
Atlas of pathology for medical students

Alphabetical list of all pictures

Stomach, jejunostomy, Macro, autopsy (70069)
Diffuse alveolar damage, ARDS, Macro, autopsy (71685)
Lung, shock, Macro, autopsy (71686)
Adult ARDS, HE 40x (71882)
Abortion, Macro, autopsy (71312)
Abortion, Macro, autopsy (71335)
Brain, abscess, Macro, autopsy (70762)
Brain, abscess (nocardiosis), Macro, autopsy (70760)
Brain, abscess (nocardiosis), Macro, autopsy (70761)
Brain, abscess (nocardiosis), Grocott 20x (70759)
Brain, abscess, Macro, autopsy (70758)
Brain, abscess, Macro, autopsy (70757)
Compression of the brain, edema, due to abscess, Macro, autopsy (70785)
Abscess causing brain edema, Macro, autopsy (70796)
Abscess causing brain edema, Macro, autopsy (70797)
Abscess causing brain edema, Macro, autopsy (70798)
Abscess causing brain edema, Macro, autopsy (70799)
Abscess causing brain edema, Macro, autopsy (70800)
Abscess, brain, Macro, autopsy (70805)
Abscess, brain, Macro, autopsy (70806)
Brain, old abscess, Macro, autopsy (70855)
Conus due to brain abscess, Macro, autopsy (70877)
Liver, cholangitic abscess, Macro, autopsy (70408)
Liver, cholangitic abscess, Macro, autopsy (70409)
Subphenical abscess, Macro, autopsy (70445)
Subphenical abscess, Macro, autopsy (70446)
Abscess, midbrain, Macro, autopsy (70908)
Abscesses of the liver, CT, contrast, contrast X-ray (70576)
Retroperitoneal abscess, 19th day after delivery, CT contrast, abscess, X-ray (71783)
Retroperitoneal abscess, 19th day after delivery, CT contrast, uterus, X-ray (71784)
Retroperitoneal abscess, 19th day after delivery, CT contrast, spleen, X-ray (71782)
Retroperitoneal abscess, 19th day after delivery, CT native, X-ray (71781)
Abscess with fistula, testis, HE 40x (72274)
Abscess with fistula, testis, HE 40x (72273)
Abscess of the testis, Macro, autopsy (72240)
Abscess of the testis, Macro, autopsy (72241)
Lung, abscess, Macro, autopsy (71676)
Brain abscess from purulent otitis, 20x (71927)
Achlorhydria, HE 60x (74237)
Achlorhydria, Warthin Starry 60x (74238)
Actinomycosis, endometrium, Gram 40x (70978)
Actinomycosis, endometrium, HE 40x (70979)
Acute myeloic leukemia (AML)
Kidney in acute myeloic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (71064)
Liver, chronic myeloic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (70362)
Liver, acute myeloic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (70364)
Liver, acute myeloic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (70365)
Spleen, acute myeloic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (71771)
Splenomegaly, leukemia (1300 g), Macro, autopsy (71772)
AML, lungs, HE 100x (72467)
AML, lungs, CHAE 40x (72468)
Acute myeloic leukemia, lungs, HE 40x (72430)
Adamantinoma, AE13 40x (12316)
Adamantinoma, HE 40x (12317)
Adamantinoma of the bone, HE 40x (12645)
OFD adamantinoma of the bone, HE 40x (12718)
Cytology, pleural cavity, adenocarcinoma, HE 40x (74075)
Cytology, pleural cavity, adenocarcinoma, PAP 40x (74076)
Cytology, pleural cavity, adenocarcinoma, HE 40x (74077)
Cytology, pleural cavity, adenocarcinoma, PAP 40x (74078)
Adenocarcinoma, lung, CT of the thorax, X-ray (73474)
Adenocarcinoma, lung, CT of the lungs, X-ray (73475)
Adenocarcinoma of the lung, brain meta, MR flair, X-ray (73476)
Adenocarcinoma of the lung, brain meta, MR T1 contrast axial, X-ray (73477)
Adenocarcinoma of the lung, brain meta, MR T1 contrast coronal, X-ray (73478)
Adenocarcinoma of the lung, brain meta, MR T1 contrast sagittal, X-ray (73479)
Adenocarcinoma of the rectum, osteolysis of the sacral and coccygeal bones, CT, X-ray (71828)
Adenocarcinoma, Barrett's esophagus, HE 40x (72429)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, focus of grade 1, HMWCK 40x (71389)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, focus of grade 1, HE 40x (71386)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate with perineural spread, focus of grade 1, HE 40x (71387)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, focus of grade 1, HMWCK 40x (71388)
Adenocarcinoma of the cervix uteri, HE 40x (71007)
Adenocarcinoma of the lung, HE 40x (71398)
Adenocarcinoma, colon, HE 40x (10527)
Adenocarcinoma of antrum pylori, CLINIC (72165)
Adenocarcinoma of antrum pylori, CLINIC (72166)
Adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater, drain, CLINIC (72168)
Adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater, drain, CLINIC (72169)
Adenocarcinoma of the papilla of Vater, drain, CLINIC (72170)
Adenocarcinoma, intestine, CLINIC (72171)
Adenocarcinoma, intestine, CLINIC (72172)
Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, infiltrating into the wall of the stomach, CLINIC (72175)
Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, infiltrating into the wall of the stomach, CLINIC (72176)
Intestinal type of the adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72205)
Intestinal type of the adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72206)
Intestinal type of the adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72207)
Adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, recurrence, CLINIC (72210)
Well differentiated adenocarcinoma of the prostate, HE 40x (71190)
Adenomatoid tumor
Adenomatoid tumor of the uterus, HE 40x (71247)
Adenoma of the Brunner's gland, duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70139)
Cortical adenoma of the kidney, Macro, autopsy (71072)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MR, T1W, CENH, X-ray (70959)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MR, T1W, X-ray (70958)
Microadenoma of the hypophysis, MR coronal, T2 nativ, X-ray (73514)
Microadenoma of the hypophysis, MR sagittal, T2 nativ, X-ray (73515)
Microadenoma of the hypophysis, MR T1 contrast coronal, X-ray (73516)
Adenoma of the liver, CT, contrast, contrast X-ray (70573)
Adenoma of the liver, CT, contrast, delayed, contrast X-ray (70574)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MRI, coronar plane, X-ray (70569)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MRI, sagittal plane, X-ray (70568)
Prolaktinoma, MR contrast sagittal, X-ray (73533)
Prolaktinoma, CT contrast, X-ray (73534)
Hepatocellular adenoma, HE 40x (70663)
Microfollicular adenoma, Hashimoto thyreoiditis, HE 40x (10863)
Large tumor of the hypophysis (video), Video (74171)
Tubovillous adenoma, low grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72566)
Tubovillous adenoma, low grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72567)
Tubovillous adenoma, low grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72568)
Villous adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72569)
Villous adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72570)
Villous adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72571)
Adenomatous polyp, CLINIC (72574)
Adenomatous polyp of the sigmoid, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72579)
Multiple adenomatous polyps, colon, CLINIC (72832)
Flat tubular adenoma of the caecum, CLINIC (72833)
Flat tubular adenoma of the caecum, CLINIC (72834)
Flat tubular adenoma of the caecum, CLINIC (72835)
Adenomatous polyps, colon (Gardner sy), CLINIC (72850)
Incipient adenomatous polyp, stomach, Gardner sy, CLINIC (72851)
Serrated adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72860)
Serrated adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72861)
Serrated adenoma, high grade dysplasia, CLINIC (72862)
Adenomyosis, HE 60x (74318)
Adenomyosis of the gall bladder, HE 40x (70532)
Sclerosing adenosis of the prostate, HE 40x (72756)
Sclerosing adenosis, prostate, HMW cytokeratin, HMWCK 40x (72752)
Adenosis of the breast, HE 40x (71249)
Microglandular adenosis, actin 40x (70510)
Microglandular adenosis, HE 40x (70511)
Microglandular adenosis, PAS 40x (70512)
Agenesis, kidneys, Macro, autopsy (71023)
Ovarian agenesis, Turner's syndrome, Macro, autopsy (71320)
Alport's syndrome
Alport's syndrome, PAS 40x (70659)
Alport's syndrome, PAS 40x (70660)
Encephalitis, caused by amoeba, HE 60x (73772)
Amyloidosis general
Amyloidosis, kidney, HE 40x (10600)
Amyloidosis, kidney, Congo red 40x (10601)
Amyloidosis of the kidney, polarization, Congo red, polarisation 10x (71065)
Amyloidosis, kidney, HE 40x (74245)
Amyloidosis, kidney, Congo red 40x (74246)
Amyloidosis, intestine, HE 40x (70286)
Amyloidosis, intestine, Congo red 40x (70269)
Amyloidosis, stomach, mikcroexcision, HE 40x (70287)
Senile amyloidosis, myocardium, HE 40x (72609)
Senile amyloidosis, myocardium, Congo red 40x (72610)
Amyloidosis of the kidney, AA, HE 40x (70678)
Amyloidosis of the kidney, AA, HE 40x (70679)
Amyloidosis of the kidney, AA, PAS 40x (70680)
Amyloidosis of the kidney, AA, Congo red 40x (70681)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, HE 20x (70706)
Analgetic nephropathy
Analgetic nephropathy, Macro, autopsy (71024)
Analgetic nephropathy, Macro, autopsy (71066)
Artifical anastomoses of coronary arteries and a. mammaria interna, Macro, autopsy (71539)
Artifical anastomoses of coronary arteries and a. mammaria interna, Macro, autopsy (71540)
Anemic kidney, Macro, autopsy (71025)
Anencephalus, Macro, autopsy (70747)
Anencephalus, Macro, autopsy (70748)
Anencephalus, omphalokele, Macro, autopsy (70749)
Anencephalus, spina bifida, Macro, autopsy (70750)
Aneurysmatic cyst of the bone
Aneurysmatic cyst of the bone, HE 40x (12319)
Aneurysmatic cyst of the bone, HE 40x (12325)
Aneurysmatic cyst of the bone, HE 40x (12326)
Aneurysmatic cyst of the bone, frozen HE 40x (72956)
Aneurysmatic cyst of the bone, HE 40x (72957)
Aneurysm of circulus arteriosus Willisi, Macro, autopsy (70751)
Aneurysm of circulus arteriosus Willisi, Macro, autopsy (70752)
Aneurysm of middle cerebral artery, Macro, autopsy (70753)
Thrombosis of basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70756)
Brain, arterial aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70770)
Aneurysm, thrombosed, Macro, autopsy (70767)
Aneurysm, thrombosed, Macro, autopsy (70768)
Aneurysm, rtg Macro, autopsy (70769)
Berry aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (70771)
Aneurysm, carotid artery, Macro, autopsy (70772)
Aneurysm, basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70778)
Aneurysms, brain, circle of Willis, Macro, autopsy (70781)
Aneurysms, brain, circle of Willis, Macro, autopsy (70782)
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation, Macro, autopsy (70787)
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation, Macro, autopsy (70788)
Aneurysm, brain hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70810)
Brain hemorrhage due to ruptured aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70812)
Aneurysm of the middle cerebral artery, Macro, autopsy (70848)
Brain stem hemorrhage due to mycotic aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70866)
Berry aneurysm, circle of Willis, Macro, autopsy (70891)
Thrombosed aneurysm of the femoral artery, Macro, autopsy (71431)
Arteria cerebri media, aneurysm, CT 3D, X-ray (73010)
Arteria cerebri media, aneurysm, CT, X-ray (73011)
Aneurysm of the a. communicans anterior after the embolisation, DSA, X-ray (71826)
Aneurysm of the a. communicans anterior prior to embolisation, DSA, X-ray (71825)
Aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery, DSA, X-ray (71808)
Aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery, DSA, X-ray (71809)
Aneurysm of the superior mesenteric artery, DSA, X-ray (71810)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (73000)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (73001)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (72997)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (72999)
Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta, CT, native, X-ray (70543)
Aorta, dissection, CT, X-ray (73012)
Embolization of the aneurysm (microcatether), HE 40x (70744)
Embolization of the aneurysm (microcatether), HE 40x (70745)
Embolization of the aneurysm (aneurysm filled by spirals), HE 40x (70746)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, CT sagittal, X-ray (73518)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, CT oblique, X-ray (73519)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, CT reconstruction, X-ray (73517)
Aortal dissection affecting the carotids, CT, X-ray (73021)
Aortal dissection affecting the carotids, CT, X-ray (73022)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, CT angiography, X-ray (70739)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, CT angiography, 4D reconstruction, HE 40x (70742)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, CT angiography, 4D reconstruction, HE 40x (70743)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, DSA, after embolization, X-ray (70740)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, before embolisation, X-ray (70741)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, MRI angiography, MIP reconstruction, X-ray (70738)
Supraoptical saccular aneurysm, MRI angiography, native, X-ray (70737)
Aneurysm ACM, CT, brain, angiography, X-ray (73553)
Aneurysm ACM, CT, brain, angiography, reconstruction, X-ray (73552)
Aneurysm ACM, clipping, CT, brain, angiography, X-ray (73554)
Abdominal aorta, dissection, CT sagittal, X-ray (73529)
Aorta, dissection, CT, X-ray (73528)
Subarachnoidal hemorrhage, ruptured aneurysm, CT, X-ray (73023)
Subarachnoidal hemorrhage, ruptured aneurysm, CT, X-ray (73024)
Aortal dissection affecting subclavian artery, CT, X-ray (73025)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MR angiography, X-ray (70952)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MRI, T1W gadolinium, X-ray (70953)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MRI, T2W, X-ray (70951)
Large aneurysm of a. cerebri media dx, MRI, T2W, X-ray (70950)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, HE 2x (71443)
Ruptured false atherosclerotic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71453)
Ruptured false atherosclerotic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71454)
Aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70240)
Aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70243)
Aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70244)
Aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (70245)
Heart, aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (71196)
Heart, aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (71195)
Aneurysm of the basilar artery, X-ray (72998)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71445)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71446)
Thrombosed aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71462)
Thrombosed aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71461)
Atherosclerotic aneurysm of the aorta with a large thrombus, Macro, autopsy (71463)
Ruptured aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71449)
Ruptured aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71448)
Aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71464)
Aorta with atherosclerotic aneurysm and large organised thrombi, Macro, autopsy (71465)
Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta5 cm above the aortic valve, Macro, autopsy (71472)
Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta, partially healed, Macro, autopsy (71469)
Multiple atherosclerotic aneurysms of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71447)
Aneurysm of the aorta ruptured into the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (71450)
Syphilitic aneurysm of the ascending aorta, destruction of the ribs, Macro, autopsy (71466)
Left ventricle aneurysm with thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71532)
Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71467)
Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71468)
Left ventricle aneurysm after old myocardial infarction, Macro, autopsy (71529)
Left ventricle aneurysm with calcifications, Macro, autopsy (71530)
Left ventricle aneurysm with thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71531)
Aneurysm of the mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (71547)
Perirenal hematoma due to ruptured aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71452)
Aneurysm of the aorta ruptured into the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (71451)
Ruptured aneurysm of the thoracic aorta, Macro, autopsy (71444)
Left ventricle aneurysm after myocardial infarction, Macro, autopsy (71528)
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73987)
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73988)
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73989)
Basilar aneurysm, brain, Macro, autopsy (73990)
Aortic aneurysm penetrating into the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (74022)
Aortic aneurysm penetrating into the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (74023)
Aortic aneurysm penetrating into the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (74024)
Angiokeratoma, HE 40x (2103)
Angiokeratoma scroti of Fordyce, HE 40x (3685)
Angiokeratoma, CLINIC (658)
Angiokeratoma, HE 10x (1187)
Angiokeratoma, HE 40x (1188)
Angiokeratoma scroti, CLINIC (2800)
Angiokeratoma vulvae, CLINIC (2802)
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia, epitheloid hemangioma
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia, HE 40x (2680)
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia, HE 1.25x (1170)
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia, HE 10x (1171)
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia, HE 20x (1172)
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia, HE 40x (1173)
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia, HE 63x (1174)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, AE13 20x (70466)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, EMA 20x (70467)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, Gömöry 20x (70468)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, NSE 20x (70469)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, RCC 20x (70470)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, vimentin 20x (70471)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, HE 40x (70472)
Angioreticuloma of the cerebellum, HE 40x (70473)
Angiosarkom, head, CLINIC (4169)
Angiosarcoma, head, HE 40x (4114)
Angiosarcoma, HE 20x (1192)
Angiosarcoma, HE 20x (1191)
Angiosarcoma, HE 10x (1190)
Angiosarcoma, HE 40x (1193)
Silicosis of the lung, HE 40x (10616)
Anthracosilicosis, HE 20x (71859)
Lung, moderate anthracosis, Macro, autopsy (71639)
Lung, slight anthracosis, Macro, autopsy (71638)
Lung, heavy anthracosis, Macro, autopsy (71640)
Anthracotic pleura, video, Video (73929)
Apocrine carcinoma
Apocrine carcinoma of the breast, HE 20x (70661)
Apocrine carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (70662)
Appendicitis, retrocaecal abscess, CT, contrast X-ray (74600)
Appendicitis, retrocaecal abscess, CT, X-ray (70544)
Appendicitis, perforating, HE 10x (70277)
Appendicitis, purulent, granulomatous, HE 40x (10172)
Purulent appendicitis, HE 40x (10628)
Appendicitis parasitaria, HE 20x (70031)
Appendicitis acuta, HE 20x (70029)
Appendicitis acuta, HE 40x (70030)
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Arnold-Chiari malformation, Macro, autopsy (70754)
Arteriovenous malformation, angiomatosis
Arteriovenous malformation, CLINIC (1923)
Arteriovenous malformation, elastic fibres 20x (2520)
Arteriovenous malformation, elastic fibres 20x (2198)
Arteriovenous malformation, HE 20x (2199)
Arteriovenous malformation, HE 20x (2200)
Arteriovenous malformation, HE 20x (2201)
Arteritis temporalis Horton
Arteritis temporalis Horton, HE 20x (4413)
Arteritis temporalis Horton, HE 20x (4414)
Arteritis temporalis Horton, HE 20x (4415)
Artifical stuff
Prosthesis after ruptured aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71457)
Prosthesis after ruptured aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71456)
Prosthesis after ruptured aneurysm of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71455)
Prosthesis of iliac arteries, HE 10x (71460)
Prosthesis of the abdominal aorta, 12 years after implantation, Macro, autopsy (71458)
Aortic valve ball, 8 years old boy, Macro (71507)
Cardiac patch, Macro, autopsy (71511)
Disc artificial valve, Macro, autopsy (71508)
Disc artificial valve, Macro, autopsy (71509)
Fallot tetralogy, dacron patch, Macro, autopsy (71512)
Prosthesis of iliac arteries, Macro, autopsy (71459)
Thrombosis of artificial mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (71510)
Pacemaker, right atrium and ventricle, Macro, autopsy (71582)
Umbrella screen in lower vena cava after reperated thrombembolisations, thrombus, Macro, autopsy (71486)
Artificial biological valve, aorta, Macro, autopsy (74341)
Artificial biological valve, aorta, Macro, autopsy (74342)
Artifitial mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (74448)
