Atlas of Neonatal Pathology
Marta Ježová, Josef Feit
+ Introduction
+ Using this atlas
+ Conditions of using this atlas
+ Technical notes
+ Hardware
+ Software
+ How to use the atlas
+ Navigating through the text pages
+ Controlling the pictures
+ Logos and labels
+ What will you need to use the atlas
+ Bugs, problems
+ Netscape
+ Microsoft Internet Explorer
+ Some other Internet resources concerning dermatopathology and pathology
+ Support
+ Support
+ Neonatal pathology
+ Basic terms and classification of newborn infants
+ The Apgar score
+ Classification of newborn infants by weight and gestation
+ Pathology of gestation length
+ Prematurity
+ Postmaturity (Clifford syndrome)
+ Growth and developement
+ Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), small for gestational age infant (SGA)
+ Large for gestational age infant (LGA)
+ Physical maturity
+ Pathology of prematurity
+ Gross appearance of premature infant
+ Difficulties in maintaining homeostasis
+ Thermoregulation
+ Hypoglycemia
+ Hyperbilirubinemia
+ Fluids and electrolytes
+ Apnea of prematurity
+ Anemia of prematurity
+ Hyaline membrane disease (HMD)
+ Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
+ Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)
+ Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)
+ Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
+ Iatrogenic diseases and damage
+ Respiratory system
+ Injuries caused by endotracheal intubation
+ Pulmonary air leak
+ Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
+ Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
+ Cardiovascular system
+ Total parenteral nutrition associated hepatic damage
+ Infections
+ Viability, survivability and long term sequelae of prematurity
+ Viability
+ Survivability in prematurity
+ Severe long term sequelae in babies born prematurely
+ Birth asphyxia
+ Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
+ Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS)
+ Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (persistent fetal circulation)
+ Birth trauma
+ Extracranial lesions
+ Soft tissus injuries
+ Intraabdominal injuries
+ Peripheral and cranial nerve injuries
+ Bone injuries
+ Cranial trauma
+ Perinatal infection
+ Intrauterine infections (TORCH group)
+ Sepsis neonatorum
+ Blenorrhea neonatorum
+ HIV infection
+ Stillbirth and perinatal mortality
+ Stillbirth
+ Perinatal mortality
+ Neonatal pathology nonrelated to prematurity, birth asphyxia or infection
+ Congenital anomalies in liveborn infants
+ Kernicterus
+ Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
+ Spontenous gastric perforation in a neonate
Birth trauma

Birth trauma includes all physical injuries sustained by the fetus as a consequence of the birth process.

Most birth traumas are self-limited and have a favourable outcome. The prevalence of injuries in descending order is: clavicular fracture, facial nerve injury, brachial plexus injury, intracranial injury, bruising and skin lacerations.

Death from birth trauma is most likely when the brain and/or spinal cord are damaged. Such an injury is really infrequent nowadays with wide use of cesarean section.

Birth trauma is closely related to birth asphyxia because many of the conditions which predispose to birth asphyxia also directly increase the risk of trauma during delivery. Trauma also causes shock with anoxic- ischemic damage to the fetal tissues. Separating of effects of birth asphyxia from those of birth trauma is often impossible.


Factors predisposing to birth injury:

  • asphyxia
  • instrumental delivery (forceps, vaccum extraction)
  • vaginal breech delivery
  • macrosomia (LGA infants)
  • fetopelvic disproportion
  • prolonged or rapid delivery
  • fetal anomalies