NEC is more prevalent in premature infants but can be also observed in near-term or term infants. In preterm infants the incidence is inversely related to gestational age.
The etiology is controversial, several factors have been suggested as being important:
NEC in premature infants
The average age of onset in preterm babies is he second ane third week of life. NEC is associated with enteral feeding, but not with birth asphyxia. Higher incidence of NEC is reported in patent ductus arteriosus.
NEC in term infants
Term infants develop NEC soon after birth in babies who have not been fed yet. The likely initiating event is an ischemic insult to the gut often following birth asphyxia.
Treatment: antibiotics, nothing per os, surgery (resectin of the affected portion of the bowel, ileostomy)
Premature infant with birth weight 450 g. Preterm elective delivery at 25 week's
gestation because of eclampsia in the mother. The infant died 6 weeks later from
necrotizing enterocolitis with shock. Patent ductus arteriosus was one of the risk
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73845)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73846)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73847)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73848)
Necrotizing enterocolitis in slightly premature neonate with
severe birth asphyxia (pH a. umbilicalis 6.7). Elective delivery
because of eclampsia in the mother at 33 weeks, birth weight
1600 g. NEC affecting a short segment of terminal ileum with
perforation occured as early as the third day of life.
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73853)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73854)
Necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infant born at
31 w.g. with birth weight 1380 g, twin A. NEC was the cause
of death at the age of 7 days.
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73842)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73843)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73844)
Necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infant born at 31 weeks
with birth weight 1490 g, (twins). Necrotizing encterocolitis
developed at the age of 3 weeks. Detail of the intestine:
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73849)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73850)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73852)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73851)
Necrotizing enterocolitis with perforation and peritonitis in premature infant
born at 25 week's gestation. NEC developed at the age of 3 weeks.
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73855)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (73856)
Necrotizing enterocolitis:
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (74405)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (74406)
Necrotizing enterocolitis, Macro, autopsy (74407)
Hemorhagic necrosis of the mucosal layer which may extend to transmural necrosis. Inflammatory reaction is present only in slowly developing NEC.