Artifitial mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (74449)
Ascites, liver cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70346)
Ascites, Macro, autopsy (72476)
Ascites, X-ray (70329)
Ascites, X-ray (70330)
Aspergillosis, HE 100x (5958)
Aspiration of amniotic fluid
Aspiration of amniotic fluid, HE 40x (10363)
Lung, aspirated peanut, Macro, autopsy (71677)
Aspiration of barium (x-ray examination of GIT), Macro, autopsy (71678)
Aspiration of barium (x-ray examination of GIT), Macro, autopsy (71679)
Aspiration of barium (x-ray examination of GIT), Macro, autopsy (71680)
Blood aspiration, lung, Macro, autopsy (71681)
Astrocytoma, Macro, autopsy (70773)
Astrocytoma, Macro, autopsy (70774)
Oligoastrocytoma, MR T1 contrast, coronal, X-ray (73510)
Oligoastrocytoma, MR flair, X-ray (73511)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, frozen HE 20x (72654)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, frozen HE 40x (72655)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, HE 40x (72656)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, alpha-1-antitrypsin 40x (74154)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, HE 40x (74155)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, frozen HE 40x (74156)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, S100 40x (74157)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, vimentin 40x (74158)
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma, HE 60x (73897)
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma, HE 60x (73898)
Anaplastic oligoastrocytoma, HE 20x (73782)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, HE 40x (72891)
Diffuse fibrillar astrocytoma, HE 40x (72893)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, surgery (video), Video (74170)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, Macro (74147)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, Macro (74148)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, after surgery, MR axial, X-ray (74164)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, after surgery, MR coronal, X-ray (74165)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, after surgery, MR sagittal, X-ray (74166)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, before surgery, MR axial T1, X-ray (74167)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, before surgery, MR coronal, X-ray (74168)
Pilocytic astrocytoma, before surgery, MR sagittal, X-ray (74169)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, after surgery, X-ray (73682)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73683)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, after surgery, X-ray (73684)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73685)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73686)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73687)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73688)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73689)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, X-ray (73690)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, CLINIC (73691)
Subendothelial fatty streaks, Macro, autopsy (71419)
Subendothelial fatty streaks, Macro, autopsy (71420)
Severe atherosclerosis of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71425)
Severe atherosclerosis of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71423)
Severe atherosclerosis of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71424)
Severe atherosclerosis of the aorta with parietal thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71426)
Mild atherosclerosis of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71421)
Mild atherosclerosis of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71422)
Severe atherosclerosis of the aorta with parietal thrombosis, detail, Macro, autopsy (71427)
Atherosclerosis of the aorta with thrombosis of the aortic branch, Macro, autopsy (71428)
Pancreas, atherosclerotic embolus, HE 10x (70292)
Shrunken kidney, cysts, CT contrast axial, X-ray (73467)
Atherosclerosis of pulmonary artery in pulmonary hypertension, HE 40x (73036)
Atherosclerosis of pulmonary artery in pulmonary hypertension, Macro, autopsy (71657)
Atherosclerosis, aorta, HE 20x (70110)
Atherosclerosis, aorta, HE 40x (70111)
Atherosclerosis, HE 40x (70115)
Atherosclerotic plaque, HE 10x (71410)
Atherosclerotic plaque, HE 20x (71411)
Atherosclerosis, coronary artery, HE 20x (70116)
Atherosclerosis, coronary artery, HE 40x (70117)
Imperforated anus, Macro, autopsy (70213)
Atresia of extrahepatal biliary ducts, Macro, autopsy (72432)
Atresia of extrahepatal biliary ducts, Macro, autopsy (72433)
Atresia of extrahepatal biliary ducts, Macro, autopsy (72434)
Respiratory brain, Macro, autopsy (72435)
Atresia of extrahepatal bile ducts, porta hepatis, HE 40x (72464)
Atresia of extrahepatal bile ducts, liver cirrhosis, child 4 months, HE 40x (72465)
Brain, atrophy, Macro, autopsy (70775)
Brain, atrophy, Macro, autopsy (70776)
Atrophy of the hippocampus left, epilepsy, MR flair coronal, X-ray (73559)
Atrophy of the kidneys, contrast X-ray (70548)
Lipomatosis of the myocardium (senile and ischemic), Macro, autopsy (71439)
Lipomatous atrophy of the pancreas, HE 20x (70130)
B reaction, lymphnode
B reaction, lymphnode, HE 40x (72251)
B reaction, lymphnode, frozen HE 20x (72974)
B reaction, lymphnode, HE 40x (72975)
Balanitis, nonspecific
Balanitis candidomycetica diabeticorum, CLINIC (2821)
Balanitis candidomycetica diabeticorum, CLINIC (2822)
Balanitis candidomycetica diabeticorum, CLINIC (2823)
Balanitis candidomycetica, CLINIC (2824)
Balanitis, citrobacter, CLINIC (2825)
Balanitis, citrobacter, CLINIC (2826)
Balanitis, staphylococcus, CLINIC (2827)
Balanitis, staphylococcus, CLINIC (2828)
Balanitits or vulvitis plasmocellularis Zoon
Balanitits or vulvitis plasmocellularis Zoon, Prussian blue 40x (3608)
Balanitits or vulvitis plasmocellularis Zoon, HE 40x (3609)
Barrett's esophagus
Barrett's esophagus, alcian blue, PAS 100x (72306)
Barrett's esophagus, alcian blue, PAS 100x (72307)
Barrett's esophagus, alcian blue, PAS 40x (72308)
Barrett's esophagus, HE 40x (72315)
Basalioma, HE 60x (10130)
Bile duct obstruction
Acholic stools, Macro, autopsy (70460)
Bone cyst
Bone cyst, HE 40x (12458)
Bone cyst, HE 40x (12457)
Bowenoid papulosis
Bowenoid papulosis of the penis (male 24 y), HE 40x (3687)
Bowenoid papulosis, HE 10x (1214)
Bronchiectasia, Macro, autopsy (71632)
Bronchiectasia, inflammation, Macro, autopsy (71633)
Bronchiectasia, Macro, autopsy (71634)
Bronchiectasia, Macro, autopsy (71635)
Bronchiectasia, secretion, Macro, autopsy (71636)
Bronchioalveolar carcinoma
Bronchioalveolar carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71713)
Bronchioalveolar carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71714)
Bronchioalveolar carcinoma, lung, HE 40x (71396)
Bronchitis catarrhalis, bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (72267)
Bronchitis, HE 40x (71370)
Lung, bronchopneumonia, X-ray (73509)
Bronchopneumonia, Macro, autopsy (71662)
Bronchopneumonia, Macro, autopsy (71663)
Absceding bronchopneumonia, Macro, autopsy (71665)
Hypostatic bronchopneumonia, Macro, autopsy (71664)
Bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (71400)
Bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (71401)
Bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (71402)
Catarrhal and purulent bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (72269)
Bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (71403)
Budd Chiari
Liver, Budd-Chiari, HE 20x (70406)
Liver, Budd-Chiari, HE 20x (70407)
Liver, venous thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (70455)
Double aorto-coronary by-pass, Macro, autopsy (71534)
Aortocoronary by-pass, HE 40x (71716)
Aortocoronary by-pass, HE 40x (71717)
Aortocoronary by-pass, HE 40x (71718)
Saphenous graft (by-pass), Macro, autopsy (71535)
Saphenous graft (by-pass), Macro, autopsy (71536)
Saphenous graft (by-pass), Macro, autopsy (71537)
Triple saphenous graft (by-pass), Macro, autopsy (71538)
Dystrophic calcification, kidney, Kossa 40x (71042)
Artery, calcifications of the media, Macro, autopsy (71441)
Calcified hilar lymphnode, Macro, autopsy (71750)
Carcinoid, bowel, Macro, autopsy (70160)
Carcinoid, bowel, Macro, autopsy (70159)
Carcinoid of the ieunum, Macro, autopsy (70153)
Carcinoid of the ieunum, Macro, autopsy (70154)
Liver, metastases of carcinoid, Macro, autopsy (70367)
Carcinoid of the ieunum, Macro, autopsy (70157)
Carcinoid, colon, HE 100x (72495)
Carcinoid, colon, HE 20x (72330)
Carcinoid, colon, chromogranin 40x (72332)
Carcinoid, colon, HE 40x (72331)
Carcinoid, colon, serotonin 40x (72333)
Carcinoid, appendix, HE 20x (70032)
Carcinoid, appendix, HE 40x (70033)
Carcinoid of the appendix, HE 40x (10407)
Carcinoid of the pancreas, synaptophyzin 20x (70985)
Carcinoid of the pancreas, synaptophyzin 20x (70986)
Carcinoid of the pancreas, HE 40x (70987)
Carcinoid of the pancreas, HE 40x (70988)
Carcinoid of the pancreas, HE 40x (70989)
Carcinoid of the pancreas, HE 40x (70990)
Carcinoma in situ
Intramucosal carcinoma within adenomatous polyp of the colon, CLINIC (72600)
Intramucosal carcinoma within adenomatous polyp of the colon, CLINIC (72601)
Intramucosal carcinoma within adenomatous polyp of the colon, CLINIC (72602)
Carcinoma, breast, Macro, autopsy (71032)
Infiltrating carcinoma ot the breast, Macro, autopsy (71026)
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltration of the skin, Macro, autopsy (71029)
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltration of the skin, Macro, autopsy (71030)
Carcinoma of the breast, infiltration of the skin, Macro, autopsy (71031)
Carcinoma, breast, Macro, autopsy (71028)
Carcinoma of the breast, pigmentation after radiotherapy, Macro, autopsy (71027)
Infiltrating papillary carcinoma of the breast, Macro, autopsy (71035)
Caecum, small carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70173)
Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70182)
Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70177)
Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70178)
Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70179)
Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70180)
Colon, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70181)
Esophageal ulcer caused by penetrating carcinoma of the lung, Macro, autopsy (70044)
Stomach, carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70050)
Serous cystadenocarcinoma, ovaries, Macro, autopsy (71321)
Infiltrating adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70291)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70296)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70297)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70298)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70299)
Infiltrating adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70293)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70295)
High grade prostatic carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71143)
Carcinoma of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71142)
Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70230)
Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70231)
Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70227)
Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70228)
Carcinoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70229)
Adenocarcinoma, stomach, Macro, autopsy (70054)
Penetration of pancreatic carcinoma into the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70055)
Penetration of gastric carcinoma into the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70056)
Carcinoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70059)
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70058)
Transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder, Macro, autopsy (71163)
Carcinoma or the cervix uteri, Macro, autopsy (71336)
Carcinoma or the cervix uteri, Macro, autopsy (71337)
Carcinoma or the cervix uteri, Macro, autopsy (71338)
Carcinoma of Grawitz (right kidney), CT, contrast medium, contrast X-ray (70465)
Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas, X-ray (70558)
Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas with metastasis into the lymphnodes of the hilus of the liver, X-ray (70559)
Carcinoma of the transplanted kidney, MRI, T1, contrast X-ray (70551)
Carcinoma of the transplanted kidney, MRI, T2, X-ray (70550)
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, HE 100x (72305)
Anaplastic carcinoma of the lung, HE 40x (71406)
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE 100x (72309)
Carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma, HE 40x (70508)
Carcinoma, apocrine carcinoma, PAS 40x (70509)
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE 40x (70704)
Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, HE 40x (70655)
Infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix, HE 40x (70657)
Carcinoma of the pancreas, perineural spread, HE 20x (70135)
Carcinoma of the pancreas, perineural spread, HE 20x (70658)
Adenosquamous carcinoma of the gall bladder, HE 40x (70533)
Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gall bladder, AE13 40x (70536)
Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gall bladder, HE 40x (70537)
Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gall bladder, synaptophyzin 40x (70538)
Endocrine carcinoma of the pancreas, HE 10x (70524)
Endocrine carcinoma of the pancreas, chromogranin 20x (70525)
Papillary adenoma of the papilla of Vater, HE 10x (70523)
Adenocarcinoma of the ampulla of Vater, Macro, autopsy (70282)
Glycogen rich breast carcinoma, HE 40x (71240)
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71241)
Infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the breast, histiocytic, HE 40x (71242)
Intestinal adenocarcinoma, Video (74298)
High grade carcinoma of the prostate, HE 40x (71212)
Embryonal carcinoma of the testis, AE13 40x (71244)
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 10x (71213)
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71214)
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71215)
Carcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71216)
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, borderline, ovary, HE 20x (73397)
Serous papillocarcinoma, invasive, ovary, HE 20x (73413)
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Macro (72945)
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Macro (72946)
Dilated cardiomyopathy, Macro (72947)
Cardiomyopathy, Macro, autopsy (72232)
Cardiomyopathy, endocardial thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71577)
Cardiomyopathy, endocardial thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71578)
Cardiomyopathy, dilatation, Macro, autopsy (71576)
Carrier of muscle dystrophy
Carrier of muscle dystrophy, dystrophin 20x (70722)
Carrier of muscle dystrophy, dystrophin 3 20x (70725)
Carrier of muscle dystrophy, HE 20x (70726)
Carrier of muscle dystrophy, acid phosphatase 20x (70727)
Cat scratch disease
Cat scratch disease, HE 100x (72257)
Cat scratch disease, HE 40x (72261)
Chemodectoma, CT contrast, X-ray (71818)
Chemodectoma, HRCT, X-ray (71817)
Chemodectoma, MRI coronar, X-ray (71820)
Chemodectoma, MRI transversal, X-ray (71819)
Cholangiocellular carcinoma
Cholangiocellular carcinoma, HE 40x (70503)
Liver, ascendent cholangitis, Macro, autopsy (70410)
Cholangitis, obstruction of the bile ducts, HE 40x (70527)
Cholecystitis phlegmonosa, HE 20x (71359)
Cholecystitis acuta, superficial, HE 40x (70983)
Ulcerophlegmonous cholecystitis, HE 40x (73039)
Cholecystitis, HE 40x (10415)
Cholecystitis, HE 20x (70528)
Cholecystitis, HE 20x (70613)
Chronic fibrosing cholecystitis, HE 40x (10416)
Cholecystitis with mucosal ulceration, HE 20x (71311)
Gall bladder, bile stasis, HE 20x (73380)
Cholecystitis phlegmonosa, HE 20x (74224)
Chronic calcifying cholecystitis, HE 20x (73033)
Acute choledochitis, HE 40x (71182)
Choledochitis acuta, HE 40x (70984)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (71723)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (71724)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (71725)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (71726)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (71727)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (71728)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus; macronodular cholestatic liver cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (71729)
Fatal calculosis of the choledochus; macronodular cholestatic liver cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (71730)
Cholemic nephrosis
Kidney, cholemic nefrosis, Macro, autopsy (70360)
Cholestasis, carcinoma of the head of the pancreas, X-ray (70557)
Dilatation of the biliary ducts, tumor of the pancreas, CT contrast axial, X-ray (73548)
Dilatation of the biliary ducts, tumor of the pancreas, percutaneous biliary drainage, X-ray (73549)
Dilatation of the biliary ducts, stenosis of the choledochus, percutaneous biliary drainage, X-ray (73550)
Dilatation of the biliary ducts, stenosis of the choledochus, external and internal biliary drainage, X-ray (73551)
Cholestasis, MRI cholangiography of the transplanted liver, X-ray (70565)
Cholestasis, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, contrast X-ray (70566)
Cholestasis, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, transplanted liver, contrast X-ray (70567)
Liver cholestasis, HE 40x (10615)
Cholesterolosis of the gall bladder, Macro, autopsy (71205)
Cholesterolosis of the gall bladder, HE 40x (70534)
Cholesterolosis of the gall bladder, HE 40x (70535)
Cholesterolosis, gall bladder, HE 20x (70619)
Cholesterolosis, gall bladder, HE 40x (70620)
Chondroblastoma, HE 40x (12418)
Chondroblastoma, HE 40x (12416)
Chondroblastoma, HE 40x (12417)
Chondrohamartoma, lung, HE 40x (10948)
Chondroma, HE 40x (12419)
Chondroma, HE 40x (12067)
Enchondroma, HE 40x (12371)
Chondromyxoid fibroma
Chondromyxoid fibroma, HE 40x (12068)
Chondromyxoid fibroma, HE 40x (12420)
Chondrosarcoma, HE 40x (12069)
Chondrosarcoma, HE 40x (12421)
Chondrosarcoma, HE 40x (12422)
Chondrosarcoma, HE 40x (12423)
Chondrosarcoma, HE 40x (12424)
Chordoma (brain, rib), Macro, autopsy (70862)
Chordoma, clivus, CT, X-ray (71836)
Chordoma, clivus, MRI, sagittal plane, X-ray (71837)
Chordoma, clivus, MRI, transversal scan, X-ray (71838)
Chordoma, HE 40x (12425)
Chordoma, AE13 40x (72032)
Chordoma, HE 40x (72105)
Choriocarcinoma, metastases to the brain, Macro, autopsy (71315)
Choriocarcinoma of the uterus, Macro, autopsy (71342)
Metastases of choriocarcinoma to the lung, Macro, autopsy (71701)
Chorionepithelioma, choriocarcinoma, HE 40x (10633)
Testis, choriocarcinoma, HCG 40x (72808)
Testis, choriocarcinoma, HE 40x (72809)
Testis, choriocarcinoma, PLAP, placental alcaline phospatase 40x (72810)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL)
Liver, chronic lymphatic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (70411)
Liver, chronic lymphatic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (70412)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia, liver, HE 40x (72264)
Spleen, chronic lymphatic leukemia, Macro, autopsy (71765)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia B, HE 100x (73035)
Chronic myeloic leukemia
Chronic myeloic leukemia, liver, HE 40x (72265)
Liver cirrhosis, posthepatitic, Macro, autopsy (70347)
Liver cirrhosis, posthepatitic, Macro, autopsy (70348)
Liver cirrhosis, posthepatitic, Macro, autopsy (70349)
Liver, biliary cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70366)
Cirrhosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70374)
Cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice, Macro, autopsy (70373)
Cirrhosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70380)
Cirrhosis of the liver, detail, Macro, autopsy (70372)
Cirrhosis of the liver, macronodular, Macro, autopsy (70375)
Cirrhosis of the liver, macronodular, Macro, autopsy (70376)
Cirrhosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70377)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, steatosis, icterus, Macro, autopsy (70378)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, steatosis, icterus, Macro, autopsy (70379)
Liver, micronodular cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70417)
Liver, micronodular cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70418)
Cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (72478)
Cholestatic cirrhosis, HE 40x (71360)
Cirrhosis hepatis, cholestasis, HE 60x (74302)
Surface of the liver, micronodular cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70426)
Surface of the liver, micronodular cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70425)
