Tricupis atresia:
Ebstein malformation of the tricuspid valve: the septal and posterior leaflets adhere to the right ventricular wall. The inlet portion of the ventricle in thus included functionally within the right atrium. The malformed tricuspid valve is insufficient.
Further classification of tricupis atresia is based on the great vesells position:
23-week fetus, tricuspid atresia:
Tricuspid atresia, base of the heart: Atresia valvae tricuspidalis, Macro, autopsy (72041)
Tricuspid atresia, view from the right atrium: Atresia valvae tricuspidalis, Macro, autopsy (72042)
Tricuspid atresia, right ventricle hypoplasia: Atresia valvae tricuspidalis, Macro, autopsy (72043)
Tricuspid atresia, ventricular septal defect, view from the left ventricle: Atresia valvae tricuspidalis, Macro, autopsy (72045)
Tricuspid atresia, ventricular septal defect, view from the right ventricle: Atresia valvae tricuspidalis, Macro, autopsy (72044)