Diabetic fetopathy presents as fetal macrosomia in the 3rd trimestr of gestation.
The accelerated growth (exactly fetal obesity) results from fetal hyperinsulinemia when more glucose and other nutritions reach the fetus.
The birthweight is greater than 4000g. Fat is stored preferentionally in the abdominal and interscapular region, abdominal and shoulder circumference is increased. Complications durign labor (shoulder dystocia) are common and there is an increased risk of birth injury and asphyxia.
The early postnatal period complications include:
Pancreas pathology: hyperplasia of the islet cells. This finding returns to normal within the first few days after birth.
Strict glycemic control during the pregnancy and labor prevents these complications.
Large fetus 5900 g, gestational diabetes of the mother: Obrovský plod o hmotnosti 5900 g při gestačním diabetu matky: Diabetic fetopathy, Macro, autopsy (73970)