Cirrhosis, alcohol, HE 40x (10418)
Cirrhosis, micronodular, HE 40x (70127)
Cirrhosis, posthepatitic, HE 40x (70128)
Posthepatitic cirrhosis, HE 40x (10419)
Spider nevus (micronodullar cirrhosis), Macro, autopsy (70966)
Micronodullar cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70967)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, Gömöry 20x (70670)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, HE 40x (70671)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, blue trichrome 40x (70672)
Micronodular alcoholic cirrhosis, Gömöry 20x (70623)
Micronodular alcoholic cirrhosis, Prussian blue 40x (70624)
Micronodular alcoholic cirrhosis, HE 40x (70625)
Cirrhosis micronodularis of ethylic etiology, blue trichrome 40x (70638)
Cirrhosis, chronic B hepatitis, Gömöry 20x (70639)
Cirrhosis, chronic B hepatitis, HE 40x (70640)
Cirrhosis, steatosis, Mallory hyalin, Gömöry 20x (70642)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, HE 40x (70673)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, blue trichrome 40x (70674)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, Gömöry 20x (70675)
Micronodular cirrhosis of the liver, HE 40x (70676)
Macronodular cirrhosis, HE 10x (72096)
Macronodular cirrhosis, HE 10x (72008)
Cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (72024)
Clubbing fingers
Clubbing fingers, CLINIC (71494)
Clubbing fingers, CLINIC (71493)
Coarctation of the aorta
Coarctation of the aorta, CT, X-ray (71814)
Coarctation of the aorta, 3D reconstruction, X-ray (71813)
Coarctation of the aorta, adult type, X-ray (71839)
Coarctation of the aorta, adult type, X-ray (71840)
Colitis necrotizing
Colitis, necrotizing, Macro, autopsy (70174)
Necrotizing colitis, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, Macro, autopsy (70197)
Colitis pseumomembranous
Colitis pseudomembranosa, Macro, autopsy (70223)
Colitis pseudomembranosa, Macro, autopsy (70224)
Colitis pseudomembranosa, Macro, autopsy (70225)
Pseudomembranous colitis, HE 100x (73105)
Colitis pseudomembranosa, HE 40x (70478)
Colitis pseumomembranous, Macro, autopsy (74429)
Colitis pseumomembranous, Macro, autopsy (74430)
Colitis pseumomembranous, Macro, autopsy (74431)
Colitis pseudomembranosa, HE 40x (74233)
Colitis pseudomembranosa, HE 40x (74232)
Colitis ulcerosa
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (70175)
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (70176)
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (70184)
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (70185)
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (70183)
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (71198)
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (70918)
Colitis ulcerosa, Macro, autopsy (70919)
Colitis ulcerosa, remission, HE 20x (72313)
Colitis ulcerosa, HE 20x (70028)
Colitis ulcerosa, remission, HE 20x (70027)
Colitis ulcerosa, HE 40x (10403)
Condyloma accuminatum
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 10x (3590)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 40x (3591)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 40x (3592)
Condylomata acuminata, large, CLINIC (4053)
Condylomata acuminata, large, CLINIC (4054)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 20x (5998)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 20x (4017)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 40x (4018)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 40x (1949)
Condyloma acuminatum, cervix uteri, HE 40x (70108)
Condyloma acuminatum, CLINIC (2846)
Condyloma acuminatum, CLINIC (2847)
Condyloma acuminatum, CLINIC (2848)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 40x (4019)
Condyloma giant of Buschke Lowenstein
Condylomata giant of Buschke Lowenstein, HE 40x (1947)
Condylomata giant of Buschke Lowenstein, HE 5x (1948)
Condyloma, CLINIC (683)
Condyloma, CLINIC (684)
Condyloma, CLINIC (685)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 40x (1230)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 40x (2207)
Condyloma acuminatum, HE 2.5x (1232)
Congenital syphilis
Liver, congenital syphilis, Macro, autopsy (70416)
Congestion, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71118)
Stomach, congestion, Macro, autopsy (70060)
Spleen, congestion, Macro, autopsy (71763)
Spleen, congestion, Macro, autopsy (71762)
Cerebellum, coning, Macro, autopsy (70883)
Cerebellum, coning, Macro, autopsy (70884)
Corpus alienum
Foreign body, CT topogram, X-ray (71786)
Foreign body, CT topogram, X-ray (71785)
Corpus luteum
Uterus and ovary with corpus luteum, Macro, autopsy (71330)
Craniopharyngeoma, HE 20x (73383)
Craniopharyngeoma, HE 20x (73384)
Crescentic glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis acute, cut, Macro, autopsy (71046)
Glomerulonephritis acute, surface, Macro, autopsy (71047)
Crescentic glomerulonephritis, PAS 40x (70689)
Crescentic glomerulonephritis, Goldner 40x (70690)
Crescentic glomerulonephritis, HE 40x (70691)
Crohn disease
M. Crohn, Macro, autopsy (70208)
M. Crohn, Macro, autopsy (70209)
Crohn's disease, esophagus, HE 40x (71865)
M. Crohn, HE 40x (10092)
M. Crohn, HE 40x (10093)
Crohn's disease, microexcision, HE 60x (74065)
m. Crohn, HE 40x (74368)
m. Crohn, HE 40x (74367)
M. Crohn, Macro, autopsy (70479)
M. Crohn, Macro, autopsy (70480)
Crohn, stenosis of the ileum, Macro, autopsy (70920)
Crohn's disease, HE 20x (70001)
Crohn, HE 40x (10402)
Granulomatous lymphadenitis, m. Crohn, HE 40x (72889)
Crohn's disease, stomach, CLINIC (72936)
Crohn's disease, stomach, CLINIC (72937)
Crohn's disease, stomach, CLINIC (72938)
Crohn's disease, stomach, after steroid treatment, CLINIC (72932)
Crohn's disease, stomach, after steroid treatment, CLINIC (72933)
Crohn's disease, stomach, after steroid treatment, CLINIC (72934)
Crohn's disease, stomach, after steroid treatment, CLINIC (72935)
Crohn disease, stomach, HE 40x (72924)
Crohn disease, stomach, HE 40x (72925)
Crohn disease, stomach, HE 40x (72926)
Crohn disease, stomach, HE 40x (72927)
M. Crohn, granulomatous lymphadenitis, HE 40x (72981)
Ileum, Crohn disease, granulomas, HE 20x (73003)
Cyanosis of the fingers, CLINIC (71495)
Cystadenoma mucinosum
Cystadenoma mucinosum, ovary, Macro, autopsy (71324)
Mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary, unilocular, HE 40x (10320)
Cystadenoma mucinosum ovarii, HE 40x (71012)
Mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary, HE 40x (10318)
Cystadenoma mucinosum ovarii, HE 20x (71009)
Cystadenoma mucinosum ovarii, HE 40x (71010)
Cystadenoma mucinosum ovarii, HE 40x (71011)
Cystadenoma serosum
Cystadenoma serosum ovarii, HE 40x (71008)
Serous cystadenoma of the ovary, HE 40x (10317)
Cystic medionecrosis of the aorta of Erdheim
Cystic medionecrosis, aorta, Macro, autopsy (71442)
Cystic teratoma
Mature teratoma, HE 40x (6410)
Cystitis cystica
Cystitis cystica, HE 40x (72323)
Cyst, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71039)
Cysts, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71040)
Cysts of the kidneys, Macro, autopsy (71075)
Polycystic kidneys, Macro, autopsy (71098)
Polycystic kidney, Macro, autopsy (71099)
Polycystic kidney, newborn, Macro, autopsy (71097)
Liver cysts, Macro, autopsy (70385)
Liver cysts, Macro, autopsy (70386)
Polycystic liver, Macro, autopsy (70435)
Serous cyst of the ovary, Macro, autopsy (71329)
Polycystic kidney, Macro, autopsy (71140)
Arachonidal cyst, MR T1 contrast, X-ray (73565)
Arachonidal cyst, MR T2 contrast, X-ray (73566)
Liver cysts, CT, CENH, X-ray (70944)
Liver cysts, CT, X-ray (70942)
Cyst, 4th ventricle, brain contusion, CT, X-ray (73463)
Brain contusion, temporal and frontal, MR flair, X-ray (73465)
Brain contusion, temporal and frontal, MR T1 sagittal nativ, X-ray (73466)
Brain contusion, CT, X-ray (73464)
Parapelvic cysts, kidneys, CT, X-ray (70344)
Parapelvic cysts, kidneys, X-ray (70345)
Polycystosis of the kidneys and liver, transplanted kidney, X-ray (70934)
Polycystic liver, CT, contrast medium, contrast X-ray (70464)
Polycystic liver, CT, multiplanar reconstruction, contrast X-ray (70463)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, sagittal myelosequention, X-ray (73440)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, oblique myelosequention, X-ray (73438)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T1 contrast sagittal, X-ray (73439)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T1 nativ sagittal, X-ray (73441)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T1 contrast transversal, X-ray (73442)
Synovial cyst of the intervertebral joint, T2 sagittal, X-ray (73443)
Cytomegalovirus infection
Cytomegalic hepatitis, anti-CMV antibody, anti-CMV 40x (70382)
Cytomegalic hepatitis with cholestasis, HE 40x (70383)
Cytomegalic hepatitis with cholestasis, HE 40x (70381)
Cytomegalovirus infection, lung, HE 40x (72899)
Cytomegalovirus infection, lung, anti-CMV 40x (72910)
Dandy Walker
Dandy Walker, hydrocephalus, Macro, autopsy (72357)
Dandy Walker, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (72358)
Dandy Walker, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (72359)
Dandy Walker, agyria, agenesis of the corpus callossum, Macro, autopsy (72360)
Dandy Walker, cystic dilatation of the 4th ventricle, Macro, autopsy (72361)
Dandy Walker, cystic dilatation of the 4th ventricle, Macro, autopsy (72362)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, HE 40x (6220)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, HE 40x (6221)
Dermatomyositis, muscle, HE 40x (2274)
Dermatomyositis, muscle, MAC 40x (2273)
Dermatomyositis, muscle, acid phosphatase 40x (2275)
Dermatomyositis, muscle, HE 20x (70708)
Juvenile dermatomyositis, HE 20x (70709)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, ATP 20x (6222)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, HLA 20x (6223)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, acid phosphatase 20x (6224)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, MAC 20x (6225)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, NADH 20x (6226)
Dermatomyositis, paraneoplastic, HE 40x (6227)
Dermoid cyst
Dermoid cyst of the ovaries, Macro, autopsy (71322)
Liver, intranuclear pseudoinclusions in diabetes, HE 40x (70395)
Diabetic nephropathy of Kimmelstiel Wilson
Diabetic nephropathy of Kimmelstiel Wilson, Macro, autopsy (71086)
Diabetic nephropathy of Kimmelstiel Wilson, Macro, autopsy (71087)
Diabetic nephropathy of Kimmelstiel Wilson, Macro, autopsy (71106)
Diabetic nephropathy of Kimmelstiel Wilson, Macro, autopsy (71117)
Diabetic nephropathy of Kimmelstiel Wilson, AFOG 40x (70692)
Diabetic nephropathy of Kimmelstiel Wilson, PAS 40x (70693)
Diffuse alveolar damage
Diffuse alveolar damage (DAD), Macro, autopsy (71684)
Diffuse alveolar damage, Macro, autopsy (70252)
Diffuse alveolar damage, Macro, autopsy (70254)
Diffuse alveolar damage, Macro, autopsy (70255)
Diffuse alveolar damage, Macro, autopsy (70256)
Diffuse carcinoma
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, AE13 60x (74142)
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, HE 60x (74143)
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, meta of the peritoneum and lymphnode, AE13 40x (72883)
Dissociated carcinoma of the stomach, AE13 100x (72029)
Dissociated carcinoma of the stomach, HE 100x (72030)
Dissociated carcinoma of the stomach, PAS 100x (72031)
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, metastasis into the tongue, HE 40x (72010)
Diffuse carcinoma, stomach, HE 100x (70263)
Diffuse carcinoma, stomach, PAS 100x (70264)
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, PAS 100x (70270)
Diffuse carcinoma, stomach, HE 40x (70261)
Diffuse carcinoma, stomach, PAS 40x (70262)
Diffuse carcinoma, stomach, HE 40x (72470)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72592)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72593)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72594)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72595)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72596)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, CLINIC (72597)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, superficial, CLINIC (72598)
Diffuse adenocarcinoma of the stomach, superficial, CLINIC (72599)
Extrarenal ectatic pelvis, bilateral, CD CENH, X-ray (70945)
Dilatation of the stomach by pressure of the carcinoma of the head of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70061)
Dilatation of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70062)
Teleangiectasia, face, CLINIC (71491)
Disacharidase deficiency
Disacharidase deficiency (lactase), HE 40x (70596)
Disacharidase deficiency (lactase), lactase 5x (70597)
Disacharidase deficiency (trehalase), trehalase 5x (70598)
Disacharidase deficiency (lactase), HE 40x (72354)
Disacharidase deficiency (lactase), lactase Macro (72355)
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71041)
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, HE 60x (74240)
Diverticulosis, CLINIC (72182)
Diverticulosis, HE 10x (72112)
Colon, diverticulosis, Macro, autopsy (70187)
Colon, diverticulosis, Macro, autopsy (70188)
Colon, diverticulitis, Macro, autopsy (70189)
Colon, diverticulosis, Macro, autopsy (70190)
Colon, diverticulosis, Macro, autopsy (70191)
Colon, diverticulosis, Macro, autopsy (70192)
Colon, diverticulosis, HE 5x (70193)
Colon, diverticulosis, HE 2x (70194)
Duodenal diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70151)
Duodenal diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70152)
Pharyngeal diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70047)
Diverticulum, colon, HE 20x (73268)
Zenker's diverticulum of the esophagus, HE 20x (71181)
Diverticulum, peritonitis, Macro (71965)
Diverticulum, peritonitis, Macro (71966)
Esophageal diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70276)
Esophageal diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70275)
Esophageal diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70274)
Dubin Johnson's syndrome
Liver, Dubin-Johnson, Macro, autopsy (70388)
Liver, Dubin-Johnson, silver impregnation 40x (70387)
Liver, Dubin-Johnson, PAS 40x (70389)
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71281)
Ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71282)
Ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71283)
Ductal carcinoma in situ, breast, HE 40x (71250)
Cortical dysgenesis, HE 10x (74149)
Cortical dysgenesis, HE 20x (74150)
CIN III., no HPV, HE 40x (10652)
CIN III, cervix uteri, HE 20x (73256)
Dysplasia, CIN III., cervix, HE 40x (10308)
Dysplasia CIN III., HE 40x (70109)
Antrum pylori, dysplastic changes, HE 60x (74312)
Dysplasia, HE 40x (70975)
Intraepithelial endocervical neoplasia, HE 40x (70977)
Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia, grade 3, HE 20x (73379)
Dystopia of the left kidney, CT coronal, X-ray (73539)
Dystopia of the left kidney, IV urography, X-ray (73536)
Wall of echinococcal cyst of the liver, HE 20x (70392)
Echinococcal cyst, liver, Macro (73592)
Echinococcal cyst, liver, Macro (73593)
Echinococcal cyst, liver, Macro (73594)
Echinococcal cyst, liver, Macro (73595)
Eclampsia, brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (71314)
Liver, eclampsia, Macro, autopsy (70390)
Liver, eclampsia, Macro, autopsy (70391)
Brain, edema, Macro, autopsy (70784)
Alveolar edema, Macro, autopsy (71682)
Alveolar edema, Macro, autopsy (71683)
Immature teratoma, HE 20x (72272)
Alveolar edema, HE 20x (70260)
Alveolar edema of the lung, HE 40x (71404)
Pulmonary edema, HE 40x (10381)
Pulmonary edema, HE 40x (72271)
Alveolar edema of the lung, HE 40x (74144)
Embolism of the bone marrow, brain, HE 20x (70780)
Embolism, left internal carotid, Macro, autopsy (70801)
Fat embolism, brain, Macro, autopsy (70804)
Embolism, carotid artery, Macro, autopsy (70881)
Central thrombembolism, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71036)
Embolism of the pulmonary artery, X-ray (70335)
Embolism of the pulmonary artery, X-ray (70336)
Embolism of the pulmonary artery, X-ray (70337)
Embolism of the pulmonary artery, X-ray (70338)
Central thrombembolisation after myocardial infarction (kidney, liver, small intestine), Macro, autopsy (71526)
Central thrombembolisation after myocardial infarction (kidney, liver, small intestine), Macro, autopsy (71527)
Coronary artery embolisation, Macro, autopsy (71487)
Coronary artery embolisation, Macro, autopsy (71488)
Lung, thrombembolisation, Macro, autopsy (71650)
Lung, thrombembolisation, Macro, autopsy (71651)
Pulmonary artery with thrombembolus, Macro, autopsy (71656)
Lung, massive thrombembolisation, Macro, autopsy (71655)
Embryonal carcinoma
Embryonal carcinoma, HE 40x (71269)
Embryo, 21st day, HE 10x (71316)
Notched liver surface in pulmonary emphysema, Macro, autopsy (70396)
Massive emphysema of the subcutis, pneumoperitoneum, pneumoretroperitoneum, CT native, X-ray (71793)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71615)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71621)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71619)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71623)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71622)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71620)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71626)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71624)
Lung, emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71625)
Lung, centroacinous emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71617)
Lung, centroacinous emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71616)
Emphysema, mucous cast, Macro, autopsy (71618)
Lung, panacinar emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71627)
Lung, panacinar emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71628)
Lung, panacinar emphysema, Macro, autopsy (71629)
Interstitial emphysema of the mediastinum, Macro, autopsy (71741)
Interstitial emphysema of the mediastinum, Macro, autopsy (71743)
Interstitial emphysema of the mediastinum, Macro, autopsy (71744)
Interstitial emphysema of the mediastinum, Macro, autopsy (71742)
Emphysema, HE 40x (10357)
Emphysema of the lung, HE 20x (71390)
Herpetic encephalitis, Macro, autopsy (70821)
Herpetic encephalitis, inklusions, HE 40x (70820)
Herpetic encephalitis, laminar necrosis, HE 10x (70822)
Herpetic encephalitis, perivascular hemorrhage, HE 40x (70823)
Inclusion encephalitis, HE 100x (71988)
Inclusion encephalitis, HE 100x (71989)
End stage nephropathy
End stage nephropathy, Macro, autopsy (71044)
End stage nephropathy, Goldner 40x (70683)
Postrheumatic stenosis and insufficiency of the aortic valve, Macro, autopsy (71559)
Acute bacterial endocarditis, Macro, autopsy (71568)
Rheumatic endocarditis of the mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (71557)
Acute bacterial endocarditis, Macro, autopsy (71570)
Acute bacterial endocarditis, Macro, autopsy (71569)
Acute bacterial endocarditis, HE 40x (71572)
Acute bacterial endocarditis, Macro, autopsy (71571)
Löffler's endocarditis, Macro, autopsy (71580)
Löffler's endocarditis, HE 20x (71581)
Bacterial endocarditis, septic vegetations and tricuspid valve perforation, Macro, autopsy (71554)
Verrucous endocarditis, mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (71574)
Chronic rheumatic endocarditis, mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (71558)
Rheumatic endocarditis of the mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (71556)
Chronic rheumatic endocarditis with mitral valve thickening, Macro, autopsy (71555)
Endocarditis acute, bacterial, HE 20x (70113)
Endocarditis acute, bacterial, HE 40x (70114)
Acute endocarditis, HE 20x (10316)
Endocarditis, Video (74303)
Endocarditis, Macro, autopsy (70968)
Endocervix, HE 40x (70105)
Endocervicitis, HE 40x (70106)
Endocervicitis, HE 40x (70107)
Endometriosis of the uterine cervix, HE 40x (71003)
Endometriosis interna, adenomyosis, HE 20x (71002)
Adenomyosis, HE 40x (70735)
Endometriosis of the Fallopian tube, HE 20x (70736)
Endometriosis of the Fallopian tube, HE 40x (70656)
Endometriosis, intestine, HE 20x (74138)
Endometriosis, intestine, HE 20x (74139)
Endometriosis, gut, HE 20x (73114)
Endometriosis, gut, CD10 20x (73115)
Endometriosis, gut (estrogen receptors), estrogen receptors 20x (73116)
Endometriosis, gut, progesteron receptors 20x (73240)
Endometriosis interna, adenomyosis, HE 20x (70980)
Actinomycotic endometritis, HE 40x (73110)
Endometrium, adenocarcinoma
Multiple metastases of endometrial carcinoma to the lung, Macro, autopsy (71700)
Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, HE 40x (10301)
Endometrium, atypical complex hyperplasia
Endometrium, atypical complex hyperplasia, HE 40x (70998)
Endometrium, cystic atrophy
Endometrium, cystic atrophy, HE 40x (71001)
Endometrium, dysfunctional
