Atlas of dermatopathology
Josef Feit, Hana Jedličková, Günter Burg, Luděk Matyska, Spasoje Radovanovic et al.

List of images of each author sorted by diagnosis

Jitka Hausnerova MD

Angiosarcoma, AE13 40x (12857)
Angiosarcoma, CD31 40x (12858)
Angiosarcoma, CD34 40x (12859)
Angiosarcoma, Factor VIII 40x (12860)
Angiosarcoma, HE 60x (12862)
Angiosarcoma, Melan A 40x (12861)
DG, HE 40x (75928)
Epulis gigantocellularis, HE 40x (10854)
Epulis gigantocellularis, HE 40x (75925)
Mamilla accessoria, HE 40x (12468)
Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, CD31 40x (10448)
Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, CD34 40x (10449)
Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, HE 60x (10074)
Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, HMB45 40x (10451)
Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, Ki67 40x (10452)
Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, S100 40x (10453)
Metastasis of clear cell renal carcinoma to the skin, vimentin 40x (10454)
Renal cell carcinoma of Grawitz, AE13 40x (10450)
Rheumatoid nodule, HE 40x (10872)
Squamous cell carcinoma, oral cavity, HE 40x (75924)
Wegener granulomatosis, granulomatous form, HE 40x (13307)
Wegener granulomatosis, granulomatous form, HE 40x (13308)
Wegener granulomatosis, granulomatous form, HE 40x (13309)