Atlas of Bone Marrow pathology
Mojmir Moulis, Josef Feit et al.

List of images sorted by diagnosis

Mojmír Moulis MD.

5q-syndrome, HE 100x (72892)
Aplastic anemia, bone marrow, HE 100x (72919)
Aplastic anemia, bone marrow, HE 40x (72921)
Aplastic anemia, bone marrow, PAS 100x (72920)
Bone marrow after transplantation, PAS 100x (72894)
Carcinoma of the breast, bone marrow infiltration, HE 100x (72554)
Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis (CIMF), PAS 100x (72887)
Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, Gömöry 100x (72427)
Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, HE 100x (72423)
Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, HE 100x (72424)
Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, van Gieson 100x (72425)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia B, CD20 100x (73352)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia B, CD23 100x (73353)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia B, CD5 100x (73354)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia B, HE 100x (73355)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia, bone marrow, HE 100x (73238)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia, bone marrow, PAS 100x (73239)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia B, PAS 100x (73356)
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, bone marrow, HE 100x (72740)
Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, bone marrow, PAS 100x (72737)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, bone marrow infiltration, PAS 100x (72607)
Diffuse large cell B lymphoma, bone marrow, PAS 100x (73109)
Dissociated carcinoma of the stomach, infiltration of the bone marrow, HE 100x (72552)
Essential thrombocytopenia, bone marrow, HE 100x (72624)
Follicular lymphoma, bone marrow, CD20 100x (72738)
Follicular lymphoma, bone marrow, HE 100x (72692)
Hairy cell leukemia, CD20 100x (72410)
Hairy cell leukemia, DBA44 100x (72421)
Hairy cell leukemia, HE 100x (72411)
Hairy cell leukemia, PAS 100x (72422)
Hemophagocytic syndrome, bone marrow, CD68 100x (72630)
Hemophagocytic syndrome, bone marrow, HE 100x (72631)
Histiocytosis X, CD1a 40x (74189)
Histiocytosis X, HE 60x (74191)
Histiocytosis X, S100 40x (74190)
Hodgkin disease, CD15 100x (72678)
Hodgkin disease, PAS 100x (72679)
Hyperplasia of granulopoesis, bone marrow, HE 100x (73026)
Hyperplasia of granulopoesis, bone marrow, PAS 100x (73027)
Hypoplastic acute myeloic leukemia, HE 100x (73112)
Hypoplastic acute myeloic leukemia, PAS 100x (73113)
Lymphoplasmocytoid lymphoma, bone marrow, HE 100x (72903)
Lymphoplasmocytoid lymphoma, bone marrow, PAS 100x (72904)
Megaloblastic anemia, bone marrow, HE 100x (72608)
Multiple myeloma, bone marrow, HE 100x (73120)
Myeloma, trephine biopsy, CD138 60x (74200)
Myeloma, trephine biopsy, HE 60x (74201)
Myeloma, trephine biopsy, HE 60x (74202)
Myeloma, trephine biopsy, kappa 60x (74203)
Myeloma, trephine biopsy, lambda 60x (74204)
Paget's disease of the bone, HE 100x (72622)
Paroxysmal night hemoglobinuria, PAS 100x (72784)
Polycytemia vera, bone marrow, Gömöry 100x (73030)
Polycytemia vera, bone marrow, HE 100x (73031)
Polycytemia vera, bone marrow, PAS 100x (73032)
Reactive thrombocytosis, bone marrow, PAS 100x (73005)
Refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts, Prussian blue 100x (72496)