Endometrium, anovulation cycle, HE 40x (71197)
Endometrium, glandular cystic hyperplasia
Endometrium, glandular cystic hyperplasia, HE 40x (70997)
Endometrium, proliferating
Endometrium, proliferating, HE 20x (70994)
Endometrium, proliferating, HE 40x (70995)
Endometrium, secretory
Endometrium, early secretion, HE 20x (73285)
Endometrium, secretory, HE 40x (70996)
Endometrium, simple hypeplasia
Endometrium, simple hyperplasia, HE 20x (73381)
Hyperplastic endometrium, HE 40x (10297)
Enteritis caused by the shock, Macro, autopsy (70144)
Mild ileitis, Macro, autopsy (70145)
Pseudomembranous inflammation of the small bowel, Macro, autopsy (70143)
Enzymatic necrosis
Acute enzymatic necrosis of the pancreas, HE 40x (10425)
Eosinophilic granuloma
Eosinophilic granuloma of the bone, HE 40x (12042)
Eosinophilic granuloma of the bone, Langerin 40x (12043)
Eosinophilic granuloma, HE 40x (12372)
Ependymoma, Macro, autopsy (70802)
Ependymoma, Macro, autopsy (70803)
Ependymoma, gr. 2, HE 40x (72623)
Papillary ependymoma, HE 20x (73358)
Ependymoma, HE 20x (73360)
Purulent epidydimitis, HE 40x (71220)
Erdheim Chester
Erdheim Chester, HE 40x (12675)
Erdheim Chester, HE 40x (12376)
Erdheim Chester, HE 40x (12377)
Stomach, erosions, Macro, autopsy (70063)
Stomach, erosions, Macro, autopsy (70064)
Stomach, erosions, Macro, autopsy (70065)
Erythema induratum Bazin
Erythema induratum, HE 10x (174)
Erythema induratum, HE 20x (175)
Erythema induratum, HE 2x (176)
Erythema induratum, HE 5x (525)
Erythema induratum Bazin, CLINIC (1089)
Acute esophagitis, Macro, autopsy (70036)
Ulcerating esophagitis, Macro, autopsy (70043)
Reflux esophagitis, HE 100x (73106)
Esophagitis, mycotic, PAS 40x (10382)
Esophagitis, HE 20x (70677)
Esophagitis pseudomembranosa, CLINIC (72212)
Esophagitis pseudomembranosa, CLINIC (72213)
Esophagitis pseudomembranosa, CLINIC (72214)
Pseudomembranous inflammation, anastomosis, esophagus, CLINIC (72841)
Pseudomembranous inflammation, anastomosis, esophagus, CLINIC (72842)
Esthesioneuroblastoma, HE 40x (70250)
Esthesioneuroblastoma, Ki67 40x (70251)
Ewing's sarcoma
Ewing's sarcoma, HE 40x (12378)
Ewing's sarcoma, HE 40x (12050)
Extrinsic alveolitis
Extrinsic alveolitis, HE 40x (71858)
Fibroadenoma, breast, Macro, autopsy (71033)
Fibroadenoma of the prostate, HE 40x (72772)
Fibroadenoma, HE 20x (10166)
Fibroadenoma, breast, HE 20x (73361)
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 10x (71221)
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 40x (71222)
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 20x (71285)
Fibroadenoma of the breast, HE 40x (71286)
Fibrocystic disease of the breast
Fibrocystic disease of the breast, HE 40x (71287)
Fibrocystic disease of the breast, HE 40x (71288)
Interstitial fibrosis of the lung, HE 20x (73382)
Disperse myocardial fibrosis, HE 20x (70112)
Disperse myocardial fibrosis, HE 20x (10315)
Myocardial fibrosis, HE 10x (71407)
Myocardial fibrosis, HE 20x (71408)
Myocardial fibrosis, HE 40x (71409)
Fibrous defect of the bone
Fibrous defect of the bone, HE 40x (12387)
Fibrous dysplasia of the bone
Fibrous dysplasia of the bone, HE 40x (12388)
Tracheo-eosphageal fistula, Macro, autopsy (70048)
Focal nodular hyperplasia
Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70394)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, early phase, CT contrast, axial, X-ray (73599)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, late phase, CT contrast, axial, X-ray (73601)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, early phase, CT coronal, X-ray (73602)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, liver, CD34 40x (70601)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, liver, CK7 40x (70602)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, liver, Gömöry 40x (70603)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, liver, HE 40x (70604)
Focal nodular hyperplasia, liver, van Gieson 40x (70605)
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, Macro, autopsy (71102)
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, PAS 40x (70684)
Follicular cyst
Follicular cyst, ovary, Macro, autopsy (71323)
Foreign body
Trichobezoar, Macro, autopsy (70091)
Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, stent graft, CT, contrast, contrast X-ray (70586)
Artifitial valve, infarction, Video (74062)
Spine, compressive fracture, Macro, autopsy (70912)
Base skull fractures, CT, X-ray (73501)
Calva fractures, CT, X-ray (73502)
Fracture of the calva, CT, X-ray (73558)
Frenulum breve
Frenulum breve, CLINIC (2956)
GIST, actin 40x (70499)
GIST, CD117 40x (70500)
GIST, HE 40x (70501)
GIST, NSE 40x (70502)
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), HE 20x (71991)
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), HE 40x (71992)
GIST, stomach, Macro (70946)
GIST, stomach, CD117 100x (72006)
GIST, stomach, vimentin 100x (72007)
GIST, CLINIC (72187)
GIST, CLINIC (72188)
GIST, CLINIC (72189)
GIST, CLINIC (72190)
GIST, stomach, CLINIC (72827)
GIST, CLINIC (72858)
GIST, CLINIC (72859)
Ganglioneuroblastom intermixed, frozen HE 20x (72625)
Ganglioneuroblastom intermixed, HE 40x (72626)
Ganglioneuroblastoma, HE 40x (72492)
Ganglioneuroblastoma, HE 40x (72605)
Colon, early gangrene, Macro, autopsy (70163)
Bowel, gangrene, Macro, autopsy (70164)
Bowel, gangrene, Macro, autopsy (70165)
Bowel, gas gangrene, Macro, autopsy (70166)
Colon, gangrene, Macro, autopsy (70195)
Gangrene of the small intestine, caused by portal vein thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (70141)
Gangrene of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70066)
Diabetic gangrene of the foot, Macro, autopsy (71435)
Gangrene of the lower leg, Macro, autopsy (71434)
Partial gastrectomy, Macro, autopsy (70049)
Gastritis chronica, active
Gastritis chronica, active, HE 100x (70003)
Gastritis chronica, active, Warthin Starry 100x (70004)
Gastritis chronica, active, Warthin Starry 100x (70035)
Gastritis chronica, active, Warthin Starry 40x (70005)
Gastritis chronica, intestinal metaplasia
Gastritis chronica, intestinal metaplasia, HE 40x (70006)
Gastritis A, chromogranin 40x (71356)
Gastritis A, HE 40x (71355)
Aphtous gastritis, HE 60x (74032)
Chronic atrophic gastritis, HE 60x (74175)
Chronic gastritis caused by Gastrospirillum hominis, HE 100x (72109)
Chronic gastritis caused by Gastrospirillum hominis, Warthin Starry 100x (72110)
Gastritis, antrum, intestinal metaplasia, HE 40x (72327)
Gastritis C, HE 40x (70489)
Gastritis, HP +++, HE 60x (74034)
Gastritis, HP +++, Warthin Starry 60x (74035)
Gastritis, bile reflux, HE 100x (72466)
Gastritis chronica, pseudoxanthoma, HE 40x (70121)
Gastritis, reflux, HE 60x (74161)
Esophagitis, reflux, CLINIC (72183)
Esophagitis, reflux, CLINIC (72184)
Gastritis, reflux, CLINIC (72185)
Gastritis, reflux, CLINIC (72186)
Giant cell tumor of the bone
Giant cell tumor of the bone, HE 40x (12099)
Giant cell tumor of the bone, CD68 40x (12492)
Giant cell tumor of the bone, HE 40x (12493)
Glioblastoma multiforme
Glioblastoma, CT contrast, X-ray (73560)
Glioblastoma, MR T1 contrast, X-ray (73561)
Glioblastoma, MR T2 contrast, X-ray (73562)
Glioblastoma multiforme, HE 40x (72629)
Glioblastoma multiforme, HE 40x (72628)
Glioblastoma multiforme, frozen HE 40x (72627)
Multiform glioblastoma, HE 20x (73364)
Glioblastoma multiforme, child, HE 40x (71357)
Glioblastoma multiforme, child, HE 40x (71358)
Glioblastoma, HE 40x (72896)
Glioma of the temporal lobe, extending to the claustrum, Macro, autopsy (70808)
Glioma with massive hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70809)
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71719)
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71720)
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71721)
Glioma, brain stem, Macro, autopsy (71722)
Oligodendroglioma, Macro (73596)
Glomerulonephritis acute, Macro, autopsy (71045)
Glomus tumor
Glomus tumor, lung, collagen 4 100x (73348)
Glomus tumor, lung, PAS 100x (73349)
Glomus tumor, lung, vimentin 100x (73350)
Glomus tumor, lung, HE 100x (73289)
Glomus tumor, lung, AE13 100x (73286)
Glomus tumor, lung, HE 100x (73287)
Glomus tumor, lung, SMA 100x (73288)
Gonorrhea acute
Gonorrhea acute, CLINIC (2959)
Gonorrhea acute, CLINIC (2960)
Goodpasture's syndrome
Kidney, linear fluorescent positivity, basement membrane, FITC 40x (71183)
Gout, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71049)
Uric acid crystals, newborn, Macro, autopsy (71115)
Gout, HE 10x (4056)
Gout, bursa olecrani, HE 40x (6113)
Granulation tissue
Granulation tissue, wound healing, HE 20x (2038)
Granulation tissue, wound healing, HE 40x (2039)
Granulation tissue, HE 40x (2676)
Granulation tissue, HE 40x (10619)
Granulation tissue after regression of the carcinoma after chemotherapy, CLINIC (72191)
Granulation tissue after regression of the carcinoma after chemotherapy, CLINIC (72192)
Granulation tissue, suture material after resection of the sigmoid, CLINIC (72193)
Granuloma pyogenicum
Granuloma pyogenicum, HE 20x (2677)
Pyogenic granuloma, HE 20x (258)
Pyogenic granuloma, HE 2x (259)
Granuloma pyogenicum, HE 40x (2564)
Granuloma pyogenicum, CLINIC (746)
Granuloma pyogenicum, Macro (3814)
Granuloma pyogenicum, Macro (3817)
Granuloma pyogenicum, Macro (3823)
Granulomatous pneumonitis, HE 60x (74333)
Resorptive granulomas, peritoneum, HE 20x (74275)
Resorptive granulomas, peritoneum, HE 20x (74274)
Granulosa cell tumor
Granulosa cell tumor, Macro, autopsy (71325)
Granulosa cell tumor, HE 40x (71017)
Granulosa cell tumor, HE 40x (10951)
Graviditas tubaria
Endometrium (graviditas tubaria), HE 40x (71203)
Endometrium (graviditas tubaria), HE 40x (71204)
Graviditas paratubaria, HE 20x (72786)
Graviditas tubaria, HE 20x (71018)
Graviditas tubaria, HE 40x (10332)
Syncitio- and trophoblast, tubar gravidity, HE 40x (74040)
Grawitz carcinoma, metastasis
Grawitz carcinoma, metastasis of the bone, HE 40x (12093)
Gynecomastia virilis, HE 40x (72788)
Gynekomastia, HE 20x (71967)
Subdural hematoma, compression of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70783)
Subdural hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70871)
Subdural hematoma, old, Macro, autopsy (70916)
Subdural hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70915)
Cerebral hematomas, CT nativ, X-ray (73504)
Hematomas, fossa cerebri posterior, CT nativ, X-ray (73503)
Subdural hematomas, CT nativ, X-ray (73505)
Intracerebellar and intracerebral hematoma, CT native, X-ray (71792)
Intracerebral hematoma, CT, X-ray (71822)
Intracerebral hematoma, thrombosis of the aneurysm with spirals, artefact, CT, X-ray (71823)
Isodensic subdural hematoma, CT, X-ray (71831)
Epidural hematomas, CT nativ, X-ray (73557)
Retroperitoneal hematoma after the biopsy of the kidney, contrast X-ray (70577)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, hemocephalus, IC hematoma, CT nativ, X-ray (73555)
Subdural hygroma, after evacuation of hematoma, CT, X-ray (71832)
Hairy cell leukemia
Hairy cell leukemia, HE 20x (73365)
Cholangiohamartoma, CK7 40x (74328)
Cholangiohamartoma, HE 40x (74329)
Cholangiohamartoma, frozen HE 40x (74331)
Cholangiohamartoma, HE 40x (74330)
Cholangiohamartoma, Ki67 40x (74332)
Lung, hamartoma, HE 40x (71877)
Antrum pylori, ectopia of the duodenal mucosa, CLINIC (72847)
Antrum pylori, ectopia of the duodenal mucosa, CLINIC (72848)
Antrum pylori, ectopia of the duodenal mucosa, CLINIC (72849)
Hemangioma, capillary
Hemangioma, capillary, with hemosiderin, Prussian blue 20x (2398)
Hemangioma, capillary, with hemosiderin, CD34 40x (2399)
Hemangioma, capillary, with hemosiderin, HE 40x (2400)
Hemangioma, capillary, HE 20x (2282)
Hemangioma, capillary, HE 40x (2283)
Hemangioma, capillary, HE 40x (2357)
Hemangioma, cavernous
Hemangioma, cavernous, HE 20x (1323)
Hemangioma, venous (venous malformation)
Venous malformation, CLINIC (1924)
Venous malformation, Factor VIII 40x (2541)
Venous malformation, HE 40x (2542)
Venous malformation, HE 40x (2543)
Hemangioma, pons, Macro, autopsy (70859)
Liver, cavernous hemangioma, Macro, autopsy (70371)
Capillary hemangioma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70057)
Venous angioma, MR contrast, axial, T1W, X-ray (73459)
Multiple hemangiomas of the liver, MRI, T2, contrast X-ray (70589)
Multiple hemangiomas of the liver, MRI, X-ray (70587)
Cavernous hemangioma of the right temporal lobe, MR T2W, X-ray (70954)
Hemangioma of the bone, HE 40x (12061)
Hemangioma, CLINIC (750)
Hemangioma, CLINIC (751)
Hemangioma, CLINIC (752)
Hemangioma, CLINIC (1105)
Hemangioma, senile, CLINIC (2804)
Hemangioma tuberosum, CLINIC (2969)
Hemangioma tuberosum, CLINIC (2970)
Hemochromatosis, Macro, autopsy (70288)
Liver, hemochromatosis (reaction for iron), Prussian blue Macro, autopsy (70400)
Liver, hemochromatosis, Macro, autopsy (70401)
Liver, hemochromatosis, Macro, autopsy (70398)
Liver, hemochromatosis (reaction for iron), Prussian blue Macro, autopsy (70397)
Liver, hemochromatosis, hemosiderin in bile ducts, Prussian blue 20x (70399)
Liver cirrhosis in hemochromatosis, Macro, autopsy (70434)
Pancreas, hemochromatosis, Macro, autopsy (70301)
Pancreas, hemochromatosis, Macro, autopsy (70302)
Hemochromatosis, cholangiocellular carcinoma, CK19 60x (73779)
Hemochromatosis, cholangiocellular carcinoma, Prussian blue 60x (73768)
Hemochromatosis, cholangiocellular carcinoma, HE 60x (73891)
Hemochromatosis, liver, Prussian blue 60x (73769)
Hemochromatosis, liver, HE 60x (73770)
Hemochromatosis, Prussian blue 40x (70122)
Hemochromatosis, HE 40x (70123)
Hemochromatosis, skin pigmentation, CLINIC (73763)
Hemochromatosis, skin pigmentation, CLINIC (73762)
Hemochromatosis, liver, HE 60x (73771)
Hemochromatosis, liver, HE 60x (73894)
Hemolytic-uraemic syndrome
Hemolytic-uraemic syndrome, HE 60x (74242)
Hemolytic-uraemic syndrome, fibrin 60x (74241)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage around basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70779)
Brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70818)
Brain hemorrhage, massive anticoagulation therapy, Macro, autopsy (70814)
Brain hemorrhage, old, Macro, autopsy (70816)
Brain hemorrhage viewed through the dura, Macro, autopsy (70817)
Intracerebral hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70837)
Intraventricular hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70838)
Massive intracerebral hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70842)
Massive hemorrhage to the pons, Macro, autopsy (70843)
Old brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70856)
Old brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70857)
Brain stem hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70865)
Subarachnoidal hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70868)
Subarachonid hemorrhage, newborn, Macro, autopsy (70869)
Subarachonid hemorrhage, newborn, Macro, autopsy (70870)
Subdural hematoma, Macro, autopsy (70872)
Hemorrhage, hemisphere of the cebellum, Macro, autopsy (70885)
Brain hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70890)
Massive hemorrhage, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (70889)
Hemorrhage of the pons and 4th ventricle, Macro, autopsy (70895)
Hemorrhage, trombocytopenia, renal pelvis, Macro, autopsy (71078)
Liver, subcapsular hemorrhage, Macro, autopsy (70443)
Hemorrhage to the urinary bladder in aplastic anemia, Macro, autopsy (71161)
Hemorrhage to the mucosa of the urinary bladder, Macro, autopsy (71162)
Intracerebral hemorrhage, hemocephalus, SAC, CT, X-ray (71821)
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage, CT, X-ray (70937)
Venostatic petechiae of the gastric mucosa, Macro, autopsy (71217)
Necrotizing hemorrhagic esophagitis (black esophagus), endoscopy, Macro (70960)
Necrotizing hemorrhagic esophagitis (black esophagus), endoscopy, Macro (70961)
Necrotizing hemorrhagic esophagitis (black esophagus), endoscopy, Macro (70962)
Necrotizing hemorrhagic esophagitis (black esophagus), Macro, autopsy (70963)
Necrotizing hemorrhagic esophagitis (black esophagus), Macro, autopsy (70964)
Necrotizing hemorrhagic esophagitis (black esophagus), Macro, autopsy (70965)
Hemosiderosis, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71050)
Pancreas, siderosis after blood transfusions, Macro, autopsy (70304)
Spleen, posttransfusion siderosis, Macro, autopsy (71770)
Hepar moschatum
Liver, cardiac fibrosis, Macro, autopsy (70368)
Liver, cardiac fibrosis, Macro, autopsy (70369)
Liver, cardiac fibrosis, Macro, autopsy (70370)
Liver congestion (hepar moschatum), Macro, autopsy (70430)
Hepar moschatum, nutmeg liver, HE 20x (73038)
Severe hepatitis, Macro, autopsy (70357)
Severe hepatitis, Macro, autopsy (70358)
Severe hepatitis, Macro, autopsy (70359)
Liver, acute alcoholic hepatitis, Macro, autopsy (70363)
Liver, severe hepatitis, Macro, autopsy (70439)
Liver, severe hepatitis, Macro, autopsy (70440)
Toxic hepatitis, chemotherapy, leukemia, Macro, autopsy (70448)
Alcoholic hepatitis, HE 100x (71351)
Alcoholic hepatitis, van Gieson 100x (71352)
Alcoholic hepatitis, Gömöry 40x (71353)
Alcoholic hepatitis, van Gieson 40x (71354)
Hepatitis chronic B, HE 40x (70666)
Hepatitis chronic B, van Gieson 40x (70667)
Chronic hepatitis C, cirrhosis, HE 40x (70125)
Hepatitis, alcoholic, HE 40x (70126)
Liver cirrhosis in hepatitis C (HCV positive pacient), HE 40x (70621)
Liver cirrhosis in hepatitis C (HCV positive pacient), reticulin 40x (70622)
Hepatitis toxica after chemotherapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma, Gömöry 20x (70664)
Hepatitis toxica (chemotherapy), HE 40x (70636)
Hepatitis toxica after chemotherapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma, blue trichrome 40x (70665)
Hepatitis chronica, minimal activity, Gömöry 20x (70633)
Hepatitis chronica, minimal activity, HE 40x (70634)
Hepatitis chronica, minimal activity, blue trichrome 40x (70635)
Cholestatic hepatitis, Gömöry 40x (70641)
Cholestatic hepatitis, HE 40x (70626)
Hepatitis, sepsis, HE 40x (71368)
Hydrops fetus universalis, hepatoblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70352)
Hydrops fetus universalis, hepatoblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70353)
Hydrops fetus universalis, hepatoblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70354)
Hydrops fetus universalis, hepatoblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70355)
Hepatoblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70402)
Hepatoblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70403)
Hepatoblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70462)
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70404)
Hepatocellular carcinoma, HE 40x (70612)
Hepatocellular carcinoma, HE 40x (10413)
Vena cava inferior, X-ray (72995)
Alagille-Watson syndrome, hepatomegaly, CT, X-ray (72996)
Alagille syndrome, child, Macro (72939)
Alagille syndrome, child, Macro (72940)
Alagille syndrome, child, Macro (72941)
Alagille syndrome, child, Macro (72942)
Allagile-Watson syndrome, HE 100x (72918)
Allagile-Watson syndrome, HE 40x (72911)
Hiatus herniation, stomach, Macro, autopsy (70067)
Hiatus herniation, stomach, Macro, autopsy (70068)
Fragment of herniated disc, myelosequention, X-ray (73431)
Fragment of herniated disc, T1 contrast sagittal, X-ray (73432)
Fragment of herniated disc, T1 nativ, X-ray (73433)
Fragment of herniated disc, T1 contrast, transversal, X-ray (73434)
Fragment of herniated disc, T2 sagittal, X-ray (73435)
Hiatal hernia, native CT scans, X-ray (70311)
Hiatal hernia, CT scans with contrast medium, X-ray (70312)
Herniation of the stomach, CT axial, X-ray (73541)
Herniation of the stomach, CT coronal, X-ray (73542)
Herniation of the stomach, CT sagittal, X-ray (73543)
Heterotopia of gray matter, epilepsy, MR T2 axial, X-ray (73506)
Heterotopie of gray matter, epilepsy, MR flair coronal, X-ray (73507)
Heterotopie of gray matter, epilepsy, MR T1 sagittal, X-ray (73508)
Heterotopia of the spleen within the pancreas, HE 20x (72749)
Heterotopia of the spleen within the pancreas, HE 20x (72890)
Liver, histoplasmosis, Macro, autopsy (70405)
Hodgkin disease
Hodgkin's lymphoma, lymphocytic predominance, HE 20x (73366)
m. Hodgkin, nodular sclerosis, HE 100x (72902)
m. Hodgkin, nodular sclerosis, HE 100x (72900)
m. Hodgkin, nodular sclerosis, HE 20x (72901)
Hodgkin's lymphoma, nodular sclerosis, HE 100x (72239)
Hodgkin disease, nodular sclerosis, HE 40x (72252)
Hodgkin's lymphoma, nodular sclerosis, HE 40x (10347)
Hodgkin disease, mixed cellularity, HE 100x (72253)
Hodgkin's lymphoma, mixed cellularity, HE 40x (10348)
Spleen, Hodgkin disease, Macro, autopsy (71764)
M. Hodgkin, mixed cellularity, cytology 60x (10034)
M. Hodgkin, mixed cellularity, HE 60x (10035)
Hydrocephalus, ependymitis, Macro, autopsy (70825)
Hydrocephalus, ependymitis, Macro, autopsy (70826)
Hydrocephalus, ependymitis, Macro, autopsy (70827)
Stenosis of the aqueduct, hydrocephalus, MR T2 axial, X-ray (73489)
