution window. The arrows will deactivate the zoom and vice versa (the arrows work with the basic picture in normal size only). The high resolution window is available and functioning in zoomed-in pictures as well.

Not all the buttons are available in each picture!