Stenosis of the aqueduct, MR T1 sagittal, X-ray (73488)
Hydrocephalus, MRI, axial, X-ray (70580)
Hydrocephalus, MRI, X-ray (70592)
Subarachnoid hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, CT, X-ray (71824)
Hydronephrosis, hydroureter, Macro, autopsy (71054)
Hydronephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71055)
Unilateral hydronephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71056)
Hydronephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71057)
Hydronephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71058)
Hydronephrosis and hydroureter, cervical carcinoma case, Macro, autopsy (71081)
Hydronephrosis and hydroureter, cervical carcinoma case, Macro, autopsy (71082)
Hydronephrosis and hydroureter, cervical carcinoma case, Macro, autopsy (71083)
Hydronephrosis and hydroureter, pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71084)
Pleural effusion, lung collapse, CT axial contrast, X-ray (73471)
Lungs, hydrothorax, X-ray (73583)
Subdural hygroma, Macro, autopsy (70917)
Bowel, hyperaemia, cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70167)
Hyperplasia, adenomatous
Adenomatous hyperplasia of the endometrium, HE 40x (10298)
Hyperplasia of the adrenals, pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71313)
Hyperplasia after stilbestrol, Macro, autopsy (71034)
Hyperplasia of the prostate, dilatation of the vesica and hydronephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71141)
Hyperplasia of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71144)
Hyperplasia of the median lobe of the prostate, trabecular hypertrophy of the mucosa of the urinary bladder, dilatation of the urinary bladder, Macro, autopsy (71148)
Stromal hyperplasia, ovary, HE 20x (73416)
Hyperplasia of the prostate, CT, X-ray (70331)
Basal cells hyperplasia, prostate, HE 40x (71870)
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate, HE 40x (73945)
Prostate, hyperplasia, HE 100x (72469)
Complex (atypical) hyperplasia of the endometrium, HE 20x (70734)
Hyperplasia of the thymus, Macro, autopsy (71747)
Cor pulmonale, Macro, autopsy (71543)
Cor pulmonale, Macro, autopsy (71544)
Left ventricle hypertrophy with fresh infarction, Macro, autopsy (71513)
Left ventricle hypertrophy, Macro, autopsy (71541)
Left ventricle hypertrophy, Macro, autopsy (71542)
Cor pulmonale, video, Video (73930)
Hypoplastic kidney, Macro, autopsy (71059)
Hypospadia, Macro (3834)
Hypoxic encephalopathy
Hypoxic encephalopathy, Macro, autopsy (72519)
Hypoxic encephalopathy, necrosis of the cortex, Macro, autopsy (72520)
Hypoxic encephalopathy, basal ganglia, Macro, autopsy (72521)
Intrauterine device, Macro, autopsy (71319)
Eyes, jaundice, Macro, autopsy (70350)
Eyes, jaundice, Macro, autopsy (70351)
Kidney, cholemic nefrosis, Macro, autopsy (70361)
IgA nephropathy
IgA nephropathy, AFOG 40x (70668)
IgA nephropathy, HE 40x (70669)
Strangulation ileus, Macro, autopsy (74436)
Strangulation ileus, Macro, autopsy (74437)
Ileus, colon, Macro, autopsy (70212)
Ileus, Macro, autopsy (72603)
Ileus, Macro, autopsy (72604)
Appendix epiploica, infarcted, Macro, autopsy (70158)
Brain infarction, hemorrhagic, Macro, autopsy (70836)
Infarction of the brain, 10 weeks old, Macro, autopsy (70835)
Infarction, brain, Macro, autopsy (70830)
Infarction of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70831)
Infarction, brain, Macro, autopsy (70832)
Infarction of the brain, parietooccipital region, Macro, autopsy (70833)
Large infarction of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70840)
Multiple infarctions of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70849)
Multiple infarctions of the brain, Macro, autopsy (70850)
Large infarction, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (70886)
Small infarction, cerebellum, Macro, autopsy (70887)
Infarction of the kidney, endocarditis, Macro, autopsy (71043)
Hyperaemia and exudate over infarct, Macro, autopsy (70896)
Hemorrhagic infarction of the ileum, Macro, autopsy (70140)
Infarction of the kidney, Macro, autopsy (71062)
Infarction of the kidney, decolorated, Macro, autopsy (71060)
Infarction of the kidney, old, Macro, autopsy (71061)
Infarctions of the kidney cortex, Macro, autopsy (71073)
Infarctions of the kidney cortex, Macro, autopsy (71074)
Infarctions, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71085)
Infarctions of the kidney, Macro, autopsy (71093)
Small infarction of the kidney, Macro, autopsy (71107)
Infarction of the kidney, thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71116)
Liver, infarction, Macro, autopsy (70414)
Liver, infarction, Macro, autopsy (70415)
Infarctions of the placenta, Macro, autopsy (71332)
Infarctions of the placenta, Macro, autopsy (71331)
Infarctions of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71145)
Infarctions of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71146)
Infarctions of the prostate, Macro, autopsy (71147)
Acute infarction of the spinal cord, Macro, autopsy (70910)
Heart, infarction, 2 chamber projection, MR contrast, X-ray (73454)
Heart, infarction, 4 chamber projection, MR contrast, X-ray (73455)
Heart, infarction, left ventricle outlet, MR contrast, X-ray (73456)
Heart, infarction, apex with thrombosis, MR contrast, X-ray (73457)
Heart, subendocardial infarction, MR contrast, X-ray (73458)
Myocardial infarction, MRI, X-ray (73017)
Myocardial infarction, MRI, X-ray (73018)
Myocardial infarction, MRI, X-ray (73019)
Myocardial infarction, MRI video, Ultrasound, video (73013)
Myocardial infarction, MRI video, Ultrasound, video (73014)
Myocardial infarction, MRI, X-ray (73015)
Myocardial infarction, MRI, X-ray (73016)
Heart, cross section, early infarction, Macro, autopsy (71514)
Scar after myocardial infarction, Macro, autopsy (71521)
Myocardial infarction with parietal thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71524)
Myocardial infarcion, recent and old, Macro, autopsy (71516)
Hemorrhagic infarsation of the gut, HE 20x (73367)
Infarction of the myocardium, HE 40x (71251)
Hemorrhagic infarction, lung, Macro, autopsy (71653)
Large hemorrhagic infarction, lung, Macro, autopsy (71652)
Lung infarction with thrombembolus, Macro, autopsy (71654)
Myocardial infarction, max. subendocardial, Macro, autopsy (71515)
Scar after myocardial infarction, Macro, autopsy (71522)
Myocardial infarction, HE 40x (10595)
Infarction of the papillary muscle, rupture, Macro, autopsy (71523)
Infarction of the myocardium, HE 20x (70118)
Infarction of the myocardium, HE 40x (70119)
Myocardial infarction, HE 10x (71415)
Myocardial infarction, HE 20x (71416)
Myocardial infarction, HE 40x (71417)
Infarction of the myocardium, HE 40x (70120)
Pulmonary infarction, HE 40x (10369)
Infarction of the lung, HE 20x (71395)
Spleen, infarction, Macro, autopsy (71766)
Spleen, infarctions, Macro, autopsy (71767)
Laminar myocardial infarction, HE 40x (74146)
Infarction, kidney, HE 20x (74140)
Spleen infarction, HE 20x (74132)
Infarctions of the spleen, Video (74304)
Infarctions of the spleen, Macro (74305)
Infarctions of the spleen, Macro (74306)
Infarctions of the spleen, Macro (74307)
Infarctions of the kidney, Macro, autopsy (70648)
Fresh myocardial infarction with leukostasis, HE 100x (72028)
Infarction, rupture of the interventricular septum, Macro, autopsy (71984)
Infarction, rupture of the interventricular septum, Macro, autopsy (71985)
Infarction, rupture of the interventricular septum, Macro, autopsy (71986)
Infarction, rupture of the interventricular septum, Macro, autopsy (71987)
Infections mononucleosis
Infections mononucleosis, HE 20x (72262)
Infiltrating carcinoma
Prostatic carcinoma, periganglionar spread, HE 60x (73767)
Pseudohyperplastic carcinoma of the prostate, HE 60x (73893)
Breast carcinoma, resection, Macro (74326)
Breast carcinoma, axillary lymphnode, Macro (74327)
Adenocarcinoma of the cervix uteri, PAP 40x (74025)
Urothelial carcinoma, cytology, PAP 40x (74071)
Squamous cell carcinoma, cervix, cytology, PAP 40x (73957)
Ductal carcinoma of the breast, infiltrating, HE 40x (74510)
Adenocarcinoma of the stomach, HE 40x (74492)
Carcinoma of the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (72477)
Adenocarcinoma, colon sigmoideum, CT axial, X-ray (73586)
Adenocarcinoma, colon sigmoideum, CT coronal, X-ray (73587)
Ovarian tumor, CT of the abdomen and pelvis, X-ray (73547)
Tumor of the gall bladder, CT coronar, X-ray (73436)
Tumor of the gall bladder, growing into the colon, CT coronar, X-ray (73437)
Non-small-cell carcinoma, CT, thorax, X-ray (73481)
Non-small-cell carcinoma, CT, lungs, X-ray (73483)
Non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung, meta liver, CT, X-ray (73482)
Non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung, meta brain, MR flair, X-ray (73484)
Non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung, meta brain, MR T1 axial contrast, X-ray (73485)
Non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung, meta brain, MR T1 coronal, X-ray (73486)
Non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung, meta brain, MR T1 sagittal, X-ray (73487)
Non-small-cell carcinoma, lung, X-ray (73480)
Carcinoma, colon ascendens, CT abdomen, contrast, X-ray (73563)
Carcinoma coli, metastases of the lungs, CT nativ, X-ray (73564)
Pulmonary tumor, pneumothorax, X-ray (73008)
Pulmonary tumor, pneumothorax, X-ray (73009)
Infiltrating adenocarcinoma of the stomach, X-ray (70334)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, HE 40x (74068)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, HE 40x (74069)
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE 100x (71861)
Cholangiocellular carcinoma, CK19 40x (72546)
Cholangiocellular carcinoma, CK7 40x (72547)
Cholangiocellular carcinoma, HE 40x (72548)
Carcinoma of the prostate, gr. 5, HE 100x (72888)
Bronchogenic carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71706)
Bronchogenic carcinoma, purulent inflammation, Macro, autopsy (71707)
Bronchogenic carcinoma, purulent inflammation, Macro, autopsy (71708)
Bronchogenic carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71709)
Bronchogenic carcinoma with partial infiltration of anthracotic lymphnode, Macro, autopsy (71710)
Bronchogenic carcinoma, pleuritis, Macro, autopsy (71711)
Mucoepidermoid bronchogenic carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71712)
Carcinoma of the lung, surrounding pulmonary artery, Macro, autopsy (71739)
Infiltrating carcinoma, urinary bladder, Video (74135)
Necrotizing carcinoma, cervix uteri, Macro, autopsy (71731)
Necrotizing carcinoma, cervix uteri, Macro, autopsy (71732)
Small papillocarcinoma, thyroid, HE 40x (72886)
Adenocarcinoma, prostate, HE+HMW cytokeratin, HE-HMWCK 60x (74231)
Infiltrating carcinoma, stomach, HE 20x (70007)
Infiltrating carcinoma, stomach, HE 40x (70008)
Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 20x (70016)
Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 40x (70017)
Adenocarcinoma, intestinal type, colon, HE 40x (10397)
Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 10x (70018)
Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 20x (70019)
Infiltrating carcinoma, colon, HE 40x (70020)
Diffuse carcinoma, HE 40x (70021)
Diffuse carcinoma, PAS 40x (70022)
Infiltrating carcinoma, mucinous, HE 20x (70023)
Infiltrating carcinoma, mucinous, HE 40x (70024)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas, HE 40x (70614)
Nephroblastoma (Wilms), HE 60x (74247)
Papilocarcinoma of the urinary bladder, gr. 3, HE 60x (74239)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, HE 40x (10444)
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate, gr. 3, HE 60x (74243)
Infiltrating urothelial carcinoma, HE 40x (72027)
Large cell carcinoma, lung, HE 40x (74452)
Large cell carcinoma, lung, HE 60x (74335)
Prostatic carcinoma, HE-HMWCK 60x (73776)
Prostatic carcinoma, HE-HMWCK 60x (73777)
Carcinoma of the prostate, HE + HMWCK, HE-HMWCK 60x (73892)
Prostatic carcinoma, HE-HMWCK 60x (73778)
Residuum of infiltrating carcinoma of the breast after chemotherapy, HE 40x (71218)
Residuum of infiltrating carcinoma of the breast after chemotherapy, HE 40x (71219)
Lobular carcinoma of the breast, histiocytic variant, HE 40x (71223)
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, AE13 60x (73899)
Diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, PAS 60x (73900)
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74323)
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74324)
Breast carcinoma, Ultrasound (74325)
Adenocarcinoma of the duodenal bulb, CLINIC (72564)
Adenocarcinoma of the duodenal bulb, CLINIC (72565)
Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid, CLINIC (72572)
Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid, CLINIC (72573)
Invasive adenocarcinoma within the adenomatous polyp, CLINIC (72575)
Invasive adenocarcinoma within the adenomatous polyp, CLINIC (72576)
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, CLINIC (72577)
Adenocarcinoma of the colon, CLINIC (72578)
Recurrence of adenocarcinoma, chronic gastritis, CLINIC (72582)
Recurrence of adenocarcinoma, chronic gastritis, CLINIC (72583)
Recurrence of adenocarcinoma, chronic gastritis, CLINIC (72584)
Adenocarcinoma, cardia, CLINIC (72585)
Adenocarcinoma, cardia, CLINIC (72586)
Adenocarcinoma, cardia, CLINIC (72587)
Adenocarcinoma, cardia, CLINIC (72588)
Adenokarcinoma, cecum, CLINIC (72589)
Adenokarcinoma, cecum, CLINIC (72590)
Adenokarcinoma, cecum, CLINIC (72591)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas growing into the stomach, CLINIC (72202)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the pancreas growing into the stomach, CLINIC (72203)
Adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72828)
Adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72829)
Adenocarcinoma, cardia of the stomach, CLINIC (72836)
Adenocarcinoma, cardia of the stomach, CLINIC (72837)
Tubular adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72838)
Tubular adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72839)
Tubular adenocarcinoma, colon, CLINIC (72840)
Invasive adenocarcinoma, caecum, CLINIC (72843)
Adenocarcinoma, antrum pylori, CLINIC (72844)
Adenocarcinoma, antrum pylori, CLINIC (72845)
Adenocarcinoma, antrum pylori, CLINIC (72846)
Infiltrating carcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72852)
Infiltrating carcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72853)
Large adenocarcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72854)
Large adenocarcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72855)
Large adenocarcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72856)
Large adenocarcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72857)
Intestinal carcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72863)
Intestinal carcinoma, stomach, CLINIC (72864)
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74319)
Breast carcinoma, X-ray (74320)
Breast carcinoma, Ultrasound (74321)
Breast carcinoma, Ultrasound (74322)
Well differentiated carcinoma of the prostate, punction, HE 100x (71228)
Well differentiated carcinoma of the prostate, punction, HE 100x (71229)
Well differentiated carcinoma of the prostate, punction, HE 40x (71230)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis, Macro (71232)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the penis, Macro (71233)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, Macro (71234)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, Macro (71235)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, section, Macro (71236)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, section, Macro (71237)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the ureter, Macro (71238)
Infiltrating carcinoma of the prostate, HMWCK 40x (71226)
Mixed germinal tumor of the testis (yolk sac tumor, embryonal carcinoma), HE 40x (71227)
Acute oophoritis, HE 20x (73406)
Oophoritis, epididymitis, HE 20x (73407)
Rhinitis, HE 40x (10356)
Periappendicitis, HE 40x (74037)
Inflammatory polyp
Inflammatory polyp, colon, HE 40x (72541)
Intersticial fibrosis of the lungs
Acute intersticial fibrosis of the lungs, HE 40x (72312)
Intravascular large cell lymphoma
Intravascular B lymphoma, lung, HE 60x (73952)
Intravascular B lymphoma, kidney, HE 60x (73937)
Intravascular B lymphoma, spinal cord, CD20 60x (73951)
Intravascular B lymphoma, spinal cord, HE 60x (73938)
Intravascular B lymphoma, myocardium, HE 60x (73949)
Colon, intususception of the ileum and Meckels diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70196)
Intususception of the ilueum into the caecum, Macro, autopsy (70211)
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Apocrine ductal carcinoma in situ, HE 40x (71280)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71284)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, focus in situ, HE 40x (71290)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, glycogen rich, HE 40x (71291)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71292)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71293)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71294)
Invasive ductal carcinoma, HE 40x (71295)
Invasive ductal carcinoma (area in situ), HE 40x (71296)
Invasive micropapillar carcinoma
Invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71302)
Enteritis post irradiation, HE 20x (70607)
Irradiation of the esophagus (carcinoma ot the lung), CLINIC (72208)
Irradiation of the esophagus (carcinoma ot the lung), CLINIC (72209)
Ischemia of the oblongate medulla, MR, T1W, X-ray (70947)
Ischemia of the oblongate medulla, MR, T2W, X-ray (70949)
Ischemia of the oblongate medulla, MR, T2W, X-ray (70948)
Early ischemia, brain, MR diffusion, X-ray (73574)
Ischemia of the medulla, MRI, X-ray (70938)
Multiple foci of subcortical ischemia, MRI, axial, X-ray (70584)
Multiple foci of subcortical ischemia, MRI, coronal, X-ray (70585)
Ischemia of the thalamus, MRI, X-ray (70583)
Early cortical ischemia, MR, diffusion, X-ray (73429)
Cortical ischemia, MR, X-ray (73430)
Kaposi sarcoma, macular, early
Kaposi's sarcoma, macular, HE 10x (1357)
Kaposi's sarcoma, macular, HE 20x (1358)
Kaposi's sarcoma, macular, HE 40x (1359)
Kaposi sarcoma, macular, late
Kaposi sarcoma, macular, late, HE 40x (4027)
Kaposi sarcoma, plaque stage
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque stage, HE 100x (2471)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque stage, CD34 40x (2472)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque stage, HE 40x (2473)
Kaposi sarcoma
Kaposi sarcoma, CLINIC (774)
Kaposi sarcoma, CLINIC (775)
Kaposi sarcoma, CLINIC (776)
Kaposi sarcoma, CLINIC (777)
Kaposi sarcoma, CLINIC (778)
Kaposi sarcoma, CLINIC (1132)
Kaposi sarcoma, CLINIC (1133)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque, HE 20x (1362)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque, Prussian blue 10x (1360)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque, Prussian blue 20x (1361)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque, HE 2.5x (1363)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque, HE 40x (1365)
Kaposi's sarcoma, plaque, HE 40x (1364)
Kernicterus, Macro, autopsy (70839)
Kernicterus, Macro, autopsy (70901)
Kernicterus, Macro, autopsy (70902)
Kernicterus, Macro, autopsy (70903)
Krabbe leucodystrophy
Krabbe leucodystrophy, Macro, autopsy (70841)
Girardiasis, lambliasis, HE 100x (70599)
Girardiasis, lambliasis, HE 40x (70600)
Large cell B cell lymphoma (LBCL, ALCL)
Diffuse large cell B lymphoma, HE 20x (73374)
Large cell lymphoma of the spleen, HE 20x (73377)
Large cell lymphoma, B, HE 40x (10346)
Large cell lymphoma of the spleen, HE 20x (73375)
Large cell lymphoma of the spleen, HE 20x (73376)
Anaplastic large cell T lymphoma, pleural effusion, PAP 40x (72268)
Large cell carcinoma of the lung
Centrally located large cell carcinoma of the lung, Macro, autopsy (71695)
Centrally located large cell carcinoma of the lung, Macro, autopsy (71696)
Large anaplastic carcinoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71697)
Large cell carcinoma of the lung, Macro, autopsy (71698)
Leiomyoma, pilar
Leiomyoma of the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (70046)
Leiomyoma of the esophagus, cut, Macro, autopsy (70045)
Leiomyoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70072)
Leiomyoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70073)
Leiomyoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70074)
Leiomyoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70070)
Leiomyoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70071)
Leiomyoma of the uterus, Macro, autopsy (71343)
Leiomyoma of the uterus, Macro, autopsy (71346)
Leiomyoma of the uterus, Macro, autopsy (71344)
Leiomyoma of the uterus, Macro, autopsy (71345)
Leiomyoma, esophagus, actin 40x (70649)
Leiomyoma, esophagus, CD117 40x (70650)
Leiomyoma, esophagus, HE 40x (70651)
Leiomyoma, uterus, HE 20x (71004)
Leiomyoma of the kidney, actin 40x (74251)
Leiomyoma of the kidney, HE 40x (74252)
Perforating small bowel leiomyosarcoma, Macro, autopsy (70155)
Perforating small bowel leiomyosarcoma, Macro, autopsy (70156)
Leiomyosarcoma, uterus, HE 40x (71005)
Purulent meningitis, HE 40x (10627)
Leptomeningitis caused by Pseudomonas, Warthin Starry 100x (71909)
Leptomeningitis caused by Pseudomonas, HE 40x (71910)
Leptomeningitis caused by Pseudomonas, Warthin Starry 40x (71911)
Leukoplakia of the urinary bladder, HE 40x (71305)
Leydig cell tumor
Leydig cell tumor, HE 40x (70991)
Leydig cell tumor, HE 40x (70992)
Lipoid nephrosis
Lipoid nephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71119)
Lipoma, HE 40x (10686)
Metastases of liposarcoma to the lung, Macro, autopsy (71702)
Metastases of liposarcoma to the lung, Macro, autopsy (71703)
Lobular carcinoma, invazive
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71297)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71298)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71299)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71300)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71301)
Lobular carcinoma, invasive, HE 40x (71255)
Lupus erythematodes
Lupus erythematosus, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71088)
Lupus erythematosus, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71089)
Liver, lupus erythematodes, Macro, autopsy (70419)
Lupus erythematosus, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71120)
Lupus erythematosus, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71121)
Lupus erythematosus, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71122)
Lupus erythematosus, HE 40x (71123)
Endocarditis Libman Sacks, mitral valve, Macro, autopsy (71575)
Glomerulonephritis, lupus erythematodes, AFOG 40x (70682)
Lymphangioma of the intestine, HE 20x (71374)
Lymphangioma of the urethra, CD34 60x (73884)
Lymphangioma of the urethra, HE 60x (73896)
Lymphangitis sclerotisans penis
Lymphangitis sclerotisans penis, Macro (3851)
Lymphoma of prekursor cells
Lymphoma of prekursor cells, HE 100x (72645)
Lymphoma of prekursor cells, frozen HE 40x (72646)
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma on the muscle of the calf, HE 20x (71930)
T cell lymphoma, enteropathy, HE 20x (71931)
Lymphoma, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71090)
Lymphoma of the rectum, Macro, autopsy (70232)
Malignant B lymphoma, diffuse, primary, affecting the corpus callosum, with edema; MRI T1W coronal, gadolinium, X-ray (70941)
Malignant B lymphoma, diffuse, primary, affecting the corpus callosum, with edema; MRI T1W transv. gadolinium, X-ray (70940)
Malignant B lymphoma, diffuse, primary, affecting the corpus callosum, with edema; MRI T2W transv., X-ray (70939)
Follicular lymphoma, myocardium, HE 20x (73362)
Follicular lymphoma, myocardium, HE 20x (73363)
MALToma, stomach, HE 20x (72275)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, CD20 40x (70513)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, GFAP 40x (70514)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, HE 40x (70515)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, NSE 40x (70516)
Lymphoma, B, unclassified, cerebellum, synaptophyzin 40x (70517)
NK lymphoma, liver, Macro, autopsy (70278)
NK lymphoma, liver, Macro, autopsy (70279)
Metastases of large cell lymphoma of the ieunum on the peritoneum, Macro, autopsy (71773)
Metastases of large cell lymphoma of the ieunum on the peritoneum, Macro, autopsy (71774)
Metastases of large cell lymphoma of the ieunum on the peritoneum, Macro, autopsy (71775)
Metastases of large cell lymphoma of the ieunum on the peritoneum, Macro, autopsy (71776)
Large cell lymphoma, HE 100x (72259)
Mantle cell lymphoma, HE 100x (72260)
Lymphoma of the small bowel, large cell, B, CD20 40x (70615)
Lymphoma of the small bowel, large cell, B, CD3 40x (70616)
Lymphoma of the small bowel, large cell, B, HE 40x (70617)
Lymphoma of the small bowel, large cell, B, Ki67 40x (70618)
Lymphoma of the small intestine, video, Video (73958)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia, B, CD20 40x (72993)
Chronic lymphatic leukemia, B, Ki67 40x (72994)
Marginal zone lymphoma, lymph node, HE 100x (72905)
Marginal zone lymphoma, lymph node, bcl2 40x (72906)
Marginal zone lymphoma, lymph node, CD20 40x (72907)
Marginal zone lymphoma, lymph node, CD23 40x (72908)
Marginal zone lymphoma, lymph node, Ki67 40x (72909)
Large cell B lymphoma, lymphnode, HE 100x (72811)
Large cell B lymphoma, lymphnode, HE 20x (72812)
Large cell B lymphoma, lymphnode, CD20 40x (72813)
Large cell B lymphoma, lymphnode, CD3 40x (72814)
Large cell B lymphoma, lymphnode, CD79a 40x (72815)
Large cell B lymphoma, lymphnode, Ki67 40x (72816)
Hairy cell leukemia, CD20 100x (72410)
Hairy cell leukemia, DBA44 100x (72421)
Hairy cell leukemia, HE 100x (72411)
Hairy cell leukemia, PAS 100x (72422)
Plasmablastic lymphoma as nose polyp, CD138 60x (74193)
Plasmablastic lymphoma as nose polyp, CD20 60x (74194)
Plasmablastic lymphoma as nose polyp, CD79a 60x (74195)
Plasmablastic lymphoma as nose polyp, HE 60x (74185)
Diffuse large cell lymphoma, CLINIC (72177)
Diffuse large cell lymphoma, CLINIC (72178)
Diffuse large cell lymphoma, CLINIC (72179)
Diffuse large cell lymphoma, CLINIC (72180)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, HE 20x (74525)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, MUM1 20x (74519)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, CD10 20x (74520)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, bcl2 20x (74521)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, bcl6 20x (74522)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, Cyklin D1 20x (74523)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, Ki67 20x (74524)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, HE 20x (74526)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, HE 20x (74527)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, HE 20x (74528)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, CD20 20x (74529)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, CD79a 20x (74530)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, CD3 20x (74531)
Primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma of the ovary, CD5 20x (74532)
Malabsorption, HE 20x (70025)
Malabsorption, HE 40x (70026)
Malaria, brain tissue, HE 60x (73765)
Encephalitis in malaria, HE 60x (73773)
Malformation of blood vessels
Malformation of blood vessels, brain, Macro, autopsy (70777)
Malformation of blood vessels, brain, Macro, autopsy (70879)
Malformation of blood vessels and venous hemangioma, cerebellum, MRI, coronal, X-ray (70579)
Malformation of blood vessels, cerebellum, MRI, coronal, X-ray (70578)
Horseshoe kidney, Macro, autopsy (71051)
Horseshoe kidney, Macro, autopsy (71080)
Horseshoe kidney, Macro, autopsy (71079)
Placenta, Potter's syndrome, Macro, autopsy (71333)
Arteria trigemina primitiva, DSA, X-ray (73567)
Arteria trigemina primitiva, MR angiography, X-ray (73568)
AV malformace, DSA, AP view, X-ray (73512)
AV malformace, DSA, lateral view, X-ray (73513)
Horseshoe kidney, CT of the abdomen and pelvis, X-ray (73546)
Venous malformation, mesencephalon, DSA, X-ray (73470)
Venous malformation, mesencephalon, MR T1 axial contrast, X-ray (73468)
Venous malformation, mesencephalon, MR T1 sagittal contrast, X-ray (73469)
Fenestration of aortic valve, Macro, autopsy (71545)
Coarctation of the aorta, dissecting aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (71501)
Bicuspid aortic valve with degenerative changes and calcifications, Macro, autopsy (71565)
Aortic atresia, Macro, autopsy (71497)
Bicuspid aortic valve, Macro, autopsy (71546)
Bicuspid aortic valve with degenerative changes and calcifications, Macro, autopsy (71566)
Coarctation of the aorta, adult type, Macro, autopsy (71500)
Ebstein's malformation, Macro, autopsy (71553)
Infantile coarctation of the aorta, infantile type, Macro, autopsy (71705)
Hypoplastic aortic arch, infantile coartation of the aorta, Macro, autopsy (71499)
Aortic atresia, Macro, autopsy (71498)
Atrial septal defect, Macro, autopsy (71505)
Bicuspid aortic valve with degenerative changes and calcifications, Macro, autopsy (71564)
Defect of interventricular septum, Macro, autopsy (71506)
Common ventricle, Macro, autopsy (71496)
Bronchogenic cyst, mediastinum, Macro, autopsy (71738)
Oligoastrocytoma, anaplastic astrocytoma, Macro (73741)
Usuration of the rib by intercostal artery in adult type coarctation, Macro, autopsy (71502)
Transposition of large arteries, Macro, autopsy (71503)
Transposition of large arteries with rudimentary right ventricle, Macro, autopsy (71504)
Agyria, 2 years old child, Macro, autopsy (72497)
Agyria, 2 years old child, Macro, autopsy (72498)
Rhachischisis, Macro, autopsy (72523)
Rhachischisis, Macro, autopsy (72524)
Malignant hypertension
Malignant hypertension, kidney, HE 40x (74049)
Malignant hypertensin, kidney, Mallory 40x (74050)
Mamilla accessoria
Supernumerary nipple, HE 20x (2709)
Supernumerary nipple, van Gieson 20x (2710)
Supernumerary nipple, CLINIC (3114)
Supernumerary nipple, CLINIC (3115)
Masson hemangioma
Masson's hemangioma, HE 40x (2365)
Chronic periductal mastitis, HE 10x (72107)
Chronic periductal mastitis, HE 40x (72108)
Meckel's diverticulum
Diverticulitis of the Meckels diverticulum with ectopic gastric mucosa, Macro, autopsy (70210)
Meckel's diverticulum and carcinoid, Macro, autopsy (70150)
Meckel's diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70147)
Meckel's diverticulum, Macro, autopsy (70148)
Meckel's diverticulum, inverted, Macro, autopsy (70149)
Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, CLINIC (74471)
Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, CLINIC (74469)
Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, CLINIC (74470)
Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, HE 5x (74473)
Meckel's diverticulum, ileus, 5x (74472)
Medulloblastoma, cerebellum, HE 20x (73388)
Medulloblastoma, frozen HE 40x (72754)
Medulloblastoma, HE 40x (72755)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70969)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70970)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70971)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70972)
Melanocytic medulloblastoma, Macro, autopsy (70973)
Megacolon, 9 year old boy, Macro (70214)
Megacolon, Macro, autopsy (70215)
Melanocytic nevus, compound
Compound melanocytic nevus, HE 40x (10888)
Melanocytic nevus, compound, HE 60x (6337)
Melanosis coli, Macro, autopsy (70220)
Melanosis coli, HE 20x (70216)
Melanosis coli, HE 20x (70217)
Melanosis coli, HE 20x (70218)
Melanosis coli, Macro, autopsy (70219)
Melanosis coli, black Sudan 40x (71362)
Melanosis coli, Prussian blue 40x (71363)
Melanosis coli, HE 40x (71364)
Melanosis coli, Fontana Masson 40x (71375)
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, HE 40x (71186)
Membranous glomerulopathy
Membranous glomerulopathy, Macro, autopsy (71091)
Membranous glomerulopathy, Macro, autopsy (71092)
Membranous glomerulopathy, Jones 100x (71184)
Membranous glomerulopathy, electron microscope ELMI (71188)
Membranous glomerulopathy, PAS 40x (70685)
Membranous glomerulopathy, PAS 40x (70686)
Membranous glomerulopathy, PAS 40x (70687)
Membranous glomerulopathy, electron microscope ELMI (71187)
Menetrier's disease
Menetrier's disease, stomach, HE 40x (70606)
Brain hemorrhage after surgery for meningeoma, Macro, autopsy (70811)
Temporal conus due to the meningeoma, Macro, autopsy (70819)
Meningeoma, Macro, autopsy (70845)
Meningeoma, Macro, autopsy (70904)
Adenoma of the hypophysis, MR, T1W, X-ray (70957)
Meningeoma, MR T1 contrast axial, X-ray (73572)
Menigneoma, MR T1 contrast coronal, X-ray (73573)
Meningeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T1 coronar, X-ray (71800)
Menigeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T1 transversal, X-ray (71801)
Meningeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T1 coronar, X-ray (71799)
Meningeoma of the small wing of the sphenoid bone, MRI native, T2 coronar, X-ray (71798)
Menigeoma of the posterior cerebral fossa, MRI, T1W gadolinium, X-ray (70955)
Menigeoma of the posterior cerebral fossa, MRI, T1W gadolinium, coronal, X-ray (70956)
Meningeoma, HE 40x (72009)
Meningeoma with psammoma bodies, HE 20x (73389)
Meningeoma, HE 20x (73390)
Atypical meningeoma, AE13 20x (74209)
Atypical meningeoma, GFAP 20x (74210)
Atypical meningeoma, EMA 40x (74211)
Atypical meningeoma, HE 40x (74212)
Atypical meningeoma, Ki67 40x (74213)
Atypical meningeoma, vimentin 40x (74214)
Meningeoma, HE 40x (74225)
Hemorrhagic meningitis, influenza, Macro, autopsy (70844)
Purulent meningitis, E. coli, Macro, autopsy (70861)
Purulent meningitis, HE 20x (73391)
Purulent meningitis, cerebrospinal fluid, Giemsa 40x (71912)
Tuberculous meningitis, HE 20x (71913)
Mycotic meningitis, HE 40x (74261)
Meningomyelocele, lumbar, Macro, autopsy (70906)
Meningomyelocele, lumbar, Macro, autopsy (70907)
Meningomyelocele, Macro, autopsy (70974)
Bowel, mesothelioma, Macro, autopsy (70168)
Pericardium, mesothelioma, Macro, autopsy (71597)
Papillary mesothelioma, HE 40x (72916)
Metabolic disease
MELAS, MR flair, X-ray (73490)
MELAS, MR T2 axial, X-ray (73491)
Dilatation of the whole heart, mucopolysaccharidosis, Macro, autopsy (71579)
Metastasis of low differentiated carcinoma of the prostate to the myocardium, HE 40x (71871)
Melanoma metastases to the brain, Macro, autopsy (70846)
Metastasis of the Willms tumor to the brain, Macro, autopsy (70847)
Metastatic infiltration of the dura, carcinoma of the breast, Macro, autopsy (70894)
Liver, metastases of breast carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (70420)
Liver, metastases of nesidioma, Macro, autopsy (70421)
Liver, metastases of amelanotic malignant melanoma, Macro, autopsy (70422)
Liver, metastases of mixed germ cell carcinoma (seminoma and embryonal carcinoma), Macro, autopsy (70423)
Liver, metastasis of small cell carcinoma of the lung, Macro, autopsy (70424)
Liver, multiple metastases, Macro, autopsy (70427)
Liver, multiple metastases, hole after needle biopsy, Macro, autopsy (70428)
Metastases of seminoma into paraaortal lymphnodes, Macro, autopsy (71124)
Metastasis of a GIT adenocarcinoma to the ovary, Macro, autopsy (71326)
Metastases of the melanoma, ovary, Macro, autopsy (71327)
Metastasis of the pituitary causing diabetes insipidus, Macro, autopsy (70909)
Metastases of the carcinoma of the prostate to the base of the skull, Macro, autopsy (71156)
Metastases of the spinal cord, Macro, autopsy (70913)
Metastases of the spinal cord, Macro, autopsy (70914)
Metastases of the prostatic carcinoma to the spine, Macro, autopsy (71157)
Metastases of the prostatic carcinoma to the spine, Macro, autopsy (71158)
Metastases of the prostatic carcinoma to the spinal column, Macro, autopsy (71179)
Metastasis of the GIST into the liver, X-ray (70563)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, MR T2W gadolinium, X-ray (70923)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, MR T1W, X-ray (70922)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, MR T2W, X-ray (70921)
Metastases of adenocarcinoma of unknown origin, CT, X-ray (70924)
Metastasis of the liver, CT, contrast, contrast X-ray (70539)
Metastasis of the liver, CT, contrast, delayed, contrast X-ray (70540)
Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon in the peritoneum, HE 20x (70266)
Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon in the peritoneum, HE 40x (70267)
Adenocarcinoma, metastasis, HE 40x (70098)
Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the lung into the liver, HE 40x (72316)
Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the lung into the liver, TTF1 40x (72317)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, CK19 40x (180)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 10x (181)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 20x (182)
Breast carcinoma, dermal infiltration, HE 40x (183)
Endocardium, metastasis of lung carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71600)
Epicardium, metastasis of lung carcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71601)
Metastasis of Grawitz carcinoma to the vertebra, HE 40x (72426)
The heart and luns with metastases of choriocarcinoma, Macro, autopsy (71602)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, metastasis to the myocardium, Macro, autopsy (71603)
Metastases of amelanotic melanoma to the myocardium, Macro, autopsy (71606)
Metastatic infiltration of the right ventricle, carcinoma of the cervix, Macro, autopsy (71607)
Metastatic infiltration of the right ventricle, carcinoma of the cervix, Macro, autopsy (71608)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, metastasis to the myocardium, Macro, autopsy (71604)
Metastasis of the carcinoma of the breast into the liver, HE 40x (70504)
Small cell lung carcinoma, infiltrated tracheal lymphnodes, Macro, autopsy (71761)
Paraaortic lymphnodes, carcinoma of the ovary, Macro, autopsy (71760)
Metastasis of the pancreatic carcinoma to the liver, HE 40x (71365)
Metastasis of adenocarcinoma in the lung, HE 20x (73392)
Metastasis of adenocarcinoma of the rectum, HE 40x (70101)
Metastasis of pancreatic carcinoma to the liver, HE 40x (74591)
Metastasis of diffuse carcinoma of the stomach, omentum, HE 20x (73393)
Metastasis of pancreatic carcinoma, myocardium, HE 20x (73394)
Metastasis of the ductal carcinoma of the breast into the lymphnode, HE 20x (71256)
Metastasis of acinic cell carcinoma of the pancreas on the peritoneum, HE 40x (70695)
Metastasis of acinic cell carcinoma of the pancreas on the peritoneum, trypsin 40x (70696)
Metastases of the lung carcinoma to the pericardium, Macro, autopsy (71605)
Metastasis of the adenocarcinoma of the colon to the lung, HE 40x (70257)
Carcinosis of the lung, HE 40x (71394)
Metastasis of carcinoma of the ovary to the liver, frozen HE 40x (72914)
Metastasis of carcinoma of the ovary to the liver, HE 40x (72915)
Adamantinoma of the bone, metastasis, HE 40x (12646)
Hepatocellular carcinoma, metastasis, HE 40x (12474)
Metastasis of ductal carcinoma of the breast into the lymphnode, HE 40x (71243)
Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, CK20 60x (74253)
Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, CK7 60x (74254)
Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, HE 60x (74255)
Adenocarcinoma metastasis, lung, TTF1 60x (74256)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, AE13 20x (74178)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, CK7 20x (74179)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 20x (74180)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 20x (74181)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 60x (74182)
Brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma, HE 60x (74183)
Small cell carcinoma of the lung, metastasis, frozen HE 20x (72885)
Metastasis of ductal carcinoma of the breast into the stomach, CLINIC (72558)
Metastasis of ductal carcinoma of the breast into the stomach, CLINIC (72559)
Melanoma metastasis into the duodenal mucosa, CLINIC (72817)
Melanoma metastasis into the duodenal mucosa, CLINIC (72818)
Melanoma metastasis into the duodenal mucosa, CLINIC (72819)
Melanoma metastasis into the duodenal mucosa, CLINIC (72820)
Stomach, melanoma metastasis, CLINIC (72830)
Stomach, melanoma metastasis, CLINIC (72831)
Metastasis of a melanoma to the myocardium, HE 20x (71971)
Metastasis of a melanoma to the myocardium, S100 20x (71972)
Metastasis of pulmonary adenocarcinoma to the myocardium, HE 40x (72913)
Mitochondrial myopathy
Mitochondrial myopathy, NADH 20x (70723)
Mola hydatidosa
Mola hydatidosa, Macro, autopsy (71317)
Mola hydatidosa, Macro, autopsy (71318)
Mola hydatidosa, HE 40x (71020)
Mola hydatidosa, HE 40x (71021)
Mola hydatidosa, HE 40x (71019)
Mucinous adenocarcinoma
Invasive mucinous carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71303)
Invasive mucinous carcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71304)
Appendix, mucocele, Macro, autopsy (70273)
Muscle dystrophy
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, ATP 20x (70715)
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, NADH-TR, NADH 20x (70716)
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, HE 20x (70717)
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, acid phosphatase 20x (70718)
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, HE 20x (70719)
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, ATP 20x (70720)
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, HE 20x (70721)
Limb girdle dystrophy LGMD2A, calpainopathy, HE 20x (70724)
Muscle, denervation and reinervation
Muscle, denervation and reinervation, ATP 20x (70707)
Muscular dystrophy of Duchenne
Muscular dystrophy of Duchenne, dystrophin 2 20x (70710)
Muscular dystrophy of Duchenne, HE 20x (70711)
Muscular dystrophy of Duchenne, expression of dystrophin, dystrophin 2 20x (70712)
Muscular dystrophy of Duchenne, HE 20x (70713)
Muscular dystrophy of Duchenne, spectrin expression, Special staining 20x (70714)
Duodenitis (mycobacterium avium, intracellulare), HE 60x (74126)
Duodenitis (mycobacterium avium, intracellulare), Ziehl Neelsen 60x (74127)
Ulcerating gastric carcinoma, mycosis, Grocott 60x (74086)
Ulcerating gastric carcinoma, mycosis, HE 60x (74087)
Mycosis of the epididymis, granulomatous, HE 40x (70982)
Mycotic sepis, kidney, Grocott 40x (71253)
Mycotic sepis, kidney, HE 40x (71254)
Mycosis of the kidney (case of a mycotic sepsis), Grocott 40x (70103)
Deep mycotic infection, myocardium, Grocott 40x (70652)
Candidosis, esophagus, PAS 40x (70002)
Candidosis of the esophagus, PAS 40x (70034)
Mycotic bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (74257)
Mycotic myocarditis, HE 40x (74258)
Mycotic esophagitis, HE 60x (10094)
Mycotic esophagitis, PAS 60x (10075)
Mycosis of the esophagus, HE 40x (72341)
Mycosis of the esophagus, PAS 40x (72342)
Kidney in myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71108)
Myeloma, osteolysis of the vertebra, CT, X-ray (74294)
Myeloma, osteolysis of the vertebra, CT, sagittal reconstruction, X-ray (74295)
Myeloma, fracture of the femur, X-ray (74293)
Myeloma, increased activity on scintigraphy, Scintigraphy (74296)
Bone marrow, multiple myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71754)
Waldenström macroglobulinemia, bone marrow, HE 40x (71758)
Waldenström macroglobulinemia, bone marrow, Giemsa 40x (71759)
Head of the humerus, multiple myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71755)
Myeloma (femur), HE 60x (74311)
Skull, multiple myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71756)
Skull, multiple myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71751)
Skull, multiple myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71752)
Spine, rib, multiple myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71757)
Spine, multiple myeloma, Macro, autopsy (71753)
Infarsation of the gut, myeloma, Macro (71878)
Infarsation of the gut, myeloma, Macro (71879)
Infarsation of the gut, myeloma, Macro (71880)
Infarsation of the gut, myeloma, Macro (71881)
Myeloma of the bone, HE 40x (12483)
Myeloma of the bone, HE 40x (12480)
Myeloma of the bone, kappa 40x (12481)
Myeloma of the bone, lambda 40x (12482)
Myeloma, second test, immunofixation, urine, LAB (74317)
Myeloma, second test, urine, LAB (74316)
Myeloma, first test, immunofixation, urine, LAB (74315)
Myeloma, first test, urine, LAB (74314)
Kidney, myeloma, HE 40x (70688)
Myocarditis, HE 20x (10314)
Myositis, HE 20x (70728)
Heart, atrial myxoma, Macro, autopsy (71598)
Heart, atrial myxoma, Macro, autopsy (71599)
Massive necrosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70356)
Massive necrosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70442)
Massive toxic necrosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70449)
Massive toxic necrosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70450)
Massive toxic necrosis of the liver, Macro, autopsy (70451)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70289)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70290)
Enzymatic necrosis of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70300)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70303)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70305)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70306)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, stricture of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (70307)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, stricture of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (70308)
Acute hemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas, stricture of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (70309)
Pancreatitis, fat necroses of the omentum, Macro, autopsy (70310)
Necrotising pancreatitis, phlegmone, abdomen, CT axial contrast, X-ray (73472)
Necrotising pancreatitis, phlegmone with gas, abdomen, CT coronal contrast, X-ray (73473)
Encephalomalacia, HE 40x (12088)
Necrosis of the liver, HE 40x (70129)
Subacute necrosis of the liver, HE 40x (70529)
Necrosis of the pancreas, HE 40x (70131)
Peptic necrosis of the peritoneal fat, HE 40x (70132)
Massive necrosis of the liver, HE 40x (71974)
Nephritis, sepsis, HE 40x (71369)
Nephrogenic metaplasia
Nephrogenic metaplasia of the urinary bladder, HE 40x (71379)
Nephrogenic metaplasia of the urinary bladder, HE 40x (71380)
Benign nephrosclerosis, Macro, autopsy (71070)
Nephrosclerosis and small cortical adenomas, Macro, autopsy (71094)
Nephrosclerosis, small cyst and scars of the kidneys, Macro, autopsy (71109)
Benign nephrosclerosis, Macro, autopsy (71125)
Nephrosclerosis, hypertension, HE 40x (71366)
Nephrosclerosis, HE 40x (10439)
Neuroblastoma, CT contrast, X-ray (73521)
Neuroblastoma, CT contrast coronal, X-ray (73523)
Neuroblastoma, hydronephrosis, CT contrast, X-ray (73522)
Olphactoric neuroblastoma, MRI, axial section, X-ray (70570)
Olphactoric neuroblastoma, MRI, coronar section, X-ray (70571)
Olphactoric neuroblastoma, MRI, sagittal section, X-ray (70572)
Neuroblastoma, child, 19 months old, external view, Macro, autopsy (71748)
Neuroblastoma, child, 19 months old, situs viscerum, Macro, autopsy (71749)
Neurofibromatosis, brain, neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, MR T1W gadolinium, coron., X-ray (70931)
Neurofibromatosis, brain, neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, MR T1W gadolinium, transv., X-ray (70930)
Neurofibromatosis, spine, pseumomeningocele after surgery, MR, T2W sagitt, X-ray (70927)
Neurofibromatosis, spine, pseumomeningocele after surgery, MR, T2W transw, X-ray (70928)
Neurofibromatosis, spine, compression of the spinal cord, MR, T2W transw, X-ray (70929)
Atypical neurofibroma, frozen HE 40x (72750)
Atypical neurofibroma, HE 40x (72751)
Nevus flammeus
Nevus flammeus (sy. Klippel-Trénaunay), CLINIC (2010)
Nevus flammeus (sy. Klippel-Trénaunay), CLINIC (2008)
Nevus flammeus (sy. Klippel-Trénaunay), CLINIC (2009)
Nevus flammeus (sy. Klippel-Trénaunay), CLINIC (2011)
Nevus flammeus (sy. Klippel-Trénaunay), CLINIC (2013)
Nevus flammeus, early, HE 40x (2304)
Nevus flammeus, HE 20x (2157)
Nevus flammeus, HE 40x (3601)
Nevus flammeus, developed, HE 40x (3578)
Nevus flammeus, CLINIC (3153)
Nevus simplex
Nevus simplex, CLINIC (1925)
No spermiogenesis
Apermiogenesis, HE 40x (72349)
Normal endothelium of the aorta, 2 years old child, Macro, autopsy (71418)
Normal kidney, age 13, Macro, autopsy (71095)
Normal kidney, newborn, Macro, autopsy (71096)
Uterus and plancenta, normal, Macro, autopsy (71347)
Atlas - screenshot, (1965)
Endometrium, developed secretion, HE 40x (73037)
Normal lung of 3 years old child, Macro, autopsy (71637)
Arrows verification, (522)
Stomach, antrum, norma, HE 40x (72350)
Family tree (hemochromatosis case), (73760)
Oligodendroglioma, Macro, autopsy (70858)
Postirradiation necrosis, anaplastic oligodendroglioma, MR flair, X-ray (73569)
Postirradioation necrosis, anaplastic oligodendroglioma, MR T1 contrast axial, X-ray (73570)
Postirradioation necrosis, anaplastic oligodendroglioma, MR T1 contrast sagittal, X-ray (73571)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, CT native, X-ray (71777)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, MRI contrast coronar, X-ray (71780)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, MRI native coronar, X-ray (71779)
Oligodendroglioma, stage 2-3, MRI native transversal, X-ray (71778)
Oligodendroglioma, HE 20x (73405)
Orchitis granulomatosa, HE 40x (71224)
Orchitis granulomatosa, HE 40x (71225)
Focal ossification of the aorta, HE 20x (71440)
Osteoblastoma, HE 40x (12494)
Osteochondroma, HE 40x (12101)
Osteochondroma, HE 40x (12496)
Osteofibrous dysplasia
Osteofibrous dysplasia, HE 40x (12495)
Osteoid osteoma
Osteoid osteoma, HE 40x (12497)
Osteoid osteoma, HE 40x (12102)
Osteoma, HE 40x (12498)
Osteomyelitis, HE 40x (12499)
Osteomyelitis, HE 40x (10943)
Osteoporosis, HE 40x (12104)
Metastasis of osteosarcoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71699)
Osteosarcoma, HE 40x (12100)
Osteosarkoma, jaw, HE 40x (12500)
Osteosarkoma, HE 40x (12501)
Osteosarcoma, HE 60x (12299)
Osteosarcoma, HE 40x (11005)
Osteosarcoma, HE 40x (11006)
Ovulum, endocervix, HE 20x (70104)
Paget's disease of the bone
Paget's disease of the bone, HE 40x (12505)
Paget's disease of the bone, HE 40x (12506)
Pancreatitis, acute, contrast X-ray (70546)
Necrotizing pancreatitis, X-ray (71815)
Necrotizing pancreatitis, with drains, CT, X-ray (71816)
Necrotizing pancreatitis, HE 40x (72013)
Pancreatitis chronica, obstruction, HE 20x (70133)
Pancreatitis, chronic, relapsing, with perineural fibrosis, HE 20x (70134)
Enzymatic necrosis of the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (72551)
Balser's necrosis, HE 20x (74152)
Panniculitis, HE 40x (72113)
Cytology, urothelial carcinoma, HE 40x (74079)
Cytology, urothelial carcinoma, PAP 40x (74080)
Urothelial papillocarcinoma, high grade, HE 100x (72923)
Urothelial papillocarcinoma, high grade, HE 100x (72922)
Papillocarcinoma, invasive, urinary bladder, microexcision, HE 100x (72133)
Papillocarcinoma, invasive, urinary bladder, cytologie, cytology 40x (72132)
Intracystic papillocarcinoma of the breast, HE 20x (71306)
Intracystic papillocarcinoma of the breast, HE 40x (71307)
Papillocarcinoma, kidney, HE 40x (74036)
Papillocarcinoma of the ureter, HE 20x (71372)
Papillocarcinoma of the ureter, HE 40x (71373)
Squamous cell papilloma of the esophagus, HE 40x (70647)
Squamous cell papilloma, pharynx, HE 20x (70701)
Intracystic and intraductal papilloma, HE 40x (71289)
Inverted papilloma, urinary bladder, HE 40x (72328)
Paraphimosis, CLINIC (3195)
Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease, HE 100x (72684)
Liver, peliosis, Macro, autopsy (70431)
Liver, peliosis, Macro, autopsy (70432)
Pemphigus vulgaris
Pemphigus vulgaris, esophagus, HE 60x (73953)
Periarteritis nodosa
Periarteritis nodosa, kidney, Macro, autopsy (71139)
Uremic pericarditis, polycystic kidney, Macro, autopsy (71160)
Diffuse fibrinous pericarditis, Macro, autopsy (71590)
Diffuse fibrinous pericarditis, Macro, autopsy (71591)
Diffuse fibrinous pericarditis, Macro, autopsy (71592)
Uremia, diffuse fibrinous pericarditis, Macro, autopsy (71593)
Uremia, diffuse fibrinous pericarditis, Macro, autopsy (71594)
Pericarditis fibrinosa, HE 40x (10626)
Uremia, diffuse fibrinous pericarditis, Macro, autopsy (71595)
Pericardium, patchy fibrosis, Macro, autopsy (71589)
Pneumopericardium, Macro, autopsy (71596)
Purulent pericarditis (video), Video (74172)
Pericarditis, HE 40x (74287)
Pericarditis fibrinosa, cor hirsutum, Video (74249)
Peritoneal carcinosis
Peritoneal carcinosis, AE13 60x (10211)
Peritoneal carcinosis, HE 60x (10212)
Peritoneal carcinosis, PAS 60x (10213)
Liver, fibrinous perihepatitis, Macro, autopsy (70393)
Chronic peritonitis, Macro, autopsy (70221)
Chronic peritonitis, Macro, autopsy (70222)
Periappendicitis, HE 20x (74153)
Stercoral peritonitis, HE 20x (73415)
Perinotinis, adhaesions, HE 40x (74230)
Liver, petechiae, chickenpox, Macro, autopsy (70433)
Petechiae of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70079)
Peutz Jeghers syndrome
Peutz Jeghers syndrome, hands, pigmentations, CLINIC (70238)
Peutz Jeghers syndrome, perioral pigmentation, CLINIC (70239)
Peutz Jeghers polyp, HE 20x (71382)
Peutz Jeghers polyp, van Gieson 20x (71383)
Peutz Jeghers polyp, HE 40x (71384)
Peutz Jeghers polyp, van Gieson 40x (71385)
Pheochromocytoma, HE 40x (12051)
Phimosis, CLINIC (3215)
Phimosis, CLINIC (3216)
Phimosis, CLINIC (3217)
Phimosis, CLINIC (3218)
Argyrosis of the kidney, Macro, autopsy (71067)
Argyrosis of the kidney, HE 5x (71068)
Argyrosis of the kidney, HE 40x (71069)
Anthracosis and silicosis of the lung, HE 20x (71258)
Plasmocytoma of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70080)
Fibroadhesive pleuritis, Macro, autopsy (71704)
Pleuritis, organized, HE 20x (71367)
Pleuritis, organized, HE 40x (71257)
Pneumatosis intestini
Pneumatosis coli, Macro, autopsy (70199)
Pneumatosis intestini, CD68 40x (72250)
Pneumatosis cystoides intestini, Macro, autopsy (72114)
Pneumatosis cystoides intestini, Macro, autopsy (72115)
Pneumatosis cystoides intestini, Macro, autopsy (72116)
Pneumatosis cystoides intestini, Macro, autopsy (72117)
Pneumatosis intestini, HE 20x (72235)
Pneumoconiosis and anthracosis, coal miner, HE, polarizace 40x (71308)
Lung, silicosis, Macro, autopsy (71641)
Pneumocystis jirovecii, HE 40x (10359)
Pneumocystis jirovecii, Grocott 40x (10361)
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, HE 40x (71392)
Pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii, Grocott 40x (71715)
Pneumonia, Klebsiella, HE 40x (71361)
Lobar pneumonia, red hepatization, Macro, autopsy (71658)
Lobar pneumonia, red hepatization, Macro, autopsy (71659)
Interstitial pneumonia, varicella, Macro, autopsy (71668)
Interstitial pneumonia, varicella, Macro, autopsy (71667)
Interstitial pneumonia, varicella, Macro, autopsy (71669)
Interstitial pneumonia, varicella, Macro, autopsy (71670)
Interstitial pneumonia, Macro, autopsy (71671)
Lobar pneumonia, hepatization, Macro, autopsy (71660)
Lobar pneumonia, hepatization, Macro, autopsy (71661)
Interstitial pneumonia, virosis, Macro, autopsy (71672)
Interstitial pneumonia, virosis, Macro, autopsy (71675)
Interstitial pneumonia, virosis, Macro, autopsy (71673)
Interstitial pneumonia, virosis, Macro, autopsy (71674)
Interstitial pneumonia, varicella, Macro, autopsy (71666)
Absceding bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (10625)
Pneumonia (Klebsiella), HE 40x (71381)
Pneumothorax, Macro, autopsy (71630)
Pneumothorax, Macro, autopsy (71631)
Poliomyelitis acuta anterior
Poliomyelitis acuta anterior, HE 40x (71995)
Poliomyelitis acuta anterior, HE 40x (71996)
Polycystic kidney, adult type, Macro, autopsy (71733)
Polycystic kidney, adult type, Macro, autopsy (71734)
Polycystic kidney, adult type, Macro, autopsy (71735)
Polycystic kidney, adult type, Macro, autopsy (71736)
Polycystic kidney, adult type, Macro, autopsy (71737)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72870)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72871)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72872)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72873)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72874)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72875)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72876)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72877)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72878)
Polycystic kidney, adult, Macro, autopsy (72879)
Polymyositis, HE 20x (70729)
Polymyositis, HE 20x (70730)
Polyp, adenomatous
Polyp, adenomatous, HE 40x (10393)
Adenomatous polyp of the colon, low grade dysplasia, HE 40x (74072)
Polyp, carcinomatous
Adenocarcinoma in the endocervical polyp, AE13 40x (71862)
Adenocarcinoma in the endocervical polyp, HE 40x (71863)
Adenocarcinoma in the endocervical polyp, Ki67 40x (71864)
Diffuse carcinoma in adenomatous polyp of the stomach, AE13 40x (71866)
Diffuse carcinoma in adenomatous polyp of the stomach, HE 40x (71867)
Diffuse carcinoma in adenomatous polyp of the stomach, PAS 40x (71868)
Polyp, carcinomatous, HE 20x (70014)
Polyp, carcinomatous, HE 40x (70015)
Polyp, hamartomatous
Polyp, hamartomatous, HE 20x (70271)
Polyp, hamartomatous, HE 40x (70272)
Polyps, hamartomatous, hyperplastic and tubulovilous, CLINIC (72194)
Polyp, hyperplastic
Polyp, hyperplastic, HE 100x (72234)
Hyperplastic polyp, colon, HE 100x (72493)
Hyperplastic polyp, rectal mucosa, HE 60x (74250)
Hyperplastic endometial polyp, HE 40x (10299)
Polyp, hyperplastic, HE 40x (10408)
Polyp, hyperplastic, CLINIC (72196)
Polyp, hyperplastic, stomach, CLINIC (72197)
Polyps, hyperplastic, CLINIC (72227)
Polyps, hyperplastic, CLINIC (72228)
Polyps, hyperplastic, CLINIC (72229)
Polyp, juvenile
Polyp, juvenile, HE 20x (70009)
Juvenile polyp of the colon, CLINIC (72580)
Juvenile polyp of the colon, CLINIC (72581)
Polyp, tubulovillous
Polyp, tubulovillous, HE 20x (70010)
Polyp, tubulovillous, HE 40x (70011)
Polyp, tubulovillous, HE 40x (70012)
Polyp, villous
Rectum, villous adenoma (adenocarcinoma), Macro, autopsy (70236)
Polyp, villous, high grade dysplasia, HE 20x (70013)
Villous adenoma of the rectum, HE 40x (74133)
Villous adenoma of the rectum, HE 40x (74134)
Colon, polyps, Macro, autopsy (70169)
Colon, polyps, Macro, autopsy (70200)
Colon, polyps, Macro, autopsy (70201)
Adenomatous polyp of the duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70138)
Rectum, polyp, Macro, autopsy (70233)
Rectum, polyp, Macro, autopsy (70234)
Rectum, polyp, Macro, autopsy (70235)
Endocervical polyp, HE 40x (71869)
Fundic gland polyp, stomach, HE 60x (73764)
Polyposis of the colon, Macro, autopsy (71977)
Polyposis of the colon, Macro, autopsy (71978)
Polyposis of the colon, Macro, autopsy (71979)
Polyposis of the colon, Macro, autopsy (71980)
Polyposis of the colon, Macro, autopsy (71981)
Polyposis of the colon, Macro, autopsy (71982)
Polyposis of the colon, Macro, autopsy (71983)
Polyp, endometrial, HE 20x (70999)
Polyp, endometrial, HE 40x (71000)
Polyp, endometrial, HE 40x (71006)
Endocervical polyp, HE 20x (70526)
Adenomatous polyp of the gall bladder, HE 10x (70530)
Adenomatous polyp of the gall bladder, HE 40x (70531)
Adenomatous polyp, CLINIC (72173)
Polyp, CLINIC (72222)
Polypectomy, CLINIC (72217)
Polypectomy, CLINIC (72218)
Polypectomy, CLINIC (72219)
Polypectomy, CLINIC (72220)
Polypectomy, CLINIC (72221)
Polypoid submucosal lipoma, CLINIC (72821)
Polypoid submucosal lipoma, CLINIC (72822)
Polypoid submucosal lipoma, CLINIC (72823)
Polypoid submucosal lipoma, CLINIC (72824)
Polypoid submucosal lipoma, CLINIC (72825)
Polypoid submucosal lipoma, CLINIC (72826)
Endocervical polyp, HE 20x (73284)
AS phenomena, extrauterine gravidity, HE 40x (72895)
Ovary during the pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71328)
Normal pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71334)
Pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71339)
Pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71340)
Pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71341)
Uterus after caesarean section, Macro, autopsy (71348)
Uterus after pregnancy, Macro, autopsy (71349)
Uterus, retained placental fragment, Macro, autopsy (71350)
Primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver
Liver, primary biliary cirrhosis, Macro, autopsy (70436)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, HE 40x (70124)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, HE 40x (71872)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, HE 40x (71873)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, van Gieson 40x (71874)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, Gömöry 20x (70697)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, HE 40x (70698)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, blue trichrome 40x (70699)
Primary biliary cirrhosis, blue trichrome 40x (70700)
Chronic hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, Gömöry 20x (70628)
Chronic hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, HE 40x (70629)
Chronic hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, blue trichrome 40x (70630)
Radiation proctitis, Macro, autopsy (70226)
Chronic prostatitis, punction, HE 40x (71231)
Artificial aortal valve, CT axial, X-ray (73588)
Pseudoxanthomatous gastritis, HE 100x (72542)
Xanthelasma of the gastric mucosa, CD68 60x (74082)
Xanthelasma of the gastric mucosa, HE 60x (74083)
Psoriasis vulgaris
Psoriasis vulgaris, HE 60x (10886)
Liver, holes after needle biopsy, Macro, autopsy (70453)
Brain, purpura, Macro, autopsy (70875)
Brain, purpura, Macro, autopsy (70876)
Brain, purpura, Macro, autopsy (70873)
Brain, purpura, HE 20x (70874)
Chronic bilateral pyelonephritis, kidneys of 50g weight, Macro, autopsy (71100)
Chronic pyelonephritis, Macro, autopsy (71104)
Acute pyelonephritis, Macro, autopsy (71110)
Acute pyelonephritis, Macro, autopsy (71111)
Acute pyelonephritis, Macro, autopsy (71112)
Pyelonephritis acute, Macro, autopsy (71150)
Pyelonephritis acuta candidosa, Macro, autopsy (71151)
Chronic pyelonephritis, Macro, autopsy (71153)
Chronic xanthomatous pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, Macro, autopsy (71152)
Acute pyelonephritis, HE 60x (74259)
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, CD68 40x (74123)
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, HE 40x (74124)
Pyelonephritis, abscess, HE 40x (10718)
Pyelonephritis, HE 20x (72555)
Pyelonephritis, HE 40x (72556)
Pyloric metaplasia
Esophagus, pyloric metaplasia, HE 100x (73117)
Queyrat carcinoma of the penis
Queyrat's carcinoma of the penis, HE 40x (4068)
Queyrat's carcinoma of the penis, HE 20x (1654)
Queyrat's intraepithelial carcinoma of the penis, HE 20x (3468)
Rabies, HE 100x (71968)
Rabies, HE 40x (71969)
Radial lesion of the breast
Radial lesion of the breast, HE 20x (71309)
Radial lesion of the breast, HE 40x (71310)
Raynaud's disease of the fingers in cryoglobulinemia, CLINIC (71473)
Renal cell carcinoma of Grawitz
Renal cell carcinoma of Grawitz, Macro, autopsy (71077)
Renal cell carcinoma of Grawitz, Macro, autopsy (71101)
Grawitz tumor of the right kidney, CT contrast, axial, X-ray (73600)
Grawitz tumor of the right kidney, CT coronal, X-ray (73603)
Renal cell carcinoma of Grawitz, contrast X-ray (70575)
Renal cell carcinoma of Grawitz, HE 40x (10434)
Renal cell carcinoma, Video (74297)
Renal cell carcinoma, Video (74301)
Cystic Grawitz carcinoma, HE 40x (73004)
Residua post abortum, products of conception
Residua post abortum, products of conception, HE 40x (10333)
Residua post abortum, products of conception, HE 20x (72026)
Reye syndroma
Liver, Reye's syndrome, Macro, autopsy (70438)
Rupture of the liver after resuscitation, Macro, autopsy (70437)
Rupture of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71470)
Rupture of the ascending aorta, Macro, autopsy (71471)
Heart tamponade, hemopericardium, Macro, autopsy (71586)
Heart tamponade, hemopericardium, Macro, autopsy (71584)
Myocardial infarction and rupture of the septum, Macro, autopsy (71520)
Left ventricle aneurysm, ruptured, Macro, autopsy (71533)
Heart tamponade, hemopericardium, Macro, autopsy (71585)
Myocardial infarction and rupture, Macro, autopsy (71517)
Myocardial infarction and rupture, Macro, autopsy (71519)
Myocardial infarction and rupture, Macro, autopsy (71518)
Heart tamponade, hemopericardium, Macro, autopsy (71587)
Spleen, rupture, hemoperitoneum, Macro, autopsy (71769)
Spleen, rupture, Macro, autopsy (71768)
Heart tamponade, hemopericardium, Macro, autopsy (71588)
Sarcoidosis, HE 20x (4965)
Sarcoidosis, HE 60x (10797)
Dendritic sarcoma of the sigmoid, HE 20x (71928)
Scar, scarring
Bronchi, scarring, Macro, autopsy (71614)
Schwannoma, neurilemmoma
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR flair, X-ray (73492)
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR T1 contrast axial, X-ray (73493)
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR T1 contrast coronal, X-ray (73494)
Neurinoma of the 8th nerve, MR T2 coronal, X-ray (73495)
Malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve, MRI, contrast, coronar, X-ray (71797)
Malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve, MRI, contrast, transversal, X-ray (71796)
Malignant schwannoma of the mandibular nerve, MRI, native, coronar, X-ray (71795)
Neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, coronal section, MRI, X-ray (70933)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, frontal, contrast X-ray (70562)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, X-ray (70560)
Neurinoma of the acustic nerve, MRI, T2, saggital, X-ray (70561)
Neurinoma of the acoustic nerve, transversal section, MRI, X-ray (70932)
Schwannoma, HE 40x (10632)
Malignant schwannoma, frozen HE 60x (74474)
Malignant schwannoma, HE 60x (74475)
Malignant schwannoma, S100 60x (74476)
Malignant schwannoma, X-ray (74478)
Malignant schwannoma, X-ray (74479)
Malignant schwannoma, X-ray (74480)
Malignant schwannoma, X-ray (74481)
Malignant schwannoma, X-ray (74482)
Sclerosis multiplex
Sclerosis multiplex, Macro, autopsy (70851)
Sclerosis multiplex, Macro, autopsy (70852)
Sclerosis multiplex, Macro, autopsy (70853)
Sclerosis multiplex, Macro, autopsy (70854)
Sclerosis multiplex, pons, Macro, autopsy (70860)
Sclerosis multiplex, Macro, autopsy (70863)
Sclerosis multiplex, Macro, autopsy (70864)
Retrobulbar neuritis dx., multiple sclerosis, MR, orbita T2 coronal, X-ray (73556)
Multiple sclerosis, brain stem, hemispheres, cerebellum, MR T2 sagittal, X-ray (73526)
Multiple sclerosis, brain stem, hemispheres, cerebellum, MR PD axial, X-ray (73527)
Multiple sclerosis, Macro, autopsy (74006)
Multiple sclerosis, Macro, autopsy (74007)
Multiple sclerosis, Macro, autopsy (74008)
Seminoma, testis, HE 60x (74244)
Seminoma, HE 40x (72801)
Seminoma of the testis, Video (74300)
Seminoma, HE 40x (70993)
Pyelonephritis, sepsis, myocardium, HE 40x (72557)
Sertolli cells only
Sertolli cell only testis, HE 40x (71246)
Colon, shock, Macro, autopsy (70170)
Colon, shock, Macro, autopsy (70171)
Colon, shock, Macro, autopsy (70202)
Colon, shock, Macro, autopsy (70203)
Shock lung, HE 40x (72270)
Sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia, kidney, HE 40x (71105)
Silicone granuloma
Silicon granuloma, breast, HE 40x (72898)
Small cell carcinoma
Small cell carcinoma, X-ray (73094)
Small cell carcinoma, X-ray (73095)
Small cell carcinoma, X-ray (73096)
Small cell carcinoma, X-ray (73097)
Small cell carcinoma, X-ray (73098)
Small cell carcinoma, right upper lobe of the lung, Macro, autopsy (71694)
Small cell carcinoma of the lung, HE 40x (10631)
Small cell carcinoma, lung, HE 40x (71393)
Small cell carcinoma, HE 40x (72302)
Spider hemagioma
Spider hemagioma, CLINIC (3341)
Spider hemagioma, CLINIC (3342)
Spina bifida
Spina bifida, iniencephaly, Macro, autopsy (70897)
Sprue, active, lactase inactivity, lactase 5x (70609)
Sprue, active, trehalase inactivity, lactase 5x (70610)
Sprue, active, HE 40x (70608)
Squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (70038)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (70039)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, Macro, autopsy (70037)
Large cell squamous cell carcinoma, lung, CT contrast, axial, X-ray (73446)
Large cell squamous cell carcinoma, lung, meta of the brain, CT contrast, X-ray (73447)
Large cell squamous cell carcinoma, lung, X-ray (73448)
Large cell squamous cell carcinoma, lung, CT contrast, coronal, X-ray (73444)
Large cell squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, enlarged lymphnodes, CT contrast, coronal, X-ray (73445)
Squamous cell carcinoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71687)
Squamous cell carcinoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71688)
Squamous cell carcinoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71689)
Squamous cell carcinoma and peripheral metastasis, lung, Macro, autopsy (71690)
Centrally located squamous cell carcinoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71691)
Centrally located squamous cell carcinoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71692)
Centrally located squamous cell carcinoma, lung, Macro, autopsy (71693)
Squamous cell carcinoma, HE 40x (4067)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, HE 40x (71397)
Squamous cell carcinoma, lung, HE 40x (10371)
Anorectal basaloid squamous cell carcinoma, CLINIC (72174)
Squamous cell carcinoma, cervix uteri, HE 40x (70976)
Liver, steatosis, Macro, autopsy (70441)
Liver, alcoholic steatosis, Macro, autopsy (70457)
Steatosis, liver, HE 40x (10602)
Steatosis, alcohol, HE 40x (10417)
Steatosis of the liver, HE 40x (70705)
Steatosis, hepatitis (alcohol), HE 100x (72789)
Bowel with constriction, Macro, autopsy (70162)
Cathether because of the stricture of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (70325)
Cathether because of the stricture of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (70326)
Cathether because of the stricture of the choledochus, Macro, autopsy (70324)
Subclavial stenosis, MRI angiography, X-ray (71834)
Subclavial stenosis, MRI angiography, detail, X-ray (71835)
Aortic valve calcification, small fenestration, Macro, autopsy (71560)
Aortic valve calcification, Macro, autopsy (71561)
Heavy calcifications of the aortic valve, Macro, autopsy (71562)
Fibrosis of the tricuspid valve, carcinoid syndrome, Macro, autopsy (71552)
Fibrosis of the tricuspid valve, carcinoid syndrome, Macro, autopsy (71551)
Aortic stenosis with calcifications, Macro, autopsy (71550)
Mitral stenosis, Macro, autopsy (71548)
Mitral stenosis, Macro, autopsy (71549)
Cholecystolithiasis, CT, X-ray (70943)
Dystopie of the left kidney, CT axial, X-ray (73540)
Ureterolithiasis of the right kidney, IV urography, X-ray (73537)
Ureterolithiasis of the right kidney, CT coronal, X-ray (73538)
Urocystolithiasis, X-ray (73498)
Gall stones within the bile duct, Macro, autopsy (70314)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70323)
Stone at the ampulla of Vater, Macro, autopsy (70146)
Gall stones, acute cholecystitis, Macro, autopsy (70321)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70322)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70315)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70316)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70317)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70318)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70319)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70320)
Gall stone of the ileum, Macro, autopsy (70327)
Kidney, stone, Macro, autopsy (71071)
Gravel of the renal pelvis, Macro, autopsy (71076)
Kidney stone, Macro, autopsy (71113)
Kidney stone, Macro, autopsy (71114)
Concrement of the pancreatic duct, Macro, autopsy (70294)
Gall stones, Macro, autopsy (70328)
Nephrolithiasis, urocystolithiasis, Macro (73597)
Urocystolithiasis, Macro (73598)
Colloid struma, HE 40x (10634)
Superficial spreading melanoma, SSM
Superficial spreading melanoma, SSM, HE 60x (10829)
Superficial spreading melanoma, vertical growth
Superficial spreading melanoma, vertical growth, HE 60x (6213)
Supernumerary breast gland
Supernumerary breast gland, Macro (3927)
Supernumerary breast gland, Macro (3928)
Syphilis secondary
Secondary syphilis, mucous membrane, Warthin Starry 100x (6)
Secondary syphilis, Warthin Starry 100x (7)
Syphilis secondary, HE 40x (2363)
Syphilis, lues
Gumma of the aorta, elastic fibres defect, Macro, autopsy (71479)
Luetic aortitis, Macro, autopsy (71474)
Luetic aortitis, Macro, autopsy (71475)
Luetic aortitis, aneurysm, Macro, autopsy (71476)
Luetic aortitis causing stenosis of the coronary artery, Macro, autopsy (71477)
Endarteritis obliterans, HE 20x (71478)
Syphilis, CLINIC (686)
Syphilis, X-ray (1055)
Syphilis, CLINIC (1056)
Syphilis, CLINIC (1057)
Syphilis, CLINIC (687)
Syphilis, CLINIC (688)
Syphilis, CLINIC (689)
Syphilis, CLINIC (690)
T reaction, lymphnode
T reaction, lymphnode, HE 40x (72254)
Mature teratoma, ovary, HE 40x (10322)
Teratoma of the ovary, mature, HE 10x (71013)
Teratoma, mature (ovary), HE 40x (70259)
Teratoma of the ovary, mature, HE 40x (71014)
Teratoma of the ovary, mature, HE 40x (71015)
Teratoma of the ovary, mature, HE 40x (71016)
Thin glomerular basement membrane disease
Thin glomerular basement membrane disease, Jones 100x (71189)
Thin glomerular basement membrane disease, Jones 40x (70694)
Liver, deposits of thorotrast, HE 20x (70447)
Thrombosis of the basilar artery, Macro, autopsy (70755)
Venous thrombosis (caused infarction of the brain), Macro, autopsy (70834)
A. carotis, thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71429)
Sinus cavernosus, thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (70882)
Thrombosed coronary artery, serial sections, Macro, autopsy (71430)
Thrombosis of dural sinuses, Macro, autopsy (70893)
Congestion of the liver, thrombosis of liver veins, Macro, autopsy (70384)
Mural thrombus of the abdominal aorta, Macro, autopsy (71432)
Liver, thrombosis of the portal vein, Macro, autopsy (70458)
Liver, thrombosis of the portal vein, Macro, autopsy (70459)
Thrombosis of the periprostatic venous plexus, Macro, autopsy (71149)
Thrombosis of the deep veins, ischemia of the thalamus, MRI, X-ray (70581)
Thrombosis of the deep blood vessels, ischemia of the thalamus, MRI phlebogram, MIP reconstruction, contrast X-ray (70594)
Dekompresive craniotomy, sinus thrombosis, ischemia, fungus cerebri, CT nativ, X-ray (73449)
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, CT nativ, X-ray (73450)
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, MR angio, venous, X-ray (73451)
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, MR angio, venous, reconstruction, X-ray (73452)
Sinus thrombosis, ischemia, MR T1 nativ sagittal, X-ray (73453)
Occlusion of the aorta and iliac arteries, Macro, autopsy (71436)
Femoral vein thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71480)
Femoral vein thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71481)
Femoral vein thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71482)
Mesenteric artery thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71437)
Mesenteric artery thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71438)
Myocardial infarction with parietal thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71525)
Mural thrombus with calcification, Macro, autopsy (71433)
Thrombus, organization, HE 40x (10618)
Marantic (agonal) vegetations, Macro, autopsy (71567)
Vena cava thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71483)
Vena cava thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71485)
Vena cava thrombosis, Macro, autopsy (71484)
Atheroma, thrombosis, HE 40x (12023)
Thymoma B2, AE13 20x (74220)
Thymoma B2, HE 40x (74221)
Thymoma AB, AE13 20x (74130)
Thymoma AB, CD3 60x (74163)
Thymoma AB, HE 60x (74131)
Thymoma B1, AE13 20x (74216)
Thymoma B1, AE13 20x (74215)
Thymoma B1, CD20 20x (74217)
Thymoma B1, CD3 20x (74218)
Thymoma B1, TdT 20x (74219)
Toxoplasmosis, HE 40x (72256)
Toxoplasmosis, HE 100x (72255)
Toxoplasmosis, congenital hydrocephalus, HE 100x (71997)
Toxoplasmosis, meningoencephalitis, HE 100x (71998)
Transplanted kidney, rejected, cut, Macro, autopsy (71154)
Transplanted kidney, rejected, Macro, autopsy (71155)
Transplanted liver, dilatation of the bile ducts, X-ray (70552)
Transplanted kidney, CT, contrast, contrast X-ray (70547)
Hyperacute rejection of the transplanted heart, Macro, autopsy (71609)
Hyperacute rejection of the transplanted heart, Macro, autopsy (71610)
Hyperacute rejection of the transplanted heart, HE 40x (71611)
Hyperacute rejection of the transplanted heart, HE 40x (71612)
Brain, contusion, cortex, Macro, autopsy (70786)
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation, Macro, autopsy (70789)
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation, Macro, autopsy (70790)
Aneurysm, craniotomy, herniation, Macro, autopsy (70791)
Thoracic aorta, dissection, CT sagittal, X-ray (73530)
Axonal injury, MR T2 gradient, X-ray (73531)
Axonal injury, MR T2 axial, X-ray (73532)
Truncus brachiocephalicus eroded by tracheal intubation, Macro, autopsy (71489)
The site, where the pacemaker electrode penetrated the wall of the right ventricle, Macro, autopsy (71583)
Trichomonas vaginalis, PAP 40x (74026)
Trichomonas, urocystitis (cytology), Giemsa 40x (6095)
Tuberculosis, mediastinal lymphnode, HE 40x (74051)
TBC, fibrotic lung, CT native, X-ray (71790)
Calcified lymphnode, TBC, HE 40x (74334)
Widespread tuberculosis, caseification, Macro, autopsy (71647)
Widespread tuberculosis, caseification, Macro, autopsy (71645)
Widespread tuberculosis, caseification, Macro, autopsy (71646)
Lung, miliary tuberculosis, Macro, autopsy (71648)
Lung, miliary tuberculosis, Macro, autopsy (71649)
Active caseous tuberculosis of the lung, Macro, autopsy (71642)
Inactive focus of tuberculosis, calcified, Macro, autopsy (71643)
Inactive focus of tuberculosis, calcified, Macro, autopsy (71644)
Tuberculosis, lymphnode, HE 40x (10620)
Tuberculosis, lympnode, HE 40x (10353)
Miliary tuberculosis of the lung, HE 40x (10869)
Caseous tuberculosis, Macro, autopsy (74097)
Tuberculosis, lung, Macro, autopsy (74110)
Tuberculosis, lung, Macro, autopsy (74111)
Tuberculosis, lung, Macro, autopsy (74112)
Tuberculosis, lung, Macro, autopsy (74113)
Mycobacteriosis, lung, microexcision, HE 100x (72412)
Mycobacteriosis, lung, microexcision, Ziehl Neelsen 100x (72413)
TBC caseous bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (72759)
TBC caseous bronchopneumonia, Ziehl Neelsen 100x (72757)
TBC caseous bronchopneumonia, HE 40x (72758)
Milliary tuberculosis, spleen, HE 20x (73395)
Milliary tuberculosis, lung, HE 20x (73396)
Intramedullar tumor of the cervical medulla with secondary syringomyelia, MRI T1W gadolinium, X-ray (70935)
Intramedullar tumor of the cervical medulla with secondary syringomyelia, MRI T1W, X-ray (70936)
Duodenal obstruction, tumor, X-ray (73006)
Duodenal obstruction, tumor, X-ray (73007)
Cystadenocarcinoma ovarii, serous, HE 40x (74054)
Reninoma, HE 40x (72897)
Renomedullary interstitial cell tumor, HE 40x (73034)
Typhus abdominalis
Liver, granuloma, abdominal typhus, HE 20x (70454)
Typhus exanthematicus
Typhus exanthematicus, brain, HE 100x (71999)
Typhus exanthematicus, brain, HE 100x (72000)
Typhus exanthematicus, brain, HE 40x (72001)
Typhus exanthematicus, brain, HE 40x (72002)
Bowel with ulcer and constriction, Macro, autopsy (70161)
Perforated peptic ulcer, duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70084)
Peptic ulcer, duodenum, active and healed, Macro, autopsy (70085)
Peptic ulcer, duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70086)
Perforated peptic ulcer, duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70087)
Peptic ulcers, duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70088)
Peptic ulcer, duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70090)
Peptic ulcers, duodenum, Macro, autopsy (70089)
Esophageal ulcerations, Macro, autopsy (70042)
Gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers, Macro, autopsy (70051)
Gastric ulcer penetrating into the pancreas, Macro, autopsy (70052)
Acute peptic ulcer, stomach, Macro, autopsy (70053)
Peptic ulceration of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70076)
Peptic ulceration of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70077)
Peptic ulceration of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70078)
Peptic ulceration of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70075)
Postmortal perforation of the gastric wall (pseudoulcer), Macro, autopsy (70081)
Steroid ulcers of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70082)
Acute ulcers of the stomach, Macro, autopsy (70083)
Ulcers of the ileum, thromboses in patient with leukemia, Macro, autopsy (70142)
Duodenal ulceration, perforated, sutured, Video (73418)
Peritonitis after perforated peptic ulcer, Video (73419)
Peptic ulcer of the stomach, HE 20x (72353)
Chronic peptic ulceration, CLINIC (72200)
Chronic peptic ulceration, CLINIC (72201)
Chronic ulceration during imunosupression, CLINIC (72198)
Esophageal ulcer, CLINIC (72560)
Esophageal ulcer, CLINIC (72561)
Esophageal ulcer, CLINIC (72562)
Esophageal ulcer, CLINIC (72563)
Peptic ulceration covered by coagulum, CLINIC (72215)
Peptic ulceration covered by coagulum, CLINIC (72216)
Ulceration of the bulbus duodeni, CLINIC (72223)
Ulceration of the bulbus duodeni, CLINIC (72224)
Chronic gastritis, HP+++, CLINIC (72225)
Chronic gastritis, HP+++, CLINIC (72226)
Colon, uraemia, Macro, autopsy (70172)
Urocystitis, acute, Macro, autopsy (71038)
Esophageal varices, Macro, autopsy (70040)
Esophageal varices, Macro, autopsy (70041)
Blood within the ileum and colon (esophageal varices), Macro, autopsy (70237)
Esophageal varices, Macro, autopsy (70094)
Esophageal varices, Macro, autopsy (70095)
Esophageal varices, Macro, autopsy (70096)
Esophageal varices, Macro, autopsy (70097)
Esophageal varices, HE 20x (72329)
Small bowel varix of the serosa, Macro, autopsy (71490)
Stasis, lungs, HE 40x (10613)
Venostatic liver, HE 40x (10617)
Purulent ventriculitis, 4th ventricle, Macro, autopsy (70880)
Ventriculitis, brain, Macro, autopsy (70807)
Verruca seborrhoica
Verruca seborrhoica, seborrhoic keratosis, HE 60x (10722)
Verruca vulgaris
Verruca vulgaris, HE 40x (10930)
Warthin's tumour
Warthin's tumour, HE 40x (74457)
Wegener granulomatosis
Wegener's granulomatosis, kidney, silver impregnation 40x (71191)
Wegener's granulomatosis, kidney, necrotizing arteritis affecting a. arcuata, Goldner 20x (71192)
Wegener's granulomatosis, glomerulus, HE 40x (71193)
Wegener's granulomatosis, glomerulus, Goldner 40x (71194)
Willm's tumor
Willm's tumor of the kidney, Macro, autopsy (71180)
Willms tumor, HE 40x (10952)
Nephroblastoma (Willms), HE 40x (10436)
Nephroblastoma (Willms), HE 40x (10435)
Nephroblastoma (Wilms), HE 60x (74260)
Wilson's disease
Wilson's disease, Gömöry 20x (70632)
Wilson's disease, HE 40x (70643)
Wilson's disease, blue trichrome 40x (70